Conversion of warrants

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Andrej Setina, previously President/CEO of Josab International AB, has converted his remaining warrants to shares.

Former President/CEO, Andrej Setina, has since 2013-06-11 a warrant program which expires 2016-06-11. Andrej S has converted the remaining 2,371,000 warrants to shares. SEK 1,470,020.- has thereby been transfered to JOSAB, whereof SEK 237,100.- as share capital. Total number of shares is thereafter 56,844,427.

Andrej Setina remains after this transaction, including related parties, as the second largest owner of JOSAB with 8,200,000 shares (approximately 14%) and 0 warrants.

Stockholm 10th of June 2016

For more information, please contact: 

Johan Gillgren                                                               
Josab International AB         
+46 (0)8 121 389 00                                                                                                                                                            

About Josab International AB
Josab International AB manufactures and sells ecological water treatment solutions based on, by the company patented, unique filter material Aqualite™. Josab International AB has today five fully owned daughter companies,
Josab Hungary Kft, Josab East Africa Ltd, Josab India Pvt Ltd, Josab China Ecological Water Treatment Systems Co Ltd

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