Newsletter – CEO Update – August 2016 – Josab International AB

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In my last newsletter I promised to publish a Newsletter during August, but due to the quarterly report end of August we were forced to postpone my CEO Update. I will, with regular intervals, share information and news regarding ongoing projects and activities within the JOSAB Group. In this Newsletter I will mainly focus on ongoing investments, projects and activities within the company.

However, I would like to be clear that no information can or will be given in newsletters or press releases of an order or acquisition until they have been signed.

Ongoing projects

As previously informed, JOSAB and its representative for the major parts of Africa, SAFAB, have two demo units up and running in Ethiopia. These have been demonstrated for authorities and companies at different sites with satisfactory result. These units will be moved to new areas in Ethiopia to be demonstrated for potential customers, government as well as private companies. During SIWI’s (Stockholm International Water Institute) ”World Water Week” we have had meetings at the headoffice in Sweden with representives from the Ethiopia Government responsible for water.

The order to Kadirur, Kerala, India, that we previously informed should be commissioned in June/July, is in operation and delivers clean potable water to citizens of Kadirur.

Generally, we experience that the time from demonstration until decision to purchase is very long, mainly due to the administrative process within authorities. Thanks to positive tests, demonstrations and meetings we expect a favourable development for these markets.

Ongoing activitites and investments

In previous Newsletter I have mentioned strong focus regarding sales execution as well as the establishment of JOSAB’s subsidiaries as the most important activities:

  •  Our subsidiaries continue, with the support of the Swedish parent company, their consolidation towards strong and independent units, which is of high importance to be able to act as a trustworthy player on the local market.
  •  Simultaneously, the cooperation between the subsidiaries are strengthened. Primarily this is valid for solutions and products for different application areas, product development, production support and not least sharing of best practice within the Group.
  •  A priority area for JOSAB is to find additional representatives on growth markets and we have therefor initiated dialogues with a number of interesting parties.
  •  During the last quarter we have experienced an increased interest for JOSAB’s solutions in the area of South East Asia. We hope to revert with additional information as soon as we have anything substantial to share.

Closing remarks:

I will return with my next Newsletter during September/October when I will give you further update of the progress of ongoing investments, projects and activities within the company.

Stockholm 6th of September 2016

For more information, please contact:

Johan Gillgren                                                               
Josab International AB         
+46 (0)8 121 389 00                                                                                                                                                                

About Josab International AB
Josab International AB manufactures and sells ecological water treatment solutions based on, by the company patented, unique filter material Aqualite™. Josab International AB has today four fully owned subsidiaries,
Josab Hungary Kft, Josab India Pvt Ltd, Josab China Ecological Water Treatment Systems Co Ltd and JOSINT Financial Services AB.

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