Itiviti Group Holding AB (publ) calls for early redemption of notes with ISIN SE0004872851
Itiviti Group Holding AB (publ) (previously Cidron Delfi Intressenter AB (publ)) has today given notice of exercise of its option for early redemption of all outstanding notes with ISIN SE0004872851 (the "Notes") to all noteholders as of 20 February 2017.The date on which the redemption will occur will be 27 March 2017. The Notes will be redeemed at an amount equal to the sum of:a) 100 per cent. of the nominal amount (i.e. EUR 100,000 per Note);b) 25 per cent. of the interest rate; andc) accrued but unpaid interest.The redemption amount amounts to EUR 63,499,167 in aggregate and