JC´s August consumer sales
JC reports total consumer sales for August 2005 of SEK 221.0 million (215.0)* in company stores and franchise stores – up 3 per cent. In Sweden, sales were at the same level (±0) as the previous year. * Excluding the wound-up German operations.
JC’S CONSUMER SALES JC´s consumer sales comprise sales in both company stores and franchise stores and include all three concepts: JC age 6–25, Brothers and Sisters. Information on consumer sales is supplied monthly. The Swedish market accounted for about 79 per cent of total sales in 2004. JC GROUP REVENUES The JC Group’s revenues consist of consumer sales in company stores, wholesale sales to franchisees and franchise charges. Information on revenues is supplied quarterly. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Thommy Nilsson, CEO, Tel: +46 709 17 23 75