Unibet appoints Ragnar Hellenius as new CFO

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Mr. Hellenius will join Unibet Group from 15 March 2007 and will formally take over as CFO from Ms. Susan Ball, with effect from 1 July 2007.

Ragnar Hellenius spent eight years as a senior management consultant with McKinsey & Co, working with merger and acquisitions, corporate strategy and business development. During the last year he has worked as principal at Booz Allen Hamiltons Corporate Finance and Private Equity practice.

After more than four years, Ms. Susan Ball has decided to step down from her position as CFO. Ms. Ball will remain part of the Group in an advisory capacity. Susan has seen the Group through its IPO listing in 2004, the acquisition of MrBookmaker in 2005 and most recently secured the new Group reorganisation to Malta.

Unibet owe a debt of gratitude to Ms. Ball for the invaluable contribution she has made to where the Group is today.


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