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KCI KONECRANES PLC  STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   15 February, 2006 10.00 a.m. 1 (25)


The fourth quarter set yet another record in new orders: 287 MEUR
Full year orders 1061 MEUR (+44 %, organic growth 30 %), sales 971 MEUR (+33 %,
organic +20 %)
Fourth quarter operating income margin was 7,7 % (6,8 %); full year operating
income 49,3 MEUR (+ 57,5 %)
Very strong cash flow kept gearing at 88,1 % in spite of the acquisition of
R.Stahl Fördertechnik
Return on capital employed 17,2 % (13,7 %)
2006 sales growth expected to exceed 20 %, positive EBIT margin trend expected to
Board proposes a dividend of EUR 1.10 (1.05) per share and thereafter a share
split 1:4

 Million EUR                      1-12/05   %    1-12/04  %    Change  
 SALES                                                         %       
   Maintenance Services           406.5          344.6         18.0    
   Standard Lifting Equipment     318.0          231.2         37.5    
   Special Cranes                 331.1          214.1         54.6    
   Internal Sales                 -84.8          -62.0         -36.8   
 Sales total                      970.8     100  728.0    100  33.4    
 Operating income                 49.3      5.1  31.3     4.3  57.5    
 Share of result of associated                                         
 companies and joint ventures     0.5            0.0                   
 Financial income and expenses    -15.8          -3.6          333.0   
 Income before taxes              34.1      3.5  27.7     3.8  23.2    
 Taxes                            -10.0          -9.2                  
 Net income                       24.1      2.5  18.4     2.5  30.8    
 Earnings per share, basic (EUR)  1.71           1.31          39.2    
 Earnings per share, diluted      1.67           1.29          29.7    
 Cash flow from operations per                                         
 share (EUR)                      3.43           0.54          535.2   
 Dividend per share (EUR)         1.10(1         1.05          4.76    
 ORDERS RECEIVED                                                       
   Maintenance Services           364.5          308.4         18.2    
   Standard Lifting Equipment     322.1          246.6         30.6    
   Special Cranes                 463.3          243.7         90.1    
   Internal Orders                -88.7          -61.9         -43.2   
 Orders received total            1061.2         736.9         44.0    
 Order book at end of period      432.1          298.8         44.6    

1) Board's proposal

 Million EUR                      10-12/05  %   10-12/04 %    Change%  
   Maintenance Services           120.2         105.1         14.4     
   Standard Lifting Equipment     94.6          73.4          28.9     
   Special Cranes                 111.8         81.7          36.7     
   Internal Sales                 -30.8         -19.9         54.9     
 Sales total                      295.8     100 240.4    100  23.1     

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 Operating income                 22.9      7.7 16.4     6.8  39.4     
 Share of result of associated                                         
 companies and joint ventures     0.3           0.0                    
 Financial income and expenses    -1.4          -2.1          -32.3    
 Income before taxes              21.8      7.4 14.3     6.0  52.3     
 Taxes                            -6.2          -5.1                   
 Net income                       15.6      5.3 9.2      3.8  70.3     
 Earnings per share, basic (EUR)  1.11          0.65          69.4     
 Earnings per share, diluted      1.09          0.65          68.2     
 Cash flow from operations per                                         
 share (EUR)                      2.35          -0.28                  
 Dividend per share (EUR)                                              
 ORDERS RECEIVED                                                       
   Maintenance Services           92.3          81.5          13.2     
   Standard Lifting Equipment     81.7          58.9          38.6     
   Special Cranes                 138.6         86.1          60.9     
   Internal Orders                -26.0         -14.0         -85.4    
 Orders received total            286.6         212.6         34.8     

Comments on the full year result

2005 results came very close to expectations. The strong volume growth continued
within all Business Areas and Regions. Volume and margin development in
Maintenance Services have been satisfactory throughout the year. In Standard
Lifting, the volume growth was strong, and margins stable. Special Cranes' one
third volume growth caused significant supply chain ramp-up costs pressing down
margins in the first half of the year. Fourth quarter showed clear improvement.
The Group succeeded in net working capital management in spite of strong growth.
The cash flow was strong and kept gearing at 88.1 % after the acquisition of
R.Stahl Fördertechnik.

Future prospects

The strong new equipment order backlog and momentum in maintenance services,
together with the recent acquisition, give a good starting point for 2006. Based
on the current market outlook, the total sales growth is expected to exceed 20%.
Selected acquisitions will be considered also in the future.

The acquisition of R.Stahl Fördertechnik is expected to add EUR 120 - 130 million
to the Group's sales in its Standard Lifting Equipment Business Area. For the
Group EBIT margin, the dilutive effect is expected to be 0.5 %-points. The
acquisition is expected to be EPS neutral in 2006 and accretive from 2007.

Notwithstanding the dilutive effect caused by the acquisition, the positive EBIT
margin development seen during 2005 is expected to continue.

Pekka Lundmark, President & CEO:

2005 gave us a solid foundation for continuing to build the world's best material
handling equipment and maintenance service company. Strong sales, which grew 33%
on 2004, further strengthened our market share in a year that saw good demand in
most of our key markets. The fact that we set new records in respect

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of all of our key business indicators - orders, sales, profits, and cash flow -
in the last quarter of the year gives us good cause for optimism for the future.

Despite these positive developments, however, we still have a lot of work left to
do, particularly in improving our margins. We are nevertheless moving in the
right direction, thanks to the various measures that we have already launched,
and our operating margin moved up from 4.3% in 2004 to 5.1% in 2005. We also
improved our return on capital employed, to 17.2%, a clear improvement on the
13.7% recorded in 2004.

This performance is still below what we are aiming for, and we remain committed
to the mid-term operating margin targets for our three business areas that we
announced previously. Achieving these targets would provide us with a return on
capital employed of well above 20%.

In terms of strategic direction, we remain on course. Our business is not only
about delivering cranes and other lifting equipment, but also about providing
responsive, high-quality service designed to ensure that customers always have
the lifting capacity they need.

Building long-term customer relationships focused on providing true service
excellence for our customers is a central factor here. Having the best crane
technology is another key factor, which is why we are committed to continuously
developing and introducing the latest innovations, and to investing in our R&D
organisation to give us the resources to do this.

Maintenance Services also plays an important part, above and beyond its core
function, by working in close cooperation with crane sales to generate valuable
leads for our organic growth. Acquisitions have a part to play as well, and we
will continue to make selected acquisitions in the future.

Our healthy flow of orders indicates that demand for our products and services
remains strong. We also have many development opportunities within our portfolio
that are not directly related to fluctuations in our customers' investment
cycles. There are geographical areas where we have still little or no presence,
for example. And even within some of our largest markets, our share of our key
customers' total spending on lifting capacity - whether in terms of new
equipment, modernisations, or maintenance - is still relatively small.
Maintenance in general is a genuine growth market, since outsourced crane
maintenance is growing steadily around the world.

Achieving our targeted margin levels will require a lot of work. We have grown in
a very short time from a company with EUR 600-700 million of sales to a billion
euro company, targeting at least 20% growth in 2006.

This growth will require investments not only in manufacturing and sourcing
capacity, but also in several other aspects of our business infrastructure. We
have carried out various restructuring projects in Special Cranes to address the
business' under-performing profitability and improve margins in the future. We
are investing in lower-cost manufacturing and sourcing in Asia and Eastern Europe
and developing a flexible partner network for fabricating heavy steel structures,
to reduce the role of higher-cost manufacturing in Western Europe.

But we recognise that this alone will not be enough. To leverage the full
benefits of low-cost manufacturing, we are investing in our supply chain
processes and information systems to secure the platform we need as a company
generating EUR 1 billion in sales annually, and will need as we continue to grow.

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Board of Directors' report

Orders received, order book and market development

The strong development in the order intake continued in 2005 and accelerated
towards the end of the year. Group total orders received were EUR 1061.2 (736.9)
million. The growth was 44.0 % of which 30 % was organic. At yearend the value of
the Group's total order backlog was EUR 432.1 (298,8) million, up by 44,6%.
Orders received during the fourth quarter reached a new record level, EUR 286.6
million. Orders received grew in all Business Areas.

Both external and internal factors contributed to the positive development. The
positive market development continued in America and in emerging markets in
particular: in Asia and Eastern Europe, and in Australia. In Western Europe the
development was slow. Group's orders received increased in almost all main
markets. The strongest organic growth occurred in America, Australia and in the
Nordic countries, whereas growth in other markets was mainly a consequence of the
acquisitions made at the end of 2004 (UK-based Morris Material Handling Ltd and
Sweden-based SMV Lifttrucks AB).

Almost all customer industries developed favourably. Market development was
particularly strong in harbours, primary metals and petrochemicals. Of the
Group's main customer segments only pulp and paper and the automotive industries
posted a weak demand.

The Group believes it has increased its market shares considerably during the


Group sales were EUR 970.8 (728.0) million. The growth was 33.4% with an organic
growth of 20%. Currency rate changes had only a minor translational effect on the
sales development. The sales growth was considerable in all Business Areas.
Growth was strong also in all of KCI Konecranes' main markets. Most of the growth
in America, Asia and Australia as well as in the Nordic and Eastern European
countries was of organic nature, whereas the major part of the growth in Western
Europe was related to operations acquired at the end of 2004.


The Group's operating income was EUR 49.3 (31.3) million which is an increase of
EUR 18.0 million or 57.6% compared to the previous year. The full year operating
margin was 5.1 (4.3) % and the fourth quarter margin was 7.7 (6.8)%.

The comparable figure for last year includes a non-recurring restructuring cost
of EUR 5.4 million, which according to the Finnish accounting standards (FAS) was
recorded already in 2003. A one-time charge of EUR 2.6 million was recorded in
the fourth quarter of 2005, reflecting costs for closing Special Cranes
manufacturing operations in Germany. Adjusted for these costs the growth in
operating income was EUR 15.2 million or 41.4%.

The operating income grew both in Maintenance Services and Standard Lifting
Equipment, but decreased in Special Cranes. Special Cranes profitability was
burdened by substantial structural changes in operations and additional costs
related to the major ramp-up of production volumes. The operating income in
Special Cranes was also burdened by a one-time charge (EUR 2.6 million) related
to the closure of manufacturing operations in Germany. Adjusted for this one-off
charge the operating income grew also in Special Cranes. The operating margin
improved in Maintenance Services, remained on the previous year's level in
Standard Lifting equipment and decreased in Special Cranes.

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Group EBITDA was EUR 64.9 (43.7) million or 6.7 (6.0)% on sales. Depreciations
grew by EUR 3.2 million, from EUR 12.4 million to EUR 15.6 million. The increase
in depreciations was mainly attributable to acquisitions.

The business and profitability development is discussed by segment under Business
Area reviews.

The share of associated companies result amounted to EUR 0.5 (0.0) million.

Group interest costs (the net of interest income and expenses) were EUR 6.8 (3.5)
million. The growth in interest costs was the result of acquisitions made at the
end of 2004 and an increase in capital employed related to the growth.

Other financial income and expenses burdened the result by EUR 9.0 (-0.1)
million. The fair value change on hedging instruments (IAS 39) had a negative
impact of approx. EUR 7.9 million. The Group used the exemption to apply IAS 32
and IAS 39 for the first time in the 2005 accounts, without having to restate the
2004 figures. Therefore a direct comparison in this respect between the years is
not possible.

The Group started to apply hedge accounting during the third quarter for large
special crane projects where expected cash flows demonstrate a high degree of
certainty. Hedging instruments (effective forward contracts) were earmarked
against corresponding hedged projects. The transition was carried out by using so
called FX-swap contracts. The total positive effect of the change of accounting
policy in the third quarter was approx. EUR 3.6 million before taxes and EUR 2.7
million after taxes. On a full year level the change into hedge accounting leads
substantially to the same net income for the year as had it been applied already
from the beginning of the year. Also for the Group's equity the timing of the
change made no difference. The fair value change of hedging instruments had a
positive impact of approx. EUR 0.2 million in the fourth quarter.

Other financing costs relate to currency exchange rate changes and other costs.

The change from FAS accounting and valuation principles to IFRS has affected
Group's result development in 2005 as follows:

Sales + EUR 1.1 million
Operating income (EBIT) EUR + 6.4 million
Other financial income and expenses EUR -7.9 million
Income before taxes EUR -1.5 million,
Net income EUR -1.1 million
Earnings per share EUR -0.07

The valuation changes are largely dependent on the total volume of hedged items
and the EUR/USD exchange rate development. It is expected that there will be
positive and negative valuation changes also in the future. However, because
hedge accounting is now applied, it is expected that the profit impact of the
value fluctuations in the future will be less pronounced than during the first
half of 2005.

The Group's income after financing items was EUR 34.1 (27.7) million. Income
taxes were EUR 10.0 (9.2) million corresponding to an effective tax rate of 29.4
(33.4)% for the year. The decrease in tax rate is mainly related to the improved
profits and lower Finnish tax rates.

Group net income or income after tax was EUR 24.1 million (18.4) and earnings per
share EUR 1.71 (1.31) or EUR 1.67 (1.29) diluted.

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The Group's return on capital employed was 17.2% (13.7) and the return on equity
was 16.6% (12.5). R. Stahl AG's Material Handling Division, acquired on 30
December 2005 was included in the Group's year end balance sheet. The effect was
a decrease in the Group's return on capital employed. Disregarding this
acquisition, the return on capital employed was 18.1%. The acquisition had no
effect on the Group's 2005 statement of income.

Both sales and operating income grew during the year towards the yearend. This
seasonal pattern was visible again in 2005 numbers, but less pronounced than
before. Both sales at EUR 295.8 million and the operating income excluding one-
off restructuring charge at EUR 25.3 million during the fourth quarter set a new
one quarter all time high.

Cash flow and balance sheet

The cash flow from operations before financing items and taxes, but after the
change in working capital was EUR 66.5 (16.8) million, and per share EUR 4.71
(1.20). The strong cash flow development was supported by improved profits and
improved working capital management. In the fourth quarter the cash flow before
financial items and taxes was EUR 40.1 (-1.3) million.

The cash from financing items and taxes was EUR -18.1 (-9.2) million and the net
cash flow from operating activities was EUR 48.4 (7.6) million.

In total EUR 46.1 million (38.0) of cash was used to cover capital expenditures
including acquisitions. The capital expenditures to fixed assets were EUR 13.5
(9.4) million.

Cash flow before financing activities was EUR 2.3 (-30.4) million.

The parent company paid EUR 14.8 million (In 2004 the company paid: EUR 14.0
million as an ordinary dividend and EUR 14.1 million as an extraordinary
dividend) dividends.

The Group's interest bearing debt was EUR 178.4 (131.4) million, and the interest
bearing net debt was EUR 133.9 (110.4) million. Gearing was 88.1 (80.2) %.  The
Group's interest bearing debts increased at the very end of the year due to the
acquisition of R. Stahl AG's Material Handling Division. However, because of the
strong cash flow and good profit development, the gearing decreased from the end
of September 2005 level. Disregarding the effects of the acquisition, gearing
would have been approximately 68%.

The Solidity ratio was 23.7 (29.1)% and excluding the Stahl acquisition 29.2%.
The current ratio was 1.14 (1.11).

The Group's has a EUR 200 million committed back-up financing facility to secure
running liquidity. At yearend EUR 23.7 (0) million was in use.


The currency exchange rate fluctuations had only a marginal translational effect
on the Group's orders received, sales and operating income development. The
strength of the euro against the US-dollar (or related currencies) had a negative
transactional effect on operating income through export from the euro-area.
However, the appreciation of the US-dollar and increased sourcing and
manufacturing in non-euro areas reduced this effect during the fourth quarter.

The consolidation exchange rates of some important currencies for the Group
developed as follows:

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The period end rates:

      2005    2004    change %  
 USD  1.1797  1.3621  15.46     
 CAD  1.3725  1.6416  19.61     
 GBP  0.6853  0.7055  2.88      
 NOK  7.985   8.2365  3.15      
 SEK  9.3885  9.0206  -3.92     
 CNY  9.5204  11.2734 18.41     
 SGP  1.9628  2.2262  13.42     
 AUD  1.6109  1.7587  9.17      

The period average rates:

      2005    2004   change %  
 USD  1.2441  1.2437 -0.03     
 CAD  1.5093  1.616  7.07      
 GBP  0.6839  0.6786 -0.77     
 NOK  8.0124  8.3666 4.42      
 SEK  9.2817  9.1244 -1.69     
 CNY  10.197  10.358 1.58      
 SGP  2.0699  2.1011 1.51      
 AUD  1.6324  1.6912 3.60      

The Group continued its currency risk management policy of hedging. The aim for
the hedging policy is to minimise currency risk relating to non-euro nominated
export and import from or to the euro zone. Hedging was mainly carried out
through currency forward exchange transactions.

Capital expenditure

The Group's capital expenditures excluding acquisitions were EUR 16.0 million
(11.8). These capital expenditures consisted mainly of replacement or capacity
expansion investments on machines, equipment and information technology. The
capital expenditures included also a 40 % ownership stake in a Ukrainian special
crane manufacturing. Additional investments in acquired operations were EUR 30.3
million (30.3).

In the fourth quarter a new factory for assembly of hoisting trolleys and
electrics for special cranes was started in Shanghai, China. The new factory is
located next to the standard hoist factory which started operations in 2002.

Research and development

Total direct research and development costs in the Group were EUR 8.8 (8.5)
million. The very moderate increase in R&D spending relates to the Group's modern
range of products. The launch of the Group's new wire rope hoist line was
completed only two years ago. Product development projects related to new chain
hoist technology (a new gear adjustment technology and inverter control in
hoisting), a new wire rope hoist for the 1-2 ton lifting capacity range and
standardisation of the heavy-duty SM hoisting trolley range.

For some time now the main emphasis in R&D has focused on the development of
maintenance technologies with a specific focus on special crane applications.

Personnel and personnel development

At the end of 2005 the Group employed 5923 (4511) persons. Disregarding the Stahl
acquisition the Group employed 5,211 persons. The average number of personnel was
5087 (4369). The increase in employment relates to acquisitions and personnel
increases in the group's Asian operations in particular.
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The Group recorded on average 3 training days per employee, which is an increase
to previous year (approx. 2 days). The main corporate wide development programs
are the KCI Konecranes Academy aimed for middle management and experts and the
Academy+ for KCI Academy alumni. The development program for the top management
was continued in co-operation with the London Business School.

Review by Business Area

Maintenance Services

Business development

Maintenance Services sales totalled EUR 406.5 (344.6) million, an increase of
18.0% over 2004, of which organic growth accounted for 12%. Operating income
totalled EUR 29.4 (22.1) million, and the operating margin stood at 7.2% (6.4%).

Growth was strongest in field activities, which account for some 85% of
Maintenance Services' operations. Sales grew in all of KCI Konecranes' main
markets and profitability improved. The upward trend was supported by stronger
sales, favourable developments in the contract base, and the integration of the
maintenance activities of UK-based Morris Materials Handling Ltd, acquired in
December 2004. Port crane maintenance and modernisation sales, which accounts for
some 15% of Maintenance Services' operations decreased due to the timing of sales
recognition for certain large modernisation projects. The order backlog for
modernisations increased. The profitability of port crane maintenance and
modernisation operations improved.

The operating income and margin development accelerated towards the end of the
year, but exhibited a lesser degree of seasonal variation compared to 2004.
Operating income in the fourth quarter totalled EUR 10.8 (10.5) million. The
operating margin came in at 9.0% (10.0%), somewhat lower than in 2004 because of
the periodisation of certain large modernisation projects.

Maintenance Services orders received (excluding the service agreement base)
totalled EUR 364.5 (308.4) million, an increase of 18.2% over 2004, of which
organic growth accounted for 11%. Field orders grew rapidly, while modernisation
orders fell back slightly from previous year's level. The size of the service
agreement base grew, and closed the year at 242,209 (224,825) lifting equipment
units, an increase of 7.7% compared to 2004. The value of the contract base
increased correspondingly.
Maintenance Services' order backlog totalled EUR 78.0 (65.8) million, an increase
of 18.5% on 2004, mainly driven by large repair and modernisation projects.

As of the end of the year, Maintenance Services employed 2,999 people (2,685).
Around half of this increase was organic and half related to acquisitions.

Future prospects

Maintenance Services organic growth target of 10%, was exceeded in 2005. The
operating margin still fell short in 2005 of the set target of 8%. In terms of
profitability, the upward trend in sales, favourable developments in the service
agreement base, and the size of its order backlog will give Maintenance Services
a good basis for achieving its targets in 2006.

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Standard Lifting Equipment

Business development

Standard Lifting Equipment sales totalled EUR 318.0 (231.2) million, an increase
of 37.5% on 2004, of which organic growth accounted for 27%. Operating income
totalled EUR 28.8 (20.7) million and the margin was at previous year's level, at
9.1% (9.0%).

Sales increased in all main market areas, with particularly strong organic growth
in North America, Asia, and Australia. The acquisition of Morris Material
Handling Ltd (MMH) at the end of 2004 supported sales growth in the UK and in the
Middle and Far East.

While higher sales contributed to an improvement in profitability, the
improvement was held back by faster-than-average growth in sales denominated in
US dollars or currencies linked to the dollar and acquired operations. The
restructuring of operations at Morris Material Handling Ltd was completed in the
fourth quarter, and saw a reduction of 70 in the company's personnel numbers. The
costs for these redundancies had been reserved for earlier. After these changes
the basis for profitable crane and hoist operations has now been established.

Although sales and operating income accelerated towards the end of the year,
performance was more evenly distributed throughout the year overall than in 2004.
Fourth-quarter sales totalled EUR 94.6 (73.4) million, and operating income EUR
9.4 (7.4) million. Sales rose by 28.9% during the quarter, and an operating
margin of 9.9% (10.1%) was recorded.

Standard Lifting Equipment received orders totalled EUR 322.1 (246.6) million
during 2005, an increase of 30.6% on 2004, of which organic growth accounted for
22%. North America, the Nordic countries, Southeast Asia and Australia all posted
strong growth numbers. Due to the acquisition of MMH, the order intake grew
considerably in the UK and also in the Middle and Far East. As of the end of the
year, the order backlog stood at EUR 64.5 (58.6) million, an increase of 10% on

Excluding the Stahl acquisition Standard Lifting Equipment employees numbered
1,186 (1,028) at year-end, most of the increase being attributable to the
acquisition of Morris Material Handling Ltd. Including Stahl Crane Systems'
personnel, the number of employees rose to 1,898.

Future prospects

Standard Lifting Equipment's strong sales momentum, together with the new
products (the small capacity wire rope hoist of 1-2 lifting capacity) and product
improvements launched in 2005, the completion of the restructuring of MMH
operations and the increasing volumes of products being manufactured and sourced
in lower-cost countries, particularly China and Eastern Europe, will help enhance
profitability in 2006. The Stahl acquisition will increase sales by almost a
third. While the acquired operation is profitable, its profit levels will not
meet the Business Area's operating margin target yet in 2006.

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Special Cranes

Business development

Special Cranes sales totalled EUR 331.1 (214.1) million, an increase of 54.6% on
2004, of which the organic growth accounted for 30%. Operating income before
costs related to the closure of manufacturing operations in Germany was EUR 17.7
(15.9) million. Including these one-time charges, operating income was EUR 15.2
million. The operating margin was 5.4% (7.4%) and 4.6% (7.4%) respectively.

Organic growth was strongest on the Russian, Chinese, and other Asian markets.
Sales growth in America and Northern and Western Europe was modest, with the
exception of the UK where strong growth was recorded. Growth was strong in the
lift truck and reachstacker business acquired in October 2004, significantly
increasing overall total sales. Sales growth from the wave of new orders booked
for harbour and shipyard cranes did not yet contribute to sales growth in 2005.

Special Cranes' weak profitability development was impacted by two main reasons:
1) The transfer of production and outsourcing of heavy steel structures and
components to more cost-efficient locations These changes resulted in substantial
additional costs, which can be seen as investments for the future (i.e. opening a
new process crane trolley assembly factory in China, discontinuation of steel
structure fabrication in Germany, start of assembly of large steel structures in
China, increase of manufacturing in Ukraine and Poland). 2) Ramping up production
volumes by a third during these structural changes in manufacturing and sourcing
operations proved very challenging.

The negative effect of currency-related developments, particularly associated
with the US dollar, could not be fully passed on to sales prices.

The Group continued to focus on increasing the flexibility in manufacturing and
sourcing to reduce its dependency on costly Western European manufacturing.
Standardisation of the product ranges was also increased during the year. A
higher degree of standardization creates scale benefits and enables higher
flexibility in manufacturing and sourcing operations.

Sales and profitability both improved as the year progressed. Fourth quarter
sales totalled EUR 111.8 (81.7) million and the operational income (excl. one-off
cost) was EUR 10.5 (8.3) million. The operational margin during the fourth
quarter was 9.4% (10.2%).

Orders received totalled EUR 463.3 (243.7) million, an increase of 90.1% on 2004,
of which organic growth accounted for 65%. The strongest demand occurred in the
harbour and shipyard cranes segment, and in the lift trucks and reachstackers
segment, but orders for heavy-duty process cranes grew also considerably in North
America, the UK, France and Asia. The market development in the Nordic countries
and in Germany remained weak. The fourth quarter saw a new record of EUR 138.6
million of new orders. The order backlog at the end of the year stood at EUR
319.8 (183.8) million, an increase of 74.0 % on 2004.

As of the end of the year, Special Cranes employed 890 (675), the increase is
mainly related to the growth in Asian operations.

Future prospects

The operating income margin target set for Special Cranes is 8%. In 2005 this
target was not achieved.

The firm focus in 2005 on enhancing competitiveness by introducing greater
flexibility in manufacturing and sourcing, increasing the standardisation and
developing new products will make for a solid start for 2006. The record-high
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order backlog reduces considerably risks related to sales volume development.
Overall, the prospects for an improvement in profitability in 2006 are good.

Group costs and consolidation items

Group level fixed costs, which are not allocated directly to Business Areas, were
EUR 23.8 (27.3) million. The corresponding number for 2004 included a one-time
restructuring cost of EUR 5.4 million, which according to FAS was already
recorded in 2003. With this adjustment, the comparable underlying costs grew by
EUR 1.9 million or 8.7%. Group costs consist mainly of common development costs
(personnel, R&D, systems), common treasury and legal functions, development of
the Group's structure (M&A) and Group management and administration.

Consolidation items included the elimination of internal profit, which was EUR
-0.3 (-0.1) million.

Group costs are expected to grow also in the future, probably slightly less
compared to sales growth in 2006.

Group structure

KCI Konecranes made several structural changes during 2005, which are aimed at
improving sales and profitability by further increasing flexibility in production
and improving customer service. KCI Konecranes own activities focus on product
development, assembly and maintenance services.

The acquisition of UK-based hoist and crane manufacturer Morris Materials
Handling Ltd was finalised on December 31, 2004 and was integrated into Group
operations during 2005 as planned. The Morris wire rope hoist series was replaced
during the year with Group technology and production of old product was ceased.

At the end of April the Group outsourced its production of end carriages for
standard cranes, which was based in Urjala, in Finland. Approximately 70 persons
were affected by the transaction.

During the second half of the year the Group acquired a minority shareholding and
signed a license agreement with the Spanish crane manufacturer Eydimen. The Group
also acquired a 30 % shareholding in the German technology company, Consens
Transport Systeme GmbH. Later the group, however, sold its shareholding in
agreement with the main owner. The transaction did not have an effect on the full
year results.

On July 1, 2005 two small sized operations focusing on machine tool maintenance
were acquired in Sweden. They have joint annual sales of approximately EUR 2
million. The transaction meant the first step into providing machine tool
maintenance outside Finland.

During the third quarter the Group acquired a majority stake in the leading
Ukranian special cranes manufacturer Zaporozhcrane. The company has some 1100
employees and 10 hectares of covered factory space. In addition to fabrication of
large steel structures the company has knowledge and capacity in manufacture of
mechanical components (such as steel structures for trolleys) and other large
steel structures for other applications. The company also has its own forge and
foundry. The company has know-how but uses partly old production technology. The
group can utilise spare production equipment from its operations in the UK and
Germany. The initial investment in the shares was a little over  EUR 3 million
and the intention was to reduce the shareholding below 50%. In a transaction made
with Finnfund Oy in late December the group sold 46 % of its share in the
Zaporozhcrane Holding company. After this transaction the Group owns 49% of the
      12 (25)

holding company, Finnfund 46 % and the management of Zaporozhcrane (manufacturing
company) own 5 %. The sale of the shares had no affect of the Group's financial
result and the Zaporozhcrane has been recorded as an associated company in the
group accounts.

In order to further increase manufacturing capacity and flexibility the Group
signed on October 10, 2005, an agreement with the leading Polish steel structure
manufacturer Mostostal Chojnice SA. The manufacturing capacity in Poland is
primarily intended for deliveries to the growing markets in Eastern Europe and
Central Europe.

The assembly and manufacture of Process cranes was ceased in Germany at the end
of the year. This resulted in a one-time charge of EUR 2.6 million, which was
reported in the Special Cranes fourth quarter results. In the future the
operation focuses on process crane sales, project management and customer
support. The closing of the factory resulted in the reduction of 40 employees.

The inauguration of a new factory in Shanghai, China for the assembly of special
crane trolleys and electrics was celebrated at the end of November. The factory
has a planned annual capacity of 400-500 trolleys which equals a doubling of the
Group's capacity. The production is primarily intended for the growing markets in
Asian steel and paper industry, power generation and general manufacturing.
Sourcing of large steel structures in China was increased in China and the
assembly capacity of RTGs (rubber tired gantry cranes) was increased from two to
three cranes per month.

The acquisition of R. Stahl AG's material handling division, R. Stahl
Fördertechnik was finalised on December 12, 2005. Stahl has over 100 years of
history as a supplier of standard cranes and hoists. Stahl is a well recognised
strong brand in the industry. The company has a strong exposure in specialised
applications for the automotive and petrochemical industries. The acquisition
complements the group's product offering and strengthens the group's position in
particular in the European standard lifting equipment market. In addition the
company has a large installed base of cranes and hoists, which bring
opportunities within the development of maintenance services. The Stahl material
handling operations have been included in the Group's balance sheet at the end of
2005. The operations will be fully included in Group numbers as of January 1,

Important appointments

KCI Konecranes' Board of Directors appointed in its meeting on June 17, 2005 Mr.
Pekka Lundmark as President and CEO of KCI Konecranes. At the same meeting Mr.
Stig Gustavson, who had been the President and CEO for the last 17 year, was
appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors and the former Chairman Mr. Björn
Savén, was appointed vice Chairman of the Board.


The lawsuit filed by Morris Material Handling, Inc. against the company in the
United States Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin, still continues. Morris
Material Handling, Inc., one of KCI Konecranes' competitors in North America,
filed in 2003 a lawsuit against KCI Konecranes Plc and Konecranes, Inc. (KCI
Konecranes' US subsidiary) alleging violation of Morris's intellectual property
rights and acts of unfair competition. The Group has issued counterclaims against
Morris Material Handling, Inc. A court decision is likely to be issued during the
third quarter in 2006. The Company does not at the moment have reason to expect
the case to have a material effect but the company has regularly commented on the
case as the lawsuit has been commented in the public.
      13 (25)

At the end of year 2005 there were no pending legal processes or disputes that
the Group evaluates to have a material effect.

Risk management

The main purpose of the KCI Konecranes risk management is to guarantee the
continuity of the business under all circumstances.

Risk management is part of the control system of the company. CEO and Group
management team are responsible for the risk management. The importance of risk
management have increased due to the fast growth of the Group as well as due to
the need to identify and control the risk of a more complex business environment.

The change in the Group's operational model from traditional manufacturing to
increasingly supply chain driven activity demands for additional efforts to
secure the availability of components, materials and services. To guarantee the
quality of sourcing demands a lot of continuous quality development work from KCI
Konecranes experts. Continuous quality training for suppliers and long term
supply agreements guarantee the steady development of our operations.

Special attention has also been paid to the risk control of new geographical
areas. Continuous control of specific contract terms for both sales and purchase
contracts ease the control of risks.

The Group continuously reviews its insurance policies as part of its overall
global risk management. According to the risk management principles all insurable
risk related to personnel, property and operation are covered by insurances. In
risk management the business units are responsible for financial needs and for
identifications of their financial risks. Almost all funding, cash management and
foreign exchange with banks and other external counter parties is done
centralised by Group Treasury.


KCI Konecranes recognizes environmental management as an important aspect in its
business and strives to conduct operations in an environmental sound manner.

Environmental concerns are taken into account from the product development stage
onwards. Good examples of what this means in practice are the inverter drives
developed by KCI Konecranes that use up to 40% less energy than conventional
solutions, and the fine machined components used in our transmissions that
contribute to extended service life and significantly reduced noise levels. We
also develop crane structures that use less steel and other raw materials.
Lighter and compact design of cranes contribute to savings in space, heating, and
operating costs in buildings and harbour platforms.

The company strives to favour products and materials that impose the lowest
possible impact on the environment in procurement choices, and to pay particular
attention to keeping energy and material consumption at a low level. Local
regulations and recommendations are taken into account in waste management and
disposal. The company prioritizes developing the environmental awareness of both
own people and partners, with the aim of making an enlightened approach to the
environment and environmental protection a natural part of day-to-day operations
in all of our activities.

      14 (25)

Incentive Programs and Share Capital

At the end of the year 2005, KCI Konecranes had four ongoing stock option plans
(1997, 1999, 2001 and 2003). The option plans include approximately 300 key
employees. The terms and conditions of the stock option schemes are available on
our Investor homepage at www.konecranes.com/investor.

Pursuant to KCI Konecranes Plc's stock option plans 176,000 new shares were
subscribed for and registered in the Finnish Trade Register during year 2005. As
a result of the subscriptions, KCI Konecranes' share capital increased to EUR
28,972,060, comprising 14,486,030 shares.

The remaining 1997, 1999B, 2001 and 2003 stock options at the end of the
accounting period entitle to subscription of a total of 1,051,500 shares, thereby
the share capital can be increased by EUR 2,103,000. The subscription period of
the series A 1999 stock options ended on March 31, 2005.

The company's own shares

At the end of the year 2005, KCI Konecranes Plc held 210,650 of the company's own
shares with a nominal value of 421,300 euros. This corresponds to 1,45 % of the
company's total outstanding shares and votes. The shares were bought back between
February 20 and March 5, 2003 at an average price of EUR 20.75 per share.

Shares and trading volume

KCI Konecranes Plc's share price increased by 18.43 % during the reporting period
and closed at EUR 41.62. The year high was EUR 41.95 and year low EUR 29.80. The
volume weighted average share price during the period was EUR 35.77. During the
same period the OMX Helsinki Index increased by 31.13 %, the OMX Helsinki CAP
Index by 30.14 % and the OMX Helsinki Industrials Index by 61.12 %.

At the end of the year 2005 KCI Konecranes Plc's total market capitalisation was
EUR 603 million (2004: EUR 465 million) including the company's own shares, the
36th largest market value of companies listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.

The trading volume totalled 18,290,888 shares of KCI Konecranes Plc, which
represents 126% of the company's total amount of outstanding shares. In monetary
terms trading was EUR 653 million, which was the 32nd largest trading value of
companies listed on Helsinki Stock Exchange. The daily average trading volume was
72,296 shares representing a daily average turnover of EUR 2.57 million.

Flagging notifications

On 28 December 2005, KCI Konecranes was notified that the holding of Varma Mutual
Pension Insurance Company in KCI Konecranes Plc's voting rights and share capital
had decreased to 4.96 %.

On 3 November 2005, KCI Konecranes was notified that, on 1 November 2005, the
holding of the Capital Group Companies, Inc's (Taxpayer I.D. 86-0206507) in KCI
Konecranes Plc's voting rights and share capital had increased to 6.91%.

On 11 October 2005, KCI Konecranes was notified that, on 10 October 2003, the
combined holding of Franklin Resources, Inc. (trade reg. 13-2670991) through the
funds and separate accounts managed by its affiliated advisers had decreased to
9.74% of voting rights and 0.697% of the share capital of KCI Konecranes Plc.

      15 (25)

Dividend proposal

The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that a dividend of EUR 1.10 per share
will be paid for the fiscal year 2005. The dividend will be paid to shareholders,
who are entered in the company's share register maintained by the Finnish Central
Securities Depository Ltd. on the record date for payments of dividends on March
13, 2006. The actual payment of dividend will take place on March 20, 2006.

Future prospects

The strong new equipment order backlog and momentum in maintenance services,
together with the recent acquisition, give a good starting point for 2006. Based
on the current market outlook, the total sales growth is expected to exceed 20%.
Selected acquisitions will be considered also in the future.

The acquisition of R.Stahl Fördertechnik is expected to add EUR 120 - 130 million
to the Group's sales in its Standard Lifting Equipment Business Area. For the
Group EBIT margin, the dilutive effect is expected to be 0.5 %-points. The
acquisition is expected to be EPS neutral in 2006 and accretive from 2007.

Notwithstanding the dilutive effect caused by the acquisition, the positive EBIT
margin development seen during 2005 is expected to continue.

Hyvinkää 15 February, 2006
Board of Directors


Certain statements in this report are forward looking and are based on
management's expectation at the time they are made. Therefore they involve risks
and uncertainties and are subject to change due to changes in general economic or
industry conditions.

      16 (25)

 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME - IFRS      1-12/2005   1-12/2004  
 Sales                                        970.8       728.0      
 Other operating income                       2.2         2.3        
 Depreciation                                 -15.6       -12.4      
 Impairment losses                            0.0         -1.3       
 Other operating expenses                     -908.1      -685.3     
 Operating income (EBIT)                      49.3        31.3       
 Share of result of associates and joint                             
 ventures                                     0.5         -0.0       
 Financial income and expenses (1             -15.8       -3.6       
 Profit before taxes                          34.1        27.7       
 Taxes                                        -10.0       -9.2       
 Net income                                   24.1        18.4       

 Earnings per share, basic EUR)               1.71        1.31      
 Earnings per share, diluted (EUR)            1.67        1.29      

 Financial income and expenses (1             1-12/2005   1-12/2004  
 Dividend income                              0.1         0.2        
 Interest income from current assets          9.8         1.3        
 Interest expenses                            -16.6       -4.8       
 Other financial expenses                     -0.8        -0.7       
 Fair value of derivative financial           -7.9        0.0        
 Exchange rate difference                     -0.4        0.4        
 Total                                        -15.8       -3.6       


 ASSETS                                          31.12.2005  31.12.2004 
 Non-current assets                                                     
     Goodwill                                    54.8        38.0       
     Other intangible assets                     42.2        9.7        
     Property, plant and equipment               60.8        53.5       
     Advance payments and construction in        8.8         5.5        
     Investments accounted for using the equity  5.9         3.9        
     Available-for-sale investments              1.6         1.5        
     Long-term loans receivables                 0.2         0.2        
     Deferred tax assets                         23.3        13.6       
 Total non-current assets                        197.6       126.0      

      17 (25)

 Current assets                                                         
        Raw materials and semi-manufactured      73.6        53.2       
        Work in progress                         74.1        57.8       
        Advance payments                         9.2         3.2        
     Total inventories                           157.0       114.1      
     Accounts receivable                         223.3       153.1      
     Loans receivable                            0.2         0.0        
     Other receivables                           18.3        14.2       
     Deferred assets                             83.7        85.9       
     Cash and cash equivalents                   44.0        20.7       
 Total current assets                            526.4       387.9      
 TOTAL ASSETS                                    724.0       513.9      

 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                          31.12.2005  31.12.2004 
 Capital and reserves attributable to the                               
 shareholders of the parent                                             
     Share capital                               29.0        28.6       
     Share premium account                       26.5        22.3       
     Fair value and other reserves               -4.9        0.0        
     Translation differences                     -1.1        -6.1       
     Retained earnings                           78.6        74.4       
     Net income for the period                   24.1        18.4       
 Total Shareholders equity                       152.0       137.6      
     Minority interests                          0.1         0.1        
 Total equity                                    152.1       137.7      
 Non-current liabilities                                                
     Interest-bearing liabilities                27.4        4.8        
     Other non-current liabilities               61.6        15.9       
     Deferred tax liabilities                    18.0        4.0        
 Total non-current liabilities                   106.9       24.7       
 Provisions                                      20.1        17.5       
 Current liabilities                                                    
     Interest-bearing liabilities                151.0       126.5      
     Advance payments received                   81.0        41.1       
     Accounts payable                            83.7        68.2       
     Other short-term liabilities (non-interest  17.7        14.5       
     Accruals                                    111.4       83.7       
 Total current liabilities                       444.9       334.1      
 Total liabilities                               571.9       376.3      
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                    724.0       513.9      

      18 (25)


               Share  Other    Transl.  Fair    Retaine Minorit Total  
               Capita Restrict differen value   d       y       Equity 
               l      ed       ce       Reserve Earning Interes        
                      Capital           s       s       t              
 31.12.2004    28.6   22.3     -6.1     0.0     92.7    0.1     137.6  
 exercised     0.4    4.3                                       4.6    
 distribution                                   -14.8           -14.8  
 Change in                                      -0.6            -0.6   
 Cash flow                                                             
 hedge                                  -4.9                    -4.9   
 difference                    4.9                              4.9    
 Equity                                                         152.1  
 31.12.2005    29.0   26.5     -1.2     -4.9    102.7   0.1            


 Net income according to FAS                         23.0            
 Reversal of amortization of                                         
 goodwill,                                           2.6             
 IFRS 3 and IAS 36                                                   
 Impairment, IAS 36                                  -1.2            
 Employee benefits, IAS 19                           -1.1            
 Stock options, IFRS 2                               -0.8            
 Income taxes, IAS 12                                1.5             
 Provision, IAS 37                                   -5.4            
 Other IFRS adjustments                              -0.2            
 Total IFRS adjustments                              -4.6            
 Net income according to IFRS                        18.4            


 Equity according to FAS                                   157.9          
 IFRS adjustments:                                                        
 Reversal of amortization of goodwill,                                    
 IFRS 3 and IAS 36                                         2.6            
 Impairment, IAS 36                                        -1.3           
 Employee benefits, IAS 19                                 -16.1          
 Reserve for own shares, IAS 32                            -4.4           
 Income taxes, IAS 12                                      5.3            
 Provision, IAS 37                                         0.0            
 Minority interest, IAS 1                                  0.1            
 Changes in accounting policy, IAS 8                       -4.9           
 Other IFRS adjustments                                    -1.5           
 Total FRS adjustments                                     -20.2          
 Equity according to IFRS                                  137.7          

      19 (25)

 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT - IFRS            1-12/2005   1-12/2004  
 Cash flow from operating activities                                       
     Operating income                               49.3        31.3       
     Adjustments to operating profit                                       
        Depreciation and impairments                15.6        13.7       
        Profits and losses on sale of fixed assets  -0.7        -0.7       
        Other non-cash items                        1.6         0.9        
 Operating income before chg in net working capital 65.8        45.2       
     Change in interest-free short-term receivables 25.8        -27.5      
     Change in inventories                          -17.8       -27.5      
     Change in interest-free short-term liabilities 44.2        26.7       
 Change in net working capital                      0.7         -28.4      
 Cash flow from operations before financing items                          
 and taxes                                          66.5        16.8       
     Interest received                              7.6         1.3        
     Interest paid                                  -10.6       -4.7       
     Other financial income and expenses            -5.0        1.5        
     Income taxes paid                              -10.0       -7.3       
 Financing items and taxes                          -18.1       -9.2       
 Net cash flow from operating activities            48.4        7.6        
 Cash flow from investing activities                                       
     Acquisition of Group companies, net of cash    -30.3       -30.3      
     Acquisition of shares in associated company    -3.3        -0.1       
     Investments in other shares                    -2.0        0.0        
     Capital expenditures                           -13.5       -9.4       
     Proceeds from sale of other and associated     2.4         0.0        
 company shares                                                            
     Proceeds from sale of fixed assets             0.6         1.6        
     Dividends received                             0.1         0.2        
 Net cash used in investing activities              -46.1       -38.0      
 Cash flow before financing activities              2.3         -30.4      
 Cash flow from financing activities                                       
     Proceeds from options exercised                4.6         0.0        
     Proceeds from (+), payments of (-) long-term   25.2        -24.4      
     Proceeds from (+), payments of (-) short-term  4.9         91.1       
     Proceeds from (+), payments of (-) short-term  -0.2        -0.2       
     Dividends paid                                 -14.8       -28.1      
 Net cash used in financing activities              19.7        38.3       
     Translation differences in cash                1.3         -0.4       
 Change of cash and cash equivalents                23.3        7.5        
     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of      20.7        13.1       
     Cash and cash equivalents at end of period     44.0        20.6       
 Change of cash and cash equivalents                23.3        7.5        

The effect of changes in exchange rates has been eliminated by converting the
beginning balance at the rates current on the last day of the year.

      20 (25)


 Order Intake by Business    2005     % of 2005  2004     % of 2004  
 Area                                 total               total      
 Maintenance Services        364.5(1  32         308.4(1  39         
 Standard Lifting Equipment  322.1    28         246.6    31         
 Special Cranes              463.3    40         243.7    30         
 ./. Internal                -88.7               -61.9               
 Total                       1061.2(1 100        736.9(1  100        

1) Excl. Service Contract Base

 Order Book (2               2005                 2004               
 Total                       432.1                298.8              

2) Percentage of completion deducted

 Sales by Business Area      2005       % of 2005    2004      % of    
                                        total                  2004    
 Maintenance Services        406.5      39           344.6     44      
 Standard Lifting Equipment  318.0      30           231.2     29      
 Special Cranes              331.1      31           214.1     27      
 ./. Internal                -84.8                   -62.0             
 Total                       970.8      100          728.0     100     
 Operating Income by         2005       % of 2005    2004      % of    
 Business Area               Operating  total  sales Operating 2004    
                             Income                  Income    total   
 Maintenance Services        29.4       7.2          22.1      6.4     
 Standard Lifting Equipment  28.8       9.1          20.7      9.0     
 Special Cranes              15.2       4.6          15.9      7.4     
 Group costs                 -23.8                   -27.3             
 Consolidation items         -0.3                    -0.1              
 Total                       49.3                    31.3              

                             2005       % of 2005    2004      % of     
 Personnel by Business Area             total                  2004     
 (at the End of the Period)                                             
 Maintenance Services        2,999      51           2,685     59       
 Standard Lifting Equipment  1,898      32           1,028     23       
 Special Cranes              890        15           675       15       
 Group Staff                 136        2            123       3        
 Total                       5,923      100          4,511     100      


 Sales by Market             2005     % of 2005    2004     % of 2004  
                                      total                 total      
 Nordic and Eastern Europe   215.1    22           140.9    19         
 EU (excl. Nordic)           300.5    31           222.5    31         
 Americas                    277.7    29           215.1    30         
 Asia-Pacific                177.4    18           149.4    20         
 Total                       970.8    100          728.0    100        

      21 (25)

 NET INTEREST BEARING LIABILITIES                31.12.2005  31.12.2004   
 Long- and short-term interest bearing           -178.4      -131.4       
 Cash and cash equivalents and other interest                             
 bearing assets                                  44.4        21.0         
 Total                                           -133.9      -110.4       

 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND PLEDGED ASSETS       31.12.2005  31.12.2004   
 Contingent Liabilities                                                   
 For own debts                                                            
     Mortgages on land and buildings             5.9         5.9          
 For own commercial obligations                                           
     Pledged assets                              0.3         0.3          
     Guarantees                                  117.2       101.5        
 For associated company's debt                                            
 Guarantees                                      0.0         0.8          
 For others                                                               
 Guarantees                                      0.0         0.1          
 Other contingent and Financial Liabilities                               
 Leasing liabilities                                                      
 Next year                                       10.7        6.8          
 Later on                                        34.4        15.7         
     Other liabilities                           0.7         1.2          
 Total                                           169.2       132.3        

Leasing contracts follow the normal practices in corresponding countries.

 Total by Category                                                        
     Mortgages on land and buildings             5.9         5.9          
     Pledged assets                              0.3         0.3          
     Guarantees                                  117.2       102.4        
     Other liabilities                           45.8        23.7         
 Total                                           169.2       132.3        

 NOTIONAL AND FAIR VALUES OF          31.12.2005 31.12.2005  31.12.2004   
 DERIVATIVE                                      Nominal     Nominal      
 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (MEUR)         Fair value value       value        
 Foreign exchange forward contracts   -8.9       304.0       538.5        
 Interest rate swap                   0.0        0.0         25.0         
 Electricity derivates                0.3        0.8         0.0          
 Total                                -8.6       304.8       563.5        

 INVESTMENTS                                     1-12/2005   1-12/2004    
 Total  (excl. Acquisitions)                     16.0        11.8         

      22 (25)


 Business development               IFRS   IFRS   FAS   FAS    FAS    
                                    2005   2004   2003  2002   2001   
 Order intake                MEUR   1061.2 736.9  611.9 598.9  679.1  
 Order book                  MEUR   432.1  298.8  211.2 206.0  279.7  
 Net sales                   MEUR   970.8  728.0  664.5 713.6  756.3  
 of which outside Finland    MEUR   883.7  653.5  599.4 634.2  679.2  
 Export from Finland         MEUR   334.2  273.4  258.9 256.9  263.5  
 Personnel on average               5,087  4,369  4,423 4,396  4,434  
 Capital expenditure         MEUR   16.0   11.8   12.4  13.9   11.3   
 as a percentage of net      %      1.6    1.6    1.9   1.9    1.5    
 Research and development                                             
 costs                       MEUR   8.8    8.5    7.9   8.2    7.7    
 as % of Standard Lifting                                             
 Equipment (1                %      2.8    3.7    3.7   4.0    3.1    
 as % of Group net sales     %      0.9    1.2    1.2   1.1    1.0    
 Net sales                   MEUR   970.8  728.0  664.5 713.6  756.3  
 Income from operations                                               
 (before goodwill                                                     
 amortization)               MEUR   49.3   31.3   24.8  40.9   59.4   
 as percentage of net sales  %      5.1    4.3    3.7   5.7    7.9    
 Operating income            MEUR   49.3   31.3   21.5  37.6   55.3   
 as percentage of net sales  %      5.1    4.3    3.2   5.3    7.3    
 Income before extraordinary MEUR   34.1   27.7   18.9  36.5   52.4   
 items as percentage of net                                           
 sales                       %      3.5    3.8    2.8   5.1    6.9    
 Income before taxes         MEUR   34.1   27.7   10.7  36.5   52.4   
 as percentage of net sales  %      3.5    3.8    1.6   5.1    6.9    
 Net income                  MEUR   24.1   18.4   6.7   24.6   35.3   
 as percentage of net sales  %      2.5    2.5    1.0   3.4    4.7    
 Key figures and balance                                              
 Shareholders' equity        MEUR   152.1  137.6  163.4 173.2  180.2  
 Balance Sheet               MEUR   724.0  513.9  402.2 397.1  455.9  
 Return on equity            %      16.6   12.5   7.5   14.2   22.0   
 Return on capital employed  %      17.2   13.7   10.8  17.8   24.3   
 Current ratio                      1.1    1.1    1.5   1.6    1.6    
 Solidity                    %      23.7   29.1   42.6  45.5   41.4   
 Gearing                     %      88.1   80.2   27.8  19.1   28.9   

1) R&D serves mainly Standard Lifting Equipment

      23 (25)

 Shares in figures                IFRS   IFRS   FAS    FAS     FAS    
                                  2005   2004   2003   2002    2001   
 Earnings per share. basic EUR    1.71   1.31   0.88   1.69    2.40   
 Earnings per share.                                                  
 diluted                   EUR    1.67   1.29   n/a    n/a     n/a    
 Equity per share          EUR    10.66  9.76   11.24  12.11   11.75  
 Cash flow per share       EUR    3.43   0.54   1.72   4.54    2.93   
 Dividend per share        EUR    1.10*  1.05   2.00   0.95    0.90   
 Dividend/earnings         %      64.3   80.2   227.3  56.2    37.5   
 Effective dividend yield  %      2.6    3.2    7.2    4.1     3.2    
 Price/earnings                   24.3   24.8   31.4   13.8    11.9   
 Trading low /             EUR    29.80/ 27.20/ 17.20/ 19.80/  25.00/ 
 high                                                  36.83          
                                  41.95  35.50  29.39          46.00  
 Average share price       EUR    35.77  30.79  22.49  28.74   31.72  
 Year-end market                                                      
 capitalization            MEUR   594.1  458.4  387.6  333.2   427.5  
 Number traded             (1000) 18,291 15,925 12,662 11,939  8,581  
 Stock turnover            %      128.1  112.9  90.2   83.4    57.2   

* The Board's proposal to the AGM


Return on equity (%) = (Income before extraordinary items - taxes) x 100 : Total
equity (average during the period)

Return on capital employed (%) = (Income before taxes + interest paid + other
financing cost) x 100 : (Total amount of equity and liabilities - non-interest
bearing debts (average during the period))

Current ratio = Current assets : Current liabilities

Solidity (%) = Shareholders' equity x 100 : (Total amount of equity and
liabilities - advance payment received)

Gearing (%) = (Interest-bearing liabilities - liquid assets - loans receivable) x
100 : Total equity

Earnings per share = (Net income +/- extraordinary items) : Average number of
shares outstanding

Earnings per share, diluted = (Net income +/- extraordinary items) : Average
fully diluted number of shares outstanding

Equity per share = Shareholders' equity : Number of shares outstanding

Cash flow per share = Net cash flow from operating activities : Average number of
shares outstanding

Effective dividend yield (%) = Dividend per share x 100 : Share price at the end
of financial year

Price per earnings = Share price at the end of financial year : Earnings per

Year-end market capitalization = Number of shares outstanding multiplied by the
share price at the end of year

Average number of personnel = Calculated as average of number of personnel in
      24 (25)

The numbers  are  rounded  to  nearest  EUR  0.1  million.  The  key  figures  are
calculated from exact data.

Events on 15 February, 2006

Analyst and press briefing

A luncheon presentation for media and analysts will be held at Helsinki World
Trade Center, Marski Hall at 12.00 noon Finnish Time (address Aleksanterinkatu

Live webcast

A live webcast of the presentation for analysts and media will begin at 12.00
noon Finnish Time and can be followed at www.konecranes.com/investor.


This report and graphic material is available on the Internet at
www.konecranes.com/investor immediately after publication. A recording from the
webcast presentation will be available on the Internet later on 15 February.

Dividend proposal

The Board of Directors propose to the AGM that a dividend of EUR 1.10 per share
will be paid for the fiscal year 2005. The dividend will be paid to shareholders,
who are entered in the share register on the record date on March 13, 2006.
Dividend payment date is March 20, 2006.

Annual Report

The Annual Report for 2005 will be published during the week 9 of 2006.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting 2005 will be held on Wednesday, 8 March, 2006 at 11.00
a.m. at Group headquarters (address: Koneenkatu 8, 05830 Hyvinkää, Finland). A
press release on the decisions made at the AGM will be published upon conclusion
of the meeting.

The proposals for the AGM 2006 will be published on 15 February, 2006.

Next report

Interim Report, January-March 2006, will be published on 10 May, 2006.


A graphical presentation of this report is available on the Internet at

      25 (25)


Franciska Janzon
IR Manager

Mr. Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO, tel. +358-20 427 2000
Mr Teuvo Rintamäki, Chief Financial Officer, tel. +358-20 427 2040,
Ms Franciska Janzon, IR Manager, tel. +358-20 427 2043

Helsinki Stock Exchange


