New from Ilex Press – One Million Mandalas – for you to create, print and colour

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Mandala is Sanskrit for “circle” or “completion.” It can also mean “sacred center” or “essence container.” Closely associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, mandalas are one of the most popular aids to meditation, with people worldwide finding enlightenment through the simple task of bringing a sparse outline to colourful life.

One Million Mandalas offers readers a lifetime of beautiful designs to print out and colour. With the unique, custom-made software on the accompanying CD, it takes only a few clicks to create your own mandala design, with a million possible permutations encompassing graphic, figurative and traditional designs that show off Madonna Gauding’s deep knowledge of mandala art.

The act of coloring the circular mandala, whether you draw it yourself or not, helps you bypass your conscious mind (your left brain), and access your intuition (your right brain). If you need to solve a problem or find out what you really think of a person or situation, coloring a mandala can help you sort it out. If you want to explore your psyche on a deeper lever, coloring a mandala can help you access your hopes and fears, and your hidden thoughts and feelings. You’ll find working with the mandalas in this book to be a beneficial stress reliever.

  • For readers who want to enhance their work with mandalas, the book includes several mandala medita- tions

  • The easy-to-use software is compatible with both PC and Mac computers

    Madonna Gauding is a mandala expert, author, designer and illustrator. She has written widely on meditation, Buddhism, and healing, including the bestselling World Mandalas: 100 New Designs for Colouring and Meditation

Emily Owen

Press and Publicity Officer

Ivy Press

Ilex Press

210 High Street


East Sussex


01273 487 440


