Kesko Oyj - Managers' Transactions (Kiiskinen)

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Kesko Oyj - Managers' Transactions
Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Esa Kiiskinen
Position: Member of the Board/Deputy member
Issuer: Kesko Oyj
Reference number: 41890/11/16
Transaction date: 2023-10-26
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009007900
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 12 Unit price: 15.78 EUR
(2): Volume: 2 Unit price: 15.78 EUR
(3): Volume: 15 Unit price: 15.78 EUR
(4): Volume: 25 Unit price: 15.76 EUR
(5): Volume: 52 Unit price: 15.78 EUR
(6): Volume: 52 Unit price: 15.52 EUR
Aggregated transactions (6):
Volume: 158 Volume weighted average price: 15.69127 EUR
Transaction date: 2023-10-26
Venue: BEUP
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009007900
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 20 Unit price: 15.76 EUR
(2): Volume: 9 Unit price: 15.76 EUR
(3): Volume: 72 Unit price: 15.74 EUR
(4): Volume: 962 Unit price: 15.54 EUR
Aggregated transactions (4):
Volume: 1063 Volume weighted average price: 15.55955 EUR
Transaction date: 2023-10-26
Venue: MHEL
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009007900
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 62 Unit price: 15.78 EUR
(2): Volume: 1831 Unit price: 15.54 EUR
Aggregated transactions (2):
Volume: 1893 Volume weighted average price: 15.54786 EUR
Transaction date: 2023-10-26
Venue: SGMV
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009007900
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 436 Unit price: 15.54 EUR
Aggregated transactions (1):
Volume: 436 Volume weighted average price: 15.54 EUR
Transaction date: 2023-10-26
Venue: AQED
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009000202
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 300 Unit price: 15.0975 EUR
Aggregated transactions (1):
Volume: 300 Volume weighted average price: 15.0975 EUR
Transaction date: 2023-10-26
Venue: BEUP
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009000202
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 120 Unit price: 15.11 EUR
(2): Volume: 300 Unit price: 15.1 EUR
Aggregated transactions (2):
Volume: 420 Volume weighted average price: 15.10286 EUR
Transaction date: 2023-10-26
Venue: GSSI
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009000202
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 42 Unit price: 15.1075 EUR
(2): Volume: 14 Unit price: 15.1075 EUR
Aggregated transactions (2):
Volume: 56 Volume weighted average price: 15.1075 EUR
Transaction date: 2023-10-26
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009000202
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 54 Unit price: 15.1 EUR
(2): Volume: 154 Unit price: 15.1 EUR
(3): Volume: 60 Unit price: 15.1 EUR
(4): Volume: 341 Unit price: 15.1 EUR
Aggregated transactions (4):
Volume: 609 Volume weighted average price: 15.1 EUR

