Unibet Group plc - Year end report January - December 2008

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• Gross Winnings Revenue amounted to GBP 34.9 (24.5) million for the fourth quarter of 2008 and GBP 123.4 (81.4) million (+52%) for the full year 2008.

• Profit from operations amounted to GBP 12.8 (3.7) million for the fourth quarter of 2008 and GBP 36.5 (21.4) million (+71%) for the full year 2008.

• Result before tax for the fourth quarter of 2008 amounted to GBP -0.3 (2.7) million. Profit before tax for full year 2008 amounted to GBP 11.1 (20.0) million. Result before tax for the fourth quarter is affected by a foreign exchange loss on the euro-denominated corporate bond of GBP 11.8 (1.2) million, of which GBP 10.2 (1.2) is unrealised. For the full year 2008 the exchange loss on the bond was GBP 17.9 (1.2) million, of which GBP 15.1 (1.2) million is unrealised.

• Result after tax for the fourth quarter of 2008 amounted to GBP -0.9 (2.3) million. Profit after tax for the full year 2008 amounted to GBP 8.8 (18.7) million.

• Result per share were GBP -0.032 (0.083) for the fourth quarter of 2008 and GBP 0.314 (0.665) for the full year 2008.

• Operating cash flow before movements in working capital amounted to GBP 15.2 (5.1) million for the fourth quarter 2008 and GBP 46.8 (26.2) million (+79%) for the full year 2008.

• Number of active customers at the end of the quarter was 292,168 (309,431).

• The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of GBP 0.23 (0.50) per share/SDR, which is approximately SEK 2.75 (6.00) per share/SDR and amounts to a proposed distribution to shareholders of GBP 6.4 (14.0) million.

• AGM to be held on 13 May, 2009, in Stockholm.

“Strong cash flow and strong profit from operations”

"Our well balanced product portfolio and customer offering has resulted in growth in gross winnings of over 50 per cent and growth in profit from operations of over 70 per cent year on year."

“The focus on cost control and the investment cycle over the last two years coming to an end has resulted in higher margins and a drop in capital expenditure of 34 per cent.”

“Our strong business model has delivered an increase in adjusted operating cash flow* of over 170 per cent year on year."

“During the first six weeks of 2009 we still see a healthy growth in the business. This is why we reiterate that given the growth in the online gambling market it is difficult to determine what impact the actual financial situation in the world has on our business model,” says Petter Nylander, CEO of Unibet.

* Operating cash flow before movements in working capital less capex and tax

Today, Wednesday 18 February 2009, Unibet’s CEO Petter Nylander and CFO Henrik Tjärnström will host a presentation in English at FinancialHearings, Operaterrassen in Stockholm at 9.00 CET.

Please go to www.financialhearings.com to sign in.
For those who would like to participate in the telephone conference in connection with the presentation, the telephone number is +44 (0)20 7806 1968, Confirmation Code: 5467973
Please call in, well in advance and register.

The presentation is also web cast live on www.unibetgroupplc.com.



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