First day of trading in Kambi on First North Stockholm and number of shares in Kambi

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Kambi Group plc announces that its admission to NASDAQ OMX First North Stockholm is expected to become effective and trading of the shares is expected to start at 09.00 am (CET) on Monday 2 June 2014. The Kambi share will trade under the ticker “KAMBI” with ISIN MT0000780107. The total number of shares in the company is 29 741 197 class B ordinary shares.

As described in the company description dated 28 April 2014, Kambi has resolved on a new issue of shares prior to the listing on First North. Unibet Group plc subscribed and paid for  9 220 648 new class B ordinary shares in Kambi in the new share issue. All Kambi shares held by Unibet have been distributed to holders of shares and SDRs in Unibet in accordance with the dividend resolution passed by the annual general meeting of Unibet on 20 May 2014. Kambi management and key individuals subscribed and paid for 546 049 new class B ordinary shares in Kambi in the new share issue.[1] The total issued share capital of Kambi following the new share issue consists of 29 741 197 class B ordinary shares, each with a nominal value of EUR 0.003.[2] No class A ordinary shares have been issued in Kambi.

Kristian Nylén, CEO of Kambi Group plc commented:

“I am very excited and positive about the future prospects for Kambi as a stand-alone business. This means that we can now drive to broaden our client base further. National re-regulation and a continued trend of outsourcing are creating new opportunities. Kambi is well positioned to benefit from market growth through both existing and new clients with our innovative, scalable and cost efficient sportsbook solution.

We have a very strong management team with a long and proven track record of building a state-of-the-art product with a high quality end user experience and our employees have a passion for this business. We welcome all our new shareholders and look forward to continuing to develop Kambi as a listed company”.

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This press release does not constitute an offer of, or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for, any securities in any jurisdiction and is not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the US, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Japan, Hong Kong or any jurisdiction in which the release, publication or distribution of this press release would be unlawful or subject to restrictions by law. Each person ought to consider information provided in the company description referred to above before investing in Kambi. The company description has been drawn up with respect to the listing of the company's shares on NASDAQ OMX First North Stockholm. Neither the company description, nor any prospectus has been or will be registered with the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Sw. Finansinspektionen) or any other authority in Sweden or elsewhere as a result of the listing. The shares in Kambi have not been registered, and are not intended to be registered, under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any other foreign equivalent.

About Kambi

Kambi is a B2B supplier of fully managed sports betting services on an in-house developed software platform, providing premium turnkey sports betting solutions to B2C operators. Kambi’s solution encompasses a broad offering from front-end through to odds compiling and risk management. Kambi employs approximately 330 staff across offices in Malta, London, Stockholm, and Manila. The company’s current coverage includes more than 100,000 live betting events and 200,000 pre-match events per year covering 65 different sports from all over the world. Kambi Group plc is listed on NASDAQ OMX First North Stockholm under the symbol "KAMBI".

Kambi’s Certified Adviser on NASDAQ OMX First North Stockholm is SEB Corporate Finance, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB.

For more information, please contact: Kristian Nylén, CEO Kambi, +44 7764 161 055

The company description and more information about the business can be found on:

[1] The new shares subscribed and paid for by management and key individuals are currently being registered in Malta.

[2] The nominal value per share was changed from EUR 0.001 to EUR 0.003 in connection with the conversion of Kambi to a public company (plc).

Kristian Nylén, Chief Executive Officer 44 7764 161 055


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