Kid ASA - Fourth Quarter 2020 Results
Lier, 17 February 2021: The board of Directors of Kid ASA has approved the financial report for the fourth quarter of 2020.
- Q4 revenues increased by +6.6% to MNOK 1097.3 (MNOK 1029.61). Like-for-like sales increased by +7.4%.
- Gross margin increased by 3.0 percentage points to 63.1% (60.1%)
- Adjusted EBITDA of MNOK 369.9 (MNOK 299.1) which is an increase of MNOK 70.5 compared to the fourth quarter last year.
- The board of directors proposes an ordinary dividend of NOK 3.40 per share payable in June 2021. The dividend is implying a 2020 pay-out ratio of 91% when adding the November 2020 prepayment
- The board also proposes an additional and extraordinary dividend of NOK 1.00 per share
- The dividend policy has been revised and Kid is now targeting 80-100% pay-out ratio of adjusted Net Profit with semi-annual payments
The results will be presented at 09:00 CET by CEO Anders Fjeld and CFO Eystein Lund at Arctic Securities’ Office in Oslo (Haakon VIIs gt 5).
Consequent on the Covid-19 pandemic there will only be the possibility to attend digitally.
The quarterly report and the presentation material are available on
Eystein Lund, CFO, Kid ASA, +47 906 02 127
- Calculated with constant currency. Actual reported revenues per Q4 2019 was MNOK 989.5 which gives an increase of 10.9%.