The European Parliament ignores scientific evidence connecting alcohol and cancer

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IOGT-NTO's hope for a continued, evidence-based, focus on public health came to an abrupt halt in the ENVI-committee of the European Parliament on the 7th of November. In the vote on the report on Noncommunicable Diseases, a majority of delegates chose to disregard the scientific evidence on the carcinogenic effects of alcohol.  

Following the global pandemic, which unified public policy, public health agencies and scientific research across the union, IOGT-NTO had high hopes as the ENVI committee was to vote on the European Parliament Report on Non-Communicable Diseases (“the NCD-report") on the 7th of November.   
This especially as the evidence regarding alcohol use and cancer – a significant non-communicative disease - is consistent and significant. Indeed, just the day before the vote in the ENVI-committee, WHO/Europe and the International Agency for the Research on Cancer (IARC) released a joint statement targeting the parliamentary representatives, which stated that: 

“Overall, alcohol causes a substantial burden of cancer. Almost a quarter of all cancers caused by drinking alcohol worldwide were in Europe [...] There is also clear evidence of an increased risk of cancer from light or moderate alcohol drinking.” (WHO/Europe/IARC 2023). The statement also recommended that the harmfulness of all alcohol use should be recognised, and that warnings should be introduced on alcohol. 

Despite this, a majority of delegates in the ENVI-commitment chose to disregard the recommendations during the vote on the NCD-report. Instead, wordings like “the harmful use of alcohol” was included in the report, and the passage regarding health warnings on alcohol was omitted altogether.  

- IOGT-NTO notices that the ENVI Committee is more inclined to listen to the alcohol industry than to the scientific field and high-level public health agencies. This is disheartening in a period which has, until now, been framed by public health objectives and scientific principles. IOGT-NTO is concerned about this development, and urges Sweden’s parliamentary representatives to explain their positioning, says Irma Kilim, Director of Advocacy at IOGT-NTO.  
- During the plenary vote on the NCD report in December, the MEPs will again have the opportunity to cast fact-based votes. It will then be easy to distinguish who has looked into the science – it will be the MEPs who prioritize public health before the short-term interests of the alcohol industry, says Rebecka Öberg, European Policy Officer at IOGT-NTO.

Contact Information

Rebecka Öberg
European Policy Officer
+46 760 237 900

IOGT-NTO works to increase individual freedom and contribute to a safer society where no one is harmed by alcohol and/or other drugs. IOGT-NTO is a religiously and politically independent organization whose activities rest on a sober foundation and aim to strengthen democracy and solidarity. 

