New tourism attaché at the Israel Government Tourist Office - Nordics

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Director Uri Taub has now completed his duties and welcomes Ms. Nira Fisher as the new tourism attaché and Director of Israel Government Tourist Office for the Nordic countries.

On 30th of July, 2015 Uri Taub will hand over the position of tourism attaché to Nira Fisher. Uri will be moving back to Jerusalem and continue working for the Ministry of Tourism in Israel.

“It has been an amazing time, with many challenges throughout these 4 years. I have made many friends, and was delighted to see the positive attitude towards developing and promoting to Israel, which is an amazing country. Thank you for your support, and see you in Jerusalem on your next visit.”

Nira will now continue to develop incoming tourism from the Nordic countries to Israel. Nira has a Master degree in Tourism & Hotel Management from the Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva. She began her career in the hotel industry where she worked for 12 years in the main hotel chains in Israel, on different positions including reception, reservation, sales and room division management.

Nira joined the Israel Ministry of Tourism in Jerusalem in 2011. Since then she has been part of the marketing department at the Ministry of Tourism in Israel where she mainly dealt with the Asian market, UK, Italy and Germany. She is also regarded as an expert in bird watching and biking tourism in Israel.

“I see our office as a team that will work together to give service to the local tourism industry that is looking for new attractive and interesting destinations for their clients.”, says Nira. “I hope to introduce the different sides Israel has and to attract more players to the Israeli tourism scene.

I am hoping that my knowledge and experience in the different aspects of tourism in Israel will add a new and fresh approach of how to experience our amazing country”.

For Denmark: Statistics of tourist arrivals to Israel show a positive trend in recent years. Last year the number of tourists from Denmark increased significantly, by 17,8%, from 19.190 in 2013 to 22.602 tourists in 2014. 

For Sweden: Statistics of tourist arrivals to Israel show a positive trend in recent years. Last year the number of tourists from Sweden increased by 2,3%, from 24.495 in 2013 to 25.066 tourists in 2014.  

Med vänlig hälsning,

Elena Negut
PR Manager
Israel Government Tourist Office 
tel 46-(0)8-21 33 86
mobil 46-(0)72 311 33 86

Israeliska Statens Turistbyrå har som uppgift att marknadsföra Israel som destination i Norden och Baltikum samt att förmedla turistinformation till allmänheten i dessa länder. Israeliska Statens Turistbyrå  arbetar direkt under turistministeriet i Israel. Sammanlagt finns 18 turistbyråer runt om i världen som arbetar med att främja turismen till Israel.

Upplev det unika Israel – Besök Tel Aviv, Party- och Beachstaden vid Medelhavet som aldrig sover – Strosa runt i fascinerade Jerusalem med sina tre världsreligioner – Flyt på hälsosamma Döda havet – Simma med delfiner och snorkla i Röda havets korallrev vid Eilat – Gå i Jesus fotspår i Heliga landet – Vandra i Galiléen med sin häpnadsväckande natur.

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