Year-end report for 2003

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JM Group Year-end report 2003 More stable market and broader range of homes · Net sales totalled SEK 7,787m (8,872) and profit for the year after tax amounted to SEK 187m (253) · Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 267m (368) · Property sales of SEK 2,219m (3,015) provided capital gains of SEK 411m (523) · The number of residential units sold during 2003 rose sharply by 27% to 3,189 (2,511) · Return on equity amounted to 6% (7). Earnings per share amounted to SEK 7 (9) · The improved housing market in the fourth quarter and better product adjustment increased sales of residential units · Cash flow improved during the fourth quarter and the interest- bearing net debt decreased by SEK 1.4 billion to SEK 2.6 billion. · New control and project oversight routines were introduced as well as a focus on efficiency · The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 5 per share (10) For additional information, please contact: Johan Skoglund, President and CEO +46 8 782 89 39 Claes Magnus Åkesson, CFO +46 8 782 89 71 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: The full report The full report
