The Swedish Association of Midwives lets vindicator of the right to gender selective abortion be principal speaker.

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- The Executive Committee of the Swedish Association of Midwives choose not to stand on the side of life by focusing on Tännsjö’s extreme opinions on discriminating fetal diagnostics and abortion based on ”wrong gender”. Midwives should of course protect both woman and child, and not as the Swedish Association of Midwives now elects to do, convey an extreme concept of Man, in which abortions of girls are viewed as ethically justifiable. Those women who are hard pressed by their partners to abort their unborn girls instead need all the support they can get from Sweden’s midwives.

Sweden’s foremost promoter of the right to selective abortion based on gender and functional disorder is the Philosophy Professor Torbjörn Tännsjö. In October 2009 Professor Tännsjö declared his support for the right to abortion for a number of reasons, like the unborn child’s dyslexia and color-blindness. In spite of his radical attitude, Professor Tännsjö is one of two main speakers at a national conference held by the Swedish Association of Midwives on 9th – 11th November 2009. ”As the principal speaker he will talk on gender indicated abortion”, the Swedish Association of Midwives announces on its website. Torbjörn Tännsjö has, on several occasions, indicated his support for sex selection abortions. The Chairwoman of the Swedish pro-life organization Ja till Livet, the nurse Gunilla Gomér, is very critical of the Swedish Association of Midwives’ choice of principal speaker for the conference: - The Executive Committee of the Swedish Association of Midwives choose not to stand on the side of life by focusing on Tännsjö’s extreme opinions on discriminating fetal diagnostics and abortion based on ”wrong gender”. Midwives should of course protect both woman and child, and not as the Swedish Association of Midwives now elects to do, convey an extreme concept of Man, in which abortions of girls are viewed as ethically justifiable. Those women who are hard pressed by their partners to abort their unborn girls instead need all the support they can get from Sweden’s midwives. Polemical article in favor of för girl abortions by Tännsjö: Information about the conference) These pages can be tolerably translated to various languages via Google Translate:
