Kährs at Southern Sweden Design Days 23-26 May

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Welcome to a sustainable journey in pastel with Kährs at Southern Sweden Design Days! Kährs is an official partner at the international design festival in Malmö, which this year has the theme "Care".

Kährs is represented through an exhibition in the main venue for the event, Lokstallarna, and is also part of the program through a seminar where Sustainability Manager Therése Gerdman and Design Manager Petra Lundblad talk on the theme design, sustainability, circularity with the title "A sustainable journey in pastel - how we work with circularity ".

Day and time for Kährs' seminar: May 24 at 13.30-14.00

With our PVC-free resilient floors in focus, we want visitors to learn more about and be inspired by how we at Kährs work with conscious and circular design, how we integrate sustainability into every step of our design and production process to create floors that are beautiful, functional and environmentally better.

We describe how we, with a combination of measures - reuse and recycling by recirculating plastic materials, through innovation in both products and manufacturing methods and through the use of renewable energy as a few examples - work to reduce our impact on the planet.

Date: 23–26 May 2024
Location: Södra Bulltoftavägen 51, Malmö.

Find out more about Kährs at kahrs.com.

About Southern Sweden Design Days

In Malmö 23–26 May 2024, the fourth edition of Southern Sweden Design Days will take place – an international design festival in Malmö. Southern Sweden Design Days invites visitors from all over the world to experience the best the creative southern Swedish design region has to offer.

Southern Sweden Design Days 2021 was the start of a new annual event that highlights and builds knowledge about design – focusing on sustainability, collaboration, development and innovation. For four days, a platform is created showcasing a full range of design disciplines through seminars, workshops, exhibitions and networking events. Southern Sweden Design Days is organised by Form/Design Center – the main venue for architecture, design and crafts in southern Sweden. Read more: Malmö's international design festival | Southern Sweden Design Days

Open to all
Southern Sweden Design Days is aimed at a design-interested public as well as professional visitors.

Theme 2024: CARE
Each year a new theme is presented to inspire, promote creativity and new ideas for an exciting program. The theme for Southern Sweden Design Days 2024 is CARE.

To CARE is to look after and provide for the needs of others. From intimate, personal subjects to large-scale contexts, this years’ theme may cover a wide spectrum of topics.

This theme is also a call to CARE! – to give a damn, to raise your voices, to act. To address climate change, we have to vastly raise our ambition at all levels. Understanding and empathizing with the humans and non-humans of our planet is crucial.


For more information, please contact:
Petra Lundblad, Design Manager, Kährs Group
Tel.+46 73 091 38 18, petra.lundblad@kahrs.com

Therése Gerdman, Global Sustainability Manager, Kährs Group
Tel: +46 73 024 23 26, therese.gerdman@kahrs.com


