Nomination Committee appointed in Irisity AB (publ).

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In accordance with the principles for the appointment of the nomination committee of Irisity resolved by the 2022 annual general meeting, the nomination committee ahead of the 2023 annual general meeting will consist of the following members:


Ulf Runmarker, Chair of the Nomination Committee, appointed by Westergyllen AB


Håkan Krook, appointed by Chalmers Innovation Seed Fund AB


Christian Andersson, appointed by Hans Andersson Holding AB


The shareholders who have appointed members to the nomination committee together represent approximately 21 percent of the number of votes for all shares in Irisity AB (publ).





For further information:

Lennart Svantesson, Irisity Chairman of the Board

Phone: +46 73-311 00 11





About Irisity

Irisity AB (publ) is a world-leader in AI-powered video analytics solutions for enhanced safety and security. As of October 13, 2021, Agent Vi is part of Irisity. Founded in 2006, Irisity has offices in Sweden (HQ), Israel, North and South America, UAE, Denmark, Japan and Singapore. The combined company is serving a network of integrators, distributors, and technology partners globally.

The Irisity AB (publ) share is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market, with the ticker IRIS, Certified Adviser: Erik Penser Bank AB +46 8 463 83 00