Interim report Jetpak Top Holding AB 1/1 2017 - 30/6 2017
Jetpak Top Holding AB publishes the interim report for the period 1/1 2017 - 30/6 2017
Comments from the CEO, Kenneth Marx;
During the second quarter, Jetpak has seen a continued rise in price pressure and competition, which also characterized the beginning of the year. This is especially related to the company's Logistics segment, where Jetpak is challenged by other market participants. The company's Express segment has had a satisfactory development of market share and has managed to maintain its margins at a satisfactory level.
During the second quarter, the planned marketing activities in the Express segment have been intensified, which has helped further in strengthening the market position and sales in this segment compared to the previous quarter.
In addition, during the second quarter, several strategic projects have been implemented in our commercial and operational functions with the aim of contributing positively to our margins and revenue growth, as well as balancing the product mix and renegotiation of supplier agreements.
After the ending the quarter, the company has made a smaller acquisition of Varuslussen Sverige AB, as part of strengthening its presence in the region of Mälardalen.