KLIPPAN and Pappers have been reconciled
KLIPPAN is a leading producer of speciality graphic papers and operates three paper mills with a combined capacity of 200,000 tons per annum. The mills are located in Klippan, Lessebo and Mölndal, all in the south of Sweden. The Swedish Paper Workers Union, Pappers, organizes approximately 25,000 workers within the pulp and paper industry in Sweden Klippan and Stockholm 11 December, 2003 KLIPPAN AB and Pappers have become reconciled - Pappers retracts summons before Labour Court For a period, KLIPPAN and Pappers have had a number of disputes raised at high level and in certain cases also in the Labour Court, a state of affairs with which neither party has been happy. As we reached a reconciliation last week in the matter of incorrect salary payments at the mills in Lessebo and Klippan, and Pappers has retracted its summons before the Labour Court, we have now set aside and solved all disputes. We regard this as an important achievement and now feel we have a responsibility to establish a good negotiating climate between the parties within the KLIPPAN group and at the three mills. This is a joint responsibility. In the future, we are sure to have differing opinions from time to time on a number of issues, as this is inherent in the party relationship. But we have the firm ambition to solve any future disputes locally, at each site. We have a joint interest in the continued development of KLIPPAN as a successful and competitive business. A good co-operative climate at the mills ensures that everybody is pulling in the same direction to achieve this. In this way, we are building a solid foundation for the future. KLIPPAN AB Swedish Paper Workers Union [REMOVED GRAPHICS] Ragnar Quarnström Lennart Olovsson Managing Director Collective Bargaining Secretary For further information, please contact: Ragnar Quarnström, +46 435 291 01 or Lennart Olovsson, +46 70 586 12 42 KLIPPAN AB SE 264 23 Klippan Tel +44 (0)771 11 00 00, Fax +46 (0)435 109 92, www.klippan-paper.se Registered Office: Klippan, Sweden, the company is public, Org No 556 360-1821 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/12/11/20031211BIT01160/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/12/11/20031211BIT01160/wkr0002.pdf