Environmental goal for Olympics in Beijing paved the way for new KMT order
Environmental goal for Olympics in Beijing paved the way for new KMT order Swedish UVA International AB, member of the KMT Group, has received the first order from a new customer in China. The company will deliver grinding machinery to the automotive supplier WIT Electrical Fuel Injection Co in Chengdu. WIT supplies fuel injection pumps to manufacturers of buses and other heavy vehicles. "This system is the only one that makes it possible to live up to the environmental standards demanded by the Chinese authorities in Beijing", says Johan Söderström, president of UVA International. "This was a very important factor for the order while the aim is to be the cleanest capital in the world 2008, when the Olympics are being held there". "China continues to be a very interesting market for UVA International. To achieve yet another customer on the Chinese market - where the environmental standards are among the highest in the world - proves that UVA keeps its position as leading supplier within precision grinding", comments Lars Bergström, CEO of KMT. For further information, please get in touch with: Lars Bergström, CEO, Karolin Machine Tool AB Tel: +46 8-594 211 50 or e-mail: lars.bergstrom@kmt.se Johan Söderström, President, UVA International AB Tel +46 8 634 75 00 / + 46 733-34 75 50 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/05/12/20040512BIT00190/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/05/12/20040512BIT00190/wkr0002.pdf