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  • JM sells newly developed property in Brussels and properties in the Greater Stockholm area for MSEK 225 with a capital g

JM sells newly developed property in Brussels and properties in the Greater Stockholm area for MSEK 225 with a capital g

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JM sells newly developed property in Brussels and properties in the Greater Stockholm area for MSEK 225 with a capital gain of MSEK 47 JM is selling a commercial property at Avenue des Arts 53 in central Brussels to the German mutual fund Oppenheim. The selling price amounts to approximately MSEK 145 and provides JM with a capital gain of approximately MSEK 20. The property was acquired for development in 1999 and this sale represents a total return from this project well in excess of 20 per cent. Four small commercial and residential properties in the Greater Stockholm area and in Norrtälje, Sweden, are also being sold. The selling price for these properties amounts to approximately MSEK 80 which provides JM with a capital gain of SEK 27. This sale is in line with the divestment policy for JM's fully developed property portfolio. The sale of fully developed properties is part of JM's role as a project developer. The proceeds from these property sales are reinvested in new development projects. So far this year, JM has sold properties for approximately SEK 2.1 billion with a capital gain of MSEK 510. For additional information, contact Sten Hamberg, tel: +46 8 782 88 52 and Ragnar Hedin, tel: +46 08 782 88 11 (Brussels property). Stockholm, 26 September 2000 JM AB Group Staff Communications This and earlier press releases are also available at www.jm.se ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/08/18/20030818BIT00230/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/08/18/20030818BIT00230/wkr0002.pdf
