The January–September period and the third quarter 2013 in brief · Net sales amounted to MSEK 37.4 (24.6), whereof the third quarter amounted to MSEK 21.2 (8.1) · Net loss for the group was reduced to MSEK 18.7 (89.3), with a profit for the third quarter of MSEK 6.5 (-12.6) · Loss per share was SEK 0.04 (0.23), with a third quarter earnings per share of SEK 0.01 (-0.03) · Cash flow from operating activities was MSEK -25.5 (-107.7), whereof the third quarter MSEK -1.4 (-25.1) · Cash and cash equivalents and other short-term investments totaledMSEK 32.1 (50.0) at the end of