Over 600 patients examined with a new type of MRI scanner at Karolinska University Hospital

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Karolinska is leading the way in the clinical use of groundbreaking MRI. Over 600 patients have already been examined with the new 7 Tesla MRI camera, which provides better images and new treatment options for neurological diseases.

In the summer of 2023, Karolinska University Hospital became the first in the world to use a new MRI camera in clinical practice. The new camera has a magnetic field of 7 Tesla, the strongest used in healthcare.

Now over 600 patients have already been examined with the MRI.

– Karolinska is one of the few hospitals in the world that has access to the new technology. Through a strong focus on clinical benefit, we have been able to examine patients at a world-unique pace, says Tobias Granberg, Head of Section at ME Neuroradiology, Medical Diagnostics Karolinska

For people with different types of neurological diseases, such as MS, ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy, the camera can make a big difference. For example, in MS, it is possible to see inflammatory changes in the cerebral cortex and blood vessels in the MS changes, which contributes to an earlier diagnosis and treatment. Another example is ALS, where the new camera makes it easier to see iron deposits in the brain, which also contributes to earlier diagnosis and the opportunity to be included in drug trials.

The new camera provides significantly better images than its predecessors. It has higher resolution and better detail imaging of small changes. In epilepsy, the cause of seizures can be found in one in three patients who do not have findings with a regular MRI. Finding these small changes makes it possible to operate on these patients, which is associated with seizure freedom.

The MRI also uses artificial intelligence, AI. This means, among other things, less noise in the images, but also that the examinations go faster.

We see that we can examine up to 30 percent more people per day on the cameras where we make full use of these AI technologies, says Tobias Granberg.

The hospital expects to use the camera to examine approximately 1,600 patients per year.

Karolinska University Hospital

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Karolinska is one of Europe's largest university hospitals and together with Karolinska Institutet we have a leading role within the field of medical breakthroughs. Our aim is to always put the patient first by providing the best possible medical expertise, treatment and care. Through innovation and active collaboration with industry and academia, we are committed to being internationally prominent in medicine, research and education.





Through a strong focus on clinical benefit, we have been able to examine patients at a world-unique pace
Head of Section Tobias Granberg