Kemira will host its Capital Markets Day in Helsinki tomorrow on September 26, 2024

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Kemira Oyj, Press Release, September 25 at 2.05 pm (EEST)

Kemira will host its Capital Markets Day in Helsinki tomorrow on September 26, 2024

Kemira will host a Capital Markets Day for investors, analysts and relationship bankers tomorrow, Thursday, September 26, 2024. Kemira will provide an update on the next steps of its strategy and discuss the new long-term financial targets, which have been published today. Kemira will also present its new operating model, planned to be in operation as of January 1, 2025.

The presentations will start at 14.00 Finnish time and last approximately until 17.00 Finnish time (12.00–15.00 UK time). The event will be held at Kulttuurikasarmi in Helsinki, and the presentations can also be followed via a live webcast via this link:

Venue: Kulttuurikasarmi, Narinkka 2, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

President and CEO Antti Salminen:

”During the past years Kemira has focused on improving efficiency at all levels, and we are now in excellent shape financially and operationally. We are now moving to the next phase in our strategy execution and are actively focusing on profitable growth – both organically and inorganically.

Our strategic priorities remain unchanged, but we have now increased our growth ambition and updated our long-term financial targets. We aim to reach an average annual organic growth of over 4%, and our operative EBITDA target has been increased to 18–21% from the previous 15–18%. Operative Return on Capital Employed is introduced as the third target, and we aim for an operative ROCE of over 16%.

Water and renewable solutions are at the heart of the new Kemira. Water is expected to be the key contributor for revenue growth going forward and our new long-term ambition is to double revenue in water. Our target for the renewable solutions portfolio remains unchanged and we aim to reach EUR 500 million in renewable revenue in 2030. We also aim to accelerate our penetration into new high-growth adjacent markets, such as textiles. We will continue to take excellent care of our base business to fuel growth in the new areas.

To support our ambitious growth strategy, we announced a new operating model in August. We will move to a customer solution-based organization with three new customer-facing business units: Water Solutions, Packaging & Hygiene Solutions and Fiber Essentials. In addition, we will establish a centralized Operations unit, a New Ventures and Services unit, as well as change the structure at our Research & Development unit. These changes are planned to take place as of January 1, 2025.

Our customers’ increasing focus on sustainability is a key driver for our strategy and our solutions have a significant impact in improving our customers’ resource efficiency. With our strategy, updated financial targets and the new operating model, we are in an excellent position to accelerate profitable growth going forward.”

Agenda for the Capital Markets Day (Finnish time):
(The titles reflect the new organization model that is planned to be effective as of January 1, 2025.)

13.00  Registration and lunch
14.00  Start of the webcast, opening words: Mikko Pohjala, Vice President, Investor Relations
14.05  Kemira’s strategy: Antti Salminen, President & CEO
14.30  Renewable solutions: Sampo Lahtinen, EVP, Research & Innovation
14.50  Water Solutions: Tuija Pohjolainen-Hiltunen, EVP, Water Solutions
15.15  Networking break
15.45  Fiber Essentials: Antti Matula, EVP, Fiber Essentials
16.05  Packaging and Hygiene Solutions: Harri Eronen, EVP, Packaging & Hygiene Solutions
16.30  Financials: Petri Castrén, CFO
16.50  Final Q&A
~17.00  End of the webcast
18.00  Networking and end of the live event

There will be a chance to ask questions from the webcast via a chat tool in conjunction with all presentations. There will be no separate teleconference line.

All the presentations will be available at prior to the event on Thursday, September 26, 2024.

A recording of the webcast will be available after the event at the same link In addition, you may follow the updates in social media: #KemiraCMD2024.

For more information, please contact

Kemira Oyj
Mikko Pohjala, Vice President, Investor Relations

Tel. +358 40 838 0709

Kemira is a global leader in sustainable chemical solutions for water-intensive industries. Our customers include industrial and municipal water treatment operators, and pulp & paper industry among others. We provide the best-suited products and services to improve our customers’ product quality, process, and resource efficiency. Our focus is on water treatment, renewable solutions, and digital services. In 2023, Kemira had annual revenue of around EUR 3.4 billion and around 5,000 employees. Kemira shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
