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KONECRANES PLC 2007 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                    

Excellent 2007 Results, Favorable 2008 Outlook                                  

- Excellent year in orders received: 1,872.0 MEUR (+27.1 %), Q4 orders: 471.0   
MEUR (+28.2 %),                                                                 
- Good growth in net sales: 1,749.7 MEUR (+18.0 %), Q4 sales: 522.8 MEUR        
- Operating profit (excluding 17.6 MEUR capital gain) increased to 174.7 (105.5)
MEUR, margin was 10.0 (7.1) %                                                   
- Q4 operating profit (EBIT): 60.4 MEUR (+53.6%), EBIT margin 11.6 (8.5) %      
- Improved return on capital employed: 50.4 (29.5) %, return on equity 51.2     
(36.5) %                                                                        
- Solid financial position with gearing down to 7.0 (57.3) %, Net debt 19.7     
(128.2) MEUR                                                                    
- Earnings per share: 2.17 (1.17) EUR, EPS excl. capital gain 1.95 EUR          
- Strong cash flow from operations: 233.2 (114.2) MEUR                          
- Board's dividend proposal: 0.80 (0.45) EUR per share                          
- Double-digit sales growth targeted in 2008, potential for further EBIT margin 
improvement in 2008                                                             

|                   | Fourth quarter    |        | January - December          |
| EUR million       |  10-12/ |  10-12/ | Change |   1-12/ |   1-12/ |  Change |
|                   |   2007  |   2006  |      % |   2007  |   2006  |      %  |
| SALES             |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Service           |   172.9 |  161.4  |    7.1 |   628.6 |   526.6 |    19.4 |
| Standard Lifting  |   200.7 |  159.5  |   25.9 |   692.6 |   558.4 |    24.0 |
| Heavy Lifting     |   187.6 |  162.7  |   15.3 |   549.0 |   490.8 |    11.8 |
| Internal Sales    |  (38.4) |  (23.5) |   63.3 | (120.3) |  (93.3) |    29.0 |
| Sales total       |   522.8 |   460.1 |   13.6 | 1,749.7 | 1,482.5 |    18.0 |
| Operational       |    60.4 |    39.3 |   53.6 |   174.7 |   105.5 |    65.7 |
| profit            |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Operational       |  11.6 % |   8.5 % |        |  10.0 % |   7.1 % |         |
| profit margin     |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Gain on the sale  |     0.0 |     0.0 |        |    17.6 |     0.0 |         |
| of real estate    |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Operating profit  |    60.4 |    39.3 |   53.6 |   192.3 |   105.5 |    82.3 |
| (EBIT)            |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| EBIT margin       |  11.6 % |   8.5 % |        |  11.0 % |   7.1 % |         |
| Share of result   |     0.1 |     0.3 |        |     0.7 |     0.7 |         |
| of associates and |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| joint ventures    |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Interests, net    |   (1.3) |   (2.1) |        |   (8.5) |   (9.5) |         |
| Other financial   |   (2.3) |   (0.9) |        |   (5.7) |   (1.6) |         |
| income and        |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| expenses          |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Profit before     |    56.9 |    36.6 |   55.3 |   178.8 |    95.1 |    88.0 |
| taxes             |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Taxes             |  (14.3) |   (9.0) |        |  (49.6) |  (26.5) |         |
| Net profit for    |    42.6 |    27.6 |   54.0 |   129.2 |    68.6 |    88.3 |
| the period        |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Earnings per      |    0.71 |    0.48 |   50.3 |    2.17 |    1.17 |    84.5 |
| share, basic      |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| (EUR)             |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Earnings per      |    0.70 |    0.46 |   51.5 |    2.13 |    1.15 |    85.9 |
| share, diluted    |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| (EUR)             |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| ORDERS RECEIVED   |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Service           |   137.8 |   122.5 |   12.6 |   563.0 |   448.5 |    25.5 |
| Standard Lifting  |   196.4 |   137.7 |   42.7 |   793.8 |   592.7 |    33.9 |
| Heavy Lifting     |   168.6 |   128.8 |   30.9 |   633.9 |   519.2 |    22.1 |
| Internal Orders   |  (31.8) |  (21.4) |        | (118.7) |  (87.7) |         |
| Orders received   |   471.0 |   367.5 |   28.2 | 1,872.0 | 1,472.8 |    27.1 |
| Total             |         |         |        |         |         |         |
| Order Book at end |         |         |        |   757.9 |   571.6 |    32.6 |
| of period         |         |         |        |         |         |         |
President and CEO Pekka Lundmark's comments on 2007 performance                 

Year 2007 was again excellent for Konecranes. Our strong growth continued for   
the third year in a row. Between 2004 and 2007 our sales have almost tripled, to
more than EUR 1.7 billion. We now estimate our share of the relevant market to  
be approximately 15 percent. We have increased our operating profit over the    
same period almost six-fold, from EUR 31 million to EUR 175 million.            

Our growth this year - 18 percent - was mostly organic. While we continued to   
integrate the two large acquisitions that generated roughly half of our growth  
in 2006, the new acquisitions - eight in all - were small service and technology
companies. As an example I want to mention the acquisition of Savcor One, a     
software company that develops container positioning and equipment automation   
applications designed to improve our customers' container handling efficiency.  

Konecranes continued to enjoy well-balanced growth across its various business  
areas and regions. Sales growth was strongest in Europe, Middle East & Africa,  
and all regions achieved double-digit growth. The fastest order growth took     
place in Asia-Pacific, but Europe, Middle East & Africa and Americas also posted
excellent growth. We continued to expand our business in the world's fast       
developing markets. We have already had a good presence in China for a few      
years. Another important milestone was passed in our emerging markets strategy  
by entering the Indian market with a startup operation that grew from zero to 50
people during the year. Significant progress was made in another high-potential 
market, Russia, where we received a large number of new orders in the second    
half of the year. We intend to continue to expand our geographical reach.       

Our group profitability development met our expectations, even though growth    
here was uneven. Standard Lifting and Service made excellent progress. The Heavy
Lifting supply chain can still be improved.                                     

The Group's 10 % EBIT margin target was already met less than a year after the  
target was raised. The progress from the previous year's 7.1 percent is         
significant. Profit growth combined with further improved capital efficiency    
generated a 50.4 percent return on the total capital employed.                  

The turbulence on the financial markets in the second half of the year did not  
seem to impact our demand. Our 27 percent growth in new orders exceeded the 18  
percent sales growth, which means that we start the new year with an order book 
32.6 percent stronger than a year ago. These promising numbers indicate         
continued growth in 2008, and we also believe that there is potential for       
further improvement in our margins. However, it is now more difficult to        
forecast development for the next few years although the long-term fundamentals 
in our macro environment continue to be strong. As long as economically sound   
industrial or logistics investments are able to find funding at reasonable      
terms, our business should continue to develop well. A widespread recession that
would significantly reduce investments would of course hurt our market, too.    

Regardless of the general economic development, our goal is to continue to      
increase our share of a market that is still very fragmented. In the services   
market alone, we estimate that more than EUR 10 billion is spent globally to    
service and maintain cranes. This market is significantly less cyclical than the
new equipment market. Only some 30 percent of this market is open today, i.e.   
the crane owner has outsourced maintenance to companies like Konecranes. In     
addition to the general market growth, there is a clear trend towards           
outsourcing. Our company is best positioned to take advantage of this           
development, and we therefore expect that services will be a genuine growth     
business for a long time to come. More than half of our sales in North America  
are generated by services, reducing our vulnerability to a potential economic   

Board of Directors' Report                                                      

Konecranes financial performance continued to develop favorably in 2007. All    
geographical regions and Business Areas posted strong order and sales growth.   
Total sales growth was robust at 18 percent, and profitability improved for the 
fourth consecutive year. Return on equity was as high as 51.2 percent. As       
Konecranes business model is very cash generative, the company was able to      
reduce net debt from EUR 128.2 million to 19.7 million in 2007, despite paying  
EUR 26.7 million in dividends, buying back own shares for EUR 46.0 million, and 
acquiring eight companies for EUR 17.4 million. Konecranes solid financial      
position ensures that it can also continue developing its operations in a less  
buoyant economic environment. Konecranes has prerequisites to pursue organic    
growth by gaining market share in the still very fragmented industrial crane    
industry, even in case of flat or decreasing demand. Growing the business       
through acquisitions is part of Konecranes' strategy, and an economic slowdown  
could increase opportunities for value-adding acquisitions. The trend of        
outsourcing crane maintenance offers long-term growth prospects in the Service  
business. Because the recruitment of service technicians is the major challenge 
in expanding the service operations, a less competitive labor market could help 
fuel service growth. The development in 2007 strengthened Konecranes'           
competitiveness and ability to successfully cope with future challenges.        

Change in Reporting Method 2007                                                 

Due to changes in the Business Area reporting method described below, the sales,
orders and operating profit comparison figures in this report deviate from the  
figures reported in 2006 for the Business Areas Service and Standard Lifting.   
The aggregate and Heavy Lifting figures are not affected.                       

As of January 1, 2007, Konecranes-branded spare parts are reported in the       
Service Business Area, where previously they were partly included in Service and
partly in Standard Lifting. The 2006 quarterly comparison figures for Service   
and Standard Lifting according to the new reporting structure are presented in  
the table below.                                                                

|                      |  Q1 2006 |  Q2 2006 | Q3 2006 |   Q4 2006 |   2006    |
| Service              |          |          |         |           |           |
| Orders received,     |     99.8 |    108.3 |   117.9 |     122.5 |     448.5 |
| MEUR                 |          |          |         |           |           |
| Net sales, MEUR      |    105.6 |    122.9 |   136.6 |     161.4 |     526.5 |
| Operating income,    |      8.7 |     12.3 |    14.4 |      17.6 |      53.0 |
| MEUR                 |          |          |         |           |           |
| Operating margin, %  |      8.2 |     10.0 |    10.5 |      10.9 |      10.1 |
| Standard Lifting     |          |          |         |           |           |
| Orders received,     |    142.6 |    155.3 |   157.2 |     137.7 |     592.7 |
| MEUR                 |          |          |         |           |           |
| Net sales, MEUR      |    114.0 |    131.7 |   153.2 |     159.5 |     558.4 |
| Operating income,    |      8.0 |     12.0 |    15.3 |      16.2 |      51.5 |
| MEUR                 |          |          |         |           |           |
| Operating margin, %  |      7.0 |      9.1 |    10.0 |      10.2 |       9.2 |

In addition, the geographical segment reporting structure has been changed from 
the beginning of 2007. The new geographical segments are Europe, Middle East,   
Africa (EMEA), Americas (AME) and Asia-Pacific (APAC). The earlier structure was
Nordic and Eastern Europe, EU (excl. Nordic), Americas, and Asia-Pacific. The   
2006 quarterly sales comparison figures according to the new geographical       
segmentation are presented in the table below.                                  

|            |   Q1 2006 |    Q2 2006 |    Q3 2006 |     Q4 2006 |        2006 |
| EMEA       |     170.1 |      195.3 |      187.9 |       227.8 |       781.1 |
| AME        |      90.1 |      105.8 |      148.0 |       168.5 |       512.4 |
| APAC       |      36.6 |       38.8 |       50.0 |        63.8 |       189.2 |
| Total      |     296.7 |      339.9 |      385.8 |       460.1 |      1482.5 |

The restated 2006 APAC sales figures differ from the figures reported in 2006 as
sales in Africa and the Middle East have been shifted from APAC to EMEA.        

Sale of Real Estate                                                             

Konecranes finalized the sale of properties located in Hyvinkää, Hämeenlinna and
Urjala, Finland, in April 2007. The Konecranes companies operating in the sold  
facilities in Hyvinkää and Hämeenlinna have continued their normal operations in
these facilities under long-term rental agreements.                             

The aggregate sales price for the facilities was approximately EUR 31.4 million.
Konecranes booked a capital gain of EUR 17.6 million in EBIT on the transaction.

Group Structure                                                                 

MMH Holdings, Inc, operating under the well-known P&H brand, was consolidated   
into the Konecranes Group figures as of 1 June, 2006. Therefore, the comparison 
figures for 2006 include MMH only for the period June-December. The MMH         
operations in January-May 2007 account for roughly 5 percentage points of the   
reported 18 percent sales growth and the 27 percent order growth in 2007.       
Approximately 60 percent of MMH sales and orders are included in the Service    
Business Area, and the remainder is fairly evenly split between Standard Lifting
and Heavy Lifting.                                                              


Konecranes made eight acquisitions in 2007. In January, the straddle carrier    
manufacturer Consens Transport Systeme of Germany, and the maintenance service  
business of the small Swedish-based company, El&Travers were acquired. In March,
Konecranes made an asset purchase agreement with the Spanish company Sistemas de
Elevación, operating in the field of port service. In June, Konecranes signed an
agreement to acquire 19 percent of the share capital of the crane manufacturing 
company Dynamic Crane Systems Ltd (DCS) in South Africa. The agreement includes 
an option to acquire the remaining shares in the company at a later stage. In   
July, Konecranes acquired Finnish container handling software specialist Savcor 
One Oy. During July, Konecranes also further strengthened its position in the   
machine tool service (MTS) business by acquiring two MTS companies in           
Scandinavia, Reftele Maskinservice AB in Sweden and Kongsberg Automation AS in  
Norway. In July, the port service business of the Italian company Technical     
Services S.r.l. was acquired. The acquired businesses accounted for EUR 12.2    
million in net sales and -1.4 million in operating profit in 2007. Significant  
costs in developing the Straddle Carrier operations caused the negative result  
of the acquired businesses.                                                     

Market Review                                                                   

Market demand for Konecranes' products and services developed favorably         
throughout 2007 in all geographical regions and Business Areas. Demand grew     
strongest in emerging markets. Demand for process cranes, industrial cranes and 
crane components improved on increasing industrial output and investments in new
production capacity. Demand for container-handling and other port equipment     
benefited from high port investments. Demand for crane and machine tool service 
increased on continuing outsourcing of service. Almost all Konecranes' main     
customer industries contributed to improved demand, with shipyards, harbors,    
primary metals, power and petrochemicals continuing to boost demand. Investment 
activity in the paper and automotive industries remained at a low level. Demand 
for both standard and heavy lifting equipment improved in all geographical      

Input prices, in particular steel and labor costs, rose from the previous year. 
This resulted in upward pressure on market prices for cranes and crane          
maintenance as suppliers endeavored to pass on the higher costs to customers.   
The tight labor market also led to difficulties in attracting and retaining     
skilled labor, particularly in markets with a strong representation of          
petrochemical, primary metal and mining industries.                             

Konecranes' strong sales and order growth leads management to believe that it   
continued to increase its global market shares.                                 

Orders Received, Order Book and Contract Base                                   

In 2007, order intake grew by 27.1 percent to EUR 1,872.0 (1,472.8) million.    
Konecranes' organic order growth exceeded 20 percent for the third consecutive  
year. Higher prices accounted for 4-5 percentage points of the order increase.  
The year-end value of the order backlog was 757.9 (571.6) million, up by 32.6   
percent from the end of 2006. Changes in currency rates, primarily the          
devaluation of the USD against the euro, had a negative impact on the reported  
growth in orders and the order book. Konecranes continued to capitalize on the  
trend of outsourcing service. The annual value of the maintenance contract base 
rose more than 15 percent to EUR 106.4 million and included 292,139 (263,039)   
units at the end of 2007. The retention rate for maintenance contracts remained 
above 90 percent.                                                               

Higher demand in most customer segments, Konecranes' expanding geographical     
presence and our broader, competitive product range contributed to growth in    
orders. Orders increased in all geographical regions across all Business Areas. 
Geographically the Asia-Pacific region posted the strongest growth. Emerging    
markets in the EMEA region, particularly Russia and the Middle East, contributed
to the region's solid order growth. Order intake in the Americas region grew by 
nearly 20 percent, and organic growth was close to five percent despite the     
devaluation of the US dollar.                                                   

Standard Lifting benefited from growing demand in general manufacturing,        
engineering and petrochemicals, both in emerging and mature markets.            
Strong demand in general manufacturing, ports, shipyards, and the metals and    
power customer segments supported order growth in Heavy Lifting.                

In Service, the personnel increase enabled high order intake. The reported order
growth in Service was boosted by the MMH service business, which was included   
for only seven months in 2006.                                                  

Orders Received by Business Areas, MEUR                                         

|                | Q4 2007 | Q4 2006 |  Change |   2007   |   2006   |  Change |
|                |         |         | percent |          |          | percent |
| Service        |   137.8 |   122.5 |   +12.6 |    563.0 |    448.5 |   +25.5 |
| Standard       |   196.4 |   137.7 |   +42.7 |    793.8 |    592.7 |   +33.9 |
| Lifting        |         |         |         |          |          |         |
| Heavy Lifting  |   168.6 |   128.8 |   +30.9 |    633.9 |    519.2 |   +22.1 |
| Internal       |  (31.8) |  (21.4) |         |  (118.7) |   (87.7) |         |
| Total          |   471.0 |   367.5 |   +28.2 |  1,872.0 |  1,472.8 |   +27.1 |

In the fourth quarter, order intake totaled EUR 471.0 (367.5) million,          
representing growth of 28.2 percent. Order growth was exceptionally strong in   
both Standard Lifting and Heavy Lifting, and it was almost exclusively organic. 
Service orders continued to increase at a stable, double-digit rate.            

Fourth quarter order intake was especially strong in the Asia-Pacific region,   
boosted by an order for 173 cranes to India. In EMEA, order growth continued at 
a high level. Order growth also continued at a good level in the Americas region
except in port equipment, but the weaker USD/EUR rate subdued order growth.     

Order Book by Business Areas, MEUR                                              

|                        |     Dec 31, 2007 |     Dec 31, 2006 |      Change % |
| Service                |            109.3 |            101.1 |           8.2 |
| Standard Lifting       |            270.9 |            174.6 |          55.1 |
| Heavy Lifting          |            406.1 |            349.9 |          16.1 |
| Internal               |           (28.4) |           (53.9) |               |
| Total                  |            757.9 |            571.6 |          32.6 |


Net sales rose 18.0 percent to EUR 1,749.7 (1,482.5) million. Growth was        
predominantly organic. Price increases accounted for 4-5 percentage points of   
growth, as higher input costs were successfully compensated by higher sales     
prices. Currency rate changes had a negative impact on the reported sales       

Standard Lifting achieved the fastest growth on improving demand and higher     
market shares. Production was successfully increased, but due to the            
exceptionally strong order intake in 2006 and 2007, output did not quite rise as
much as orders. As production ramp-up for hoists and other components was faster
than for industrial cranes, the sales mix shifted towards more components.      

Sales in Heavy Lifting rose thanks to a high order book at the beginning of     
2007, continued strong demand and a broader product range. The tight market for 
certain raw materials and a wide range of subcontracted components subdued sales
growth. Also bottlenecks in production caused delays.                           
Service sales rose strongly as new technicians were recruited and the service   
network expanded. The MMH service business boosted service sales growth, having 
been included for only seven months in 2006.                                    

Net Sales by Business Area, MEUR                                                

|                | Q4 2007 |  Q4 2006 | Change |    2007 |     2006 |   Change |
|                |         |          | percen |         |          |  percent |
|                |         |          |      t |         |          |          |
| Service        |   172.9 |    161.4 |    7.1 |   628.6 |    526.6 |     19.4 |
| Standard       |   200.7 |    159.5 |   25.9 |   692.6 |    558.4 |     24.0 |
| Lifting        |         |          |        |         |          |          |
| Heavy Lifting  |   187.6 |    162.7 |   15.3 |   549.0 |    490.8 |     11.8 |
| Internal       |  (38.4) |   (23.5) |        | (120.3) |   (93.3) |          |
| Total          |   522.8 |    460.1 |   13.6 | 1,749.7 |  1,482.5 |     18.0 |

Sales growth was fastest in the Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) region with  
Russia and the Middle East contributing strongly. Reported sales growth in the  
Americas region was boosted by the MMH business, which is included for 12 months
compared with seven months in 2006, but the weaker USD/EUR rate had a negative  
impact. The Asia-Pacific region posted solid sales growth with Service revenue  
and the Standard Lifting business growing strongly. However, deliveries of      
large-scale projects in Heavy Lifting were at a low level in the second half of 
2007, which subdued 2007 growth in APAC.                                        

Net Sales by Region, MEUR                                                       

|               | Q4 2007 |  Q4 2006 | Change |     2007 |     2006 |   Change |
|               |         |          | percen |          |          |  percent |
|               |         |          |      t |          |          |          |
| EMEA          |  297.6  |    227.8 |   30.6 |    951.4 |    781.0 |     21.8 |
| AME           |  159.6  |    168.5 |  (5.3) |    589.7 |    512.3 |     15.1 |
| APAC          |   65.6  |     63.8 |    2.8 |    208.6 |    189.4 |     10.3 |
| Total         |   522.8 |    460.1 |   13.6 |  1,749.7 |  1,482.5 |     18.0 |

Fourth quarter net sales rose 13.6 percent to EUR 522.8 (460.1) million. EMEA   
posted strong growth. The significantly weaker USD rate weighed on reported     
sales in the Americas region. Sales growth in APAC was low in the absence of    
large-scale deliveries in Heavy Lifting.                                        

In Service, fourth quarter sales growth was moderate. The weaker USD had a      
negative impact on reported service sales since nearly half of service revenue  
is generated in USD or USD-linked currencies. The recruitment of service        
personnel in the second half of 2007 was not as rapid as at the end of 2006 and 
first half of 2007.                                                             
Standard Lifting succeeded in raising fourth quarter production and deliveries  
to a record-high EUR 200.7 million, which roughly matches the quarterly order   
intake levels of 2007.                                                          

Heavy Lifting also achieved record-high fourth quarter delivery volumes despite 
challenges in component supply and production capacity.                         


Group operational income, excluding the EUR 17.6 million capital gain, rose 65.7
percent to EUR 174.7 (105.5) million. This represents a 10.0 percent operating  
margin, up from 7.1 percent in 2006. The main drivers for improved profitability
were higher volumes and productivity, success in passing on higher input costs, 
and the change in sales mix between and within the Business Areas.              

Service and Standard Lifting contributed to the margin improvement since both   
Business Areas achieved their over-the-cycle operating margin targets of twelve 
percent. The main drivers for the margin expansion in Standard Lifting were     
higher volumes and improved productivity. The shift in mix towards more         
component and less industrial crane sales also contributed to the profitability 
improvement. Pricing had a minor positive effect as prices more than offset the 
higher input costs.                                                             

The margin improvement for Service was the result of better fixed cost          
absorption, improved productivity and, to a certain extent, pricing. The high   
margin in the MMH service business helped raise the service margin, since the   
MMH business was included for only seven months in 2006. Heavy Lifting's        
operating profit improved slightly, but the margin decreased because of several 
independent factors. The development costs of starting lift truck assembly in   
Lingang, China, and straddle carrier manufacturing in Germany burdened Heavy    
Lifting's result. Because of tight component supply situation and some          
bottlenecks in manufacturing, Heavy Lifting faced challenges in fulfilling      
deliveries, which resulted in lower than expected volumes, and additional costs.
Significant cost overruns on a few large process crane projects also burdened   
Heavy Lifting's profitability.                                                  

Fourth quarter operating profit (EBIT) rose to a record-high of EUR 60.4 (39.3) 
million, representing 11.6 percent of net sales. The fourth quarter is          
seasonally Konecranes' strongest quarter. This seasonality has, however,        
decreased with geographical expansion, broadened product range, and wider       
customer exposure.                                                              

In the fourth quarter, Standard Lifting almost doubled operating profit in      
comparison to fourth quarter 2006 on higher volumes, improved productivity and  
sales mix.                                                                      

Heavy Lifting's fourth quarter operating profit rose slightly on higher volumes.
The margin rose clearly compared to the third quarter, which included a few     
low-margin projects, and achieved roughly the same level as in the fourth       
quarter of 2006. Challenges in the supply chain continued to weigh on the       
margin, but the component supply situation eased somewhat from the third        

Operational EBIT and margin (excluding capital gain in Q2) by Business Area     

|               |    Q4 | % of |    Q4 | % of |   2007 |  % of |  2006 |  % of |
|               |  2007 | sale |  2006 | sale |   MEUR | sales |  MEUR | sales |
|               | MEUR  |    s |  MEUR |    s |        |       |       |       |
| Service       |  24.3 | 14.0 |  17.6 | 10.9 |   78.7 |  12.5 |  53.0 |  10.1 |
| Standard      |  31.7 | 15.8 |  16.2 | 10.2 |  101.2 |  14.6 |  51.5 |   9.2 |
| Lifting       |       |      |       |      |        |       |       |       |
| Heavy Lifting |  15.6 |  8.3 |  14.0 |  8.6 |   34.0 |   6.2 |  33.6 |   6.8 |
| ./. Group     | (12.2 | (2.3 | (9.6) | (2.1 | (36.8) | (2.1) | (31.6 | (2.2) |
| overheads     |     ) |    ) |       |    ) |        |       |     ) |       |
| ./.           |   1.0 |      |   1.0 |      |  (2.3) |       | (0.9) |       |
| Elimination   |       |      |       |      |        |       |       |       |
| of internal   |       |      |       |      |        |       |       |       |
| profit        |       |      |       |      |        |       |       |       |
| Total         |  60.4 | 11.6 |  39.3 |  8.5 |  174.7 |  10.0 | 105.5 |   7.1 |

Group EBITDA was EUR 216.9 (128.0) million or 12.4 (8.6) percent on sales.      
Depreciations grew from EUR 22.3 million to EUR 24.0 million.                   

The share of associated companies result amounted to EUR 0.7 (0.7) million.     

Group interest costs (the net of interest income and expenses) were EUR 8.5     
(9.5) million.                                                                  

Financial costs (net of expenses and income) were EUR 14.3 (11.1) million.      

Group profit before taxes was EUR 178.8 (95.1) million. Income taxes were EUR   
49.6 (26.5) million corresponding to an effective tax rate of 27.8 (27.9)       
percent for the year.                                                           

Group net income was EUR 129.2 (68.6) million. Basic earnings per share totaled 
EUR 2.17 (1.17) and diluted earnings per share were EUR 2.13 (1.15). Excluding  
the capital gain from the sale of real estate, basic earnings per share were EUR
1.95 and diluted EPS were EUR 1.92. Net income in the fourth quarter was EUR    
42.6 (27.6) million or EUR 0.71 (0.48) in basic earnings per share.             

The Group's return on capital employed was 50.4 (29.5) percent and return on    
equity was 51.2 (36.5) percent.                                                 

Group costs                                                                     

Unallocated Group overhead costs were EUR 36.8 (31.6) million, representing 2.1 
(2.2) percent of net sales. These costs consist mainly of research &            
development, information technology, marketing & communications, finance, legal,
human resources, mergers & acquisitions, and general Group management and       
administration functions.                                                       

Cash flow and balance sheet                                                     

Cash flow from operations before financing items and taxes more than doubled to 
EUR 233.2 (114.2) million, representing EUR 3.91 (1.96) per share. Higher       
profits and improved working capital management supported the strong cash flow  
Cash flow from financing items and taxes was EUR -49.7 (-32.8) million. Net cash
flow from operating activities was EUR 183.5 (81.4) million, representing EUR   
3.08 (1.39) per share.                                                          

In total, EUR 36.9 (66.1) million in cash was used to cover capital expenditure 
including acquisitions. The sale of fixed assets including real estate amounted 
to EUR 32.3 (1.2) million. The cash-based capital expenditures in fixed assets  
were EUR 22.5 (17.1) million.                                                   

Cash flow before financing activities was EUR 179.1 (16.6) million.             

Fourth quarter 2007 cash flow before financing activities was strong at EUR 90,5

The parent company paid EUR 26.7 (15.8) million in dividends.                   
During 2007, EUR 46.0 million was used to repurchase Konecranes shares.         

Group interest-bearing debt was EUR 77.6 (173.3) million, and interest-bearing  
net debt was EUR 19.7 (128.2) million. Gearing was 7.0 (57.3) percent.          
The Solidity (equity) ratio was 36.1 (28.3) percent, and the current ratio was  
1.3 (1.4).                                                                      

The Group has a EUR 200 million committed back-up financing facility to secure  
running liquidity. At year-end, EUR 27.2 (100.9) million was in use.            

Currency rates and sensitivity                                                  

Changes in currency exchange rates had a negative effect on reported sales,     
order and profits. Currency hedging absorbed part of the impact of the stronger 

The annual negative impact of a one percent weakening of the USD/EUR rate is    
slightly more than one million euros in pre-tax profits. This includes both     
transactional and translation effects.                                          

The Group continued its currency risk management policy of hedging. The aim of  
the hedging policy is to minimize currency risk relating to non-euro nominated  
export and import from or to the euro zone. Hedging was mainly carried out      
through currency forward exchange transactions.                                 

Repurchase of Konecranes shares and shares in the company's possession          

On the basis of the authorization of the 2007 AGM, Konecranes Board of Directors
decided to commence repurchasing shares at the earliest on 8 November, 2007.    
Between November 8, 2007 and January 4, 2008 Konecranes repurchased 1,800,000   
shares at the average share price of EUR 26.44. In total EUR 47.6 million was   
used for share repurchases, of which EUR 46.0 million was used in 2007. At the  
end of 2007, Konecranes had 2,473,000 own shares in its possession,             
corresponding to 4.06 percent of the shares and votes.                          

Capital expenditure                                                             

Group capital expenditure excluding acquisitions was EUR 25.2(16.3) million.    
This capital expenditures consisted mainly of replacement or capacity expansion 
investments on machines, equipment and information technology. Capital          
expenditure in acquisitions was EUR 17.4 (51.2) million.                        

Research and development                                                        

Total direct research and development costs in the Group were EUR 16.2 (12.5)   
million. R&D expenditure includes product development projects aimed at         
improving the quality and cost-efficiency of both products and services.        

R&D expenditure is not allocated to the Business Areas, but reported in Group   
overheads, except for Stahl Crane Systems' R&D expenses, which are included in  
the Standard Lifting Business Area.                                             

Personnel and personnel development                                             

At the end of 2007, the Group employed 8,404 (7,549) persons. The average number
of personnel was 8,005 (6,859). Most of the increase in personnel relates to the
expansion in Service.                                                           

On average, the Group recorded somewhat over three training days per employee.  
The main corporate wide-development program is the three-year Konecranes Academy
aimed for middle management and experts. The development program for the top    
management was continued.                                                       

Personnel by Business Area, end of period                                       

|                                 |        2007 |         2006 |        Change |
|                                 |             |              |       percent |
| Service                         |       4,436 |        3,923 |          +13  |
| Standard Lifting                |       2,479 |        2,333 |           +6  |
| Heavy Lifting                   |       1,272 |        1,131 |          +12  |
| Group Staff                     |         217 |          162 |          +34  |
| Total                           |       8,404 |        7,549 |          +11  |

Important appointments                                                          

The Group Executive Board (GXB) consisted of the following members at the       
beginning of 2007:                                                              

Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO                                               

Business Area Presidents:                                                       
Hannu Rusanen, Service                                                          
Pekka Päkkilä, Standard Lifting                                                 
Mikko Uhari, Heavy Lifting                                                      

Region Presidents:                                                              
Pierre Boyer, Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA)                               
Tom Sothard, Americas (AME)                                                     
Harry Ollila, Northeast Asia (NEA)                                              
Edward Yakos, Southeast Asia-Pacific (SAP)                                      

Function Directors:                                                             
Teuvo Rintamäki, Chief Financial Officer, until 20 August 2007.                 
Sirpa Poitsalo, Director, General Counsel                                       
Arto Juosila, Director, Administration and Business Development, until December 
31, 2007.                                                                       
Mikael Wegmüller, Director, Marketing and Communications                        
Peggy Hansson, Director, Competence Development, until 4 December 2007.         
Ari Kiviniitty, Chief Technology Officer                                        

Teo Ottola was appointed CFO as of 20 August, 2007. He replaced Teuvo Rintamäki 
on the GBX.                                                                     
Jaana Rinne was appointed Director, talent management, and member of the GXB as 
of December 4, 2007.                                                            

After the period under review, Pekka Lettijeff was appointed Chief Procurement  
Officer as of January 21, 2008.                                                 

Risks and risk management                                                       

Risk management is part of the Konecranes' control system. In order to further  
increase transparency, and in anticipation of the upcoming new requirements,    
Konecranes has decided to expand its risk descriptions.                         

The purpose of risk management is to ensure that the risks related to the       
business operations of the Group are identified and managed adequately and      
appropriately so that the continuity of the business is safeguarded at all      

The Group's risk management principles provide a basic framework for risk       
management in Konecranes. Based on these principles, each Group company or      
operating unit is responsible for its own risk management. This method          
guarantees the best possible knowledge of local conditions, experiences and     
individual aspects of relevance. The Group co-ordinates and consults in issues  
related to risk management, and decides on how to handle methods for joint or   
extensive risk management (e.g. global insurance programs, Group treasury, IT   
infrastructure and system architecture).                                        

According to these principles, risk management is a continuous and systematic   
activity targeted to protect from personal injury, safeguard the assets of all  
Group companies and the whole Group, and to ensure stable and profitable        
financial performance. By minimizing losses due to realized risks, and          
optimizing the costs of risk management, the long-term competitiveness of the   
Group companies and the whole Group are safeguarded.                            

According to the risk management principles, the Group continuously reviews its 
insurance policies as part of its overall risk management. Insurance contracts  
are used to sufficiently cover risks that are economically or otherwise         
reasonably insurable.                                                           

Konecranes' operations are affected by various strategic, operational, financial
and damage risks. The next section briefly describes Konecranes' most           
significant risks.                                                              

The demand for Konecranes products and services is affected by the development  
of the overall global economy, as well as the business cycles of Konecranes'    
customer industries.                                                            

The ongoing development of the Group's operational model from traditional       
manufacturing to increasingly supply chain driven activity creates various risks
related to e.g. component costs, quality, availability and stock values.        
Konecranes recognizes that some key subcontractors also impose continuity risks.

There are specific risks involved with the different aspects of production -    
e.g. production capacity management, operational efficiency, continuity and     
quality. There are also various threats and opportunities related to the        
development of new products and services.                                       

The ability to recruit and retain personnel is of key importance for the success
of Konecranes. Failure to do so may adversely affect Konecranes ability to      
execute its strategy.                                                           

Konecranes' manufacturing and supplier networks in developing countries, as well
as business in emerging markets could be adversely affected by sudden changes in
the political, economic or regulatory framework in these areas.                 

Unsuccessful acquisitions or unsuccessful integration of acquired companies     
could result in decreased profitability or hamper the implementation of the     
Group's strategy.                                                               

Konecranes' operations are dependent on the availability, reliability and       
quality of information, as well its confidentiality and integrity. Information  
security problems and incidents may adversely affect business performance.      

Konecranes may be subject to various legal actions, claims and other proceedings
in various countries. These actions, claims and other proceedings are typical   
for this industry and consistent with a global business offering that           
encompasses a wide range of products and services. These matters may involve    
contractual disputes, warranty claims, product liability (including design      
defects, manufacturing defects, failure to warn and asbestos legacy),           
employment, auto liability and other matters involving claims of general        

The Group's global business operations involve financial risks in the form of   
market, credit and liquidity risks. The most significant market risk is currency
risk related to both foreign currency transactional and translational risk. The 
US dollar clearly has the biggest impact, and a 1%-point decrease (increase) in 
the EUR/USD rate would have a negative (positive) operating profit effect of    
slightly more than one million euros. This estimate is based on the assumptions 
that foreign currency transactions are not hedged and that the nominal amount of
the USD denominated foreign currency transactions for the whole calendar year   
would be equal to the actual amounts outstanding at the end of the year (the    
transaction exposure).                                                          

The most important damage risks include business interruption risk, occupational
health and safety-related risks, environmental risks, fire and other disasters, 
natural events and premises security risks.                                     
The most significant short-term risks for the company are the development of the
global economy and availability as well as the cost of certain subcontracted    
components and materials.                                                       


Various legal actions, claims and other proceedings are pending against the     
Group in various countries. These actions, claims and other proceedings are     
typical for this industry and consistent with a global business offering that   
encompasses a wide range of products and services. These matters involve        
contractual disputes, warranty claims, product liability (including design      
defects, manufacturing defects, failure to warn and asbestos legacy),           
employment, auto liability and other matters involving claims of general        

While the final outcome of these matters cannot be predicted with certainty     
Konecranes is of the opinion, based on the information available to date and    
considering the grounds presented for such claims, available insurance coverage 
and the reserves made, that the outcome of such actions, claims and other       
proceedings, if unfavorable, would not have a material adverse impact on the    
financial condition of the Group.                                               


Konecranes recognizes environmental management as an important aspect in its    
business and strives to conduct operations in an environmentally sound manner.  
The most important environmental aspects of the Konecranes Group relate to the  
use of materials, raw materials and energy consumption.                         

Environmental concerns are taken into account from the product development stage
onwards. Key factors in product development are the efficient use of materials, 
reusability and energy efficiency in use. More than 98 percent of the material  
in a typical Konecranes crane can be recycled. Konecranes' hoists and lifting   
trolleys are designed to require as little space as possible and the electric   
motors use inverters that increase efficiency. Increasingly, Konecranes'        
equipment is used to transfer braking energy back into the grid, reducing energy
consumption. The fine-machined components used in our transmissions contribute  
to extended service life and significantly reduced noise levels. Konecranes     
develops crane structures that use less steel and other raw materials. Lighter  
and compact designs of cranes contribute to savings in space, heating, and      
operating costs in buildings and harbor platforms.                              

The company strives to favor products and materials that impose the lowest      
possible impact on the environment in procurement choices and to pay particular 
attention to keeping energy and material consumption at a low level. Local      
regulations and recommendations are taken into account in waste management and  
disposal. The company prioritizes developing the environmental awareness of both
own people and partners, with the aim of making environmental protection a      
natural part of day-to-day operations in all of our activities.                 

Incentive Programs and Share Capital                                            

At the end of 2007, Konecranes had five ongoing stock option programs (1997,    
1999, 2001, 2003 and 2007). During the second quarter of 2007, Konecranes       
distributed 987,500 2007A options to some 100 key employees in accordance with  
the authorization given to the Board of Directors by the Annual General Meeting 
in March 2007. The options entitle subscription of one Konecranes share per     
option, at the subscription price of EUR 25.72 (the weighted average share price
in April 2007) per share. The subscription period for the 2007A options runs    
from May 2, 2009 to April 30, 2011. The option programs include approximately   
320 key employees. The terms and conditions of the stock option schemes are     
available on our Investor homepage at www.konecranes.com/investor.              

Pursuant to Konecranes Plc's stock option plans, 901,060 new shares were        
subscribed for and registered in the Finnish Trade Register during 2007.  As a  
result of subscriptions of 67,600 shares prior to the 2007 AGM, Konecranes'     
share capital increased by EUR 33,800 to EUR 30,072,660. In accordance with the 
resolution of the AGM, the subscription price is, as of the date of the AGM,    
booked in its entirety to the paid in capital. The share subscriptions made     
during 2007 raised the number of shares to 60,978,780 at the end of 2007.       
The remaining 1997, 1999B, 2001, 2003 and 2007 stock options at the end of the  
accounting period confer entitlement to subscription to a total of 2,085,040    

In 2006, the Konecranes Board approved a long-term incentive program pertaining 
to Pekka Lundmark, the President and CEO of the Company. Pursuant to the        
incentive program a total of 50,000 shares were sold to the President and CEO on
22 December 2006, and 50,000 shares were sold in January 2007 on terms and      
conditions defined in the terms of subscription. The shares sold are subject to 
a five-year transfer restriction. As part of the scheme the Company paid a      
separate bonus to the Managing Director to cover the taxes levied as a result of
the arrangement.                                                                

The purpose of the incentive scheme is to motivate the President and CEO to     
contribute in the best possible manner to the long-term success of the Company  
and to increased shareholder value for all shareholders of the Company.         

Flagging notifications                                                          

| Date              | Shareholder        | Number of  | % of     | Prior       |
|                   |                    | Shares     | shares   | flagging, % |
|                   |                    | owned      | and      | of shares   |
|                   |                    |            | votes    | and votes   |
| 19 January,2007   | Fidelity           |  4 137 578 |     6.89 |       10.02 |
|                   | International      |            |          |             |
|                   | Limited and its    |            |          |             |
|                   | direct and         |            |          |             |
|                   | indirect           |            |          |             |
|                   | subsidiaries       |            |          |             |
| 12 March, 2007    | JPMorgan Chase &   |  3 008 405 |     5.00 |             |
|                   | Co and its         |            |          |             |
|                   | subsidiaries       |            |          |             |
| 14 March, 2007    | JPMorgan Chase &   |  2 936 245 |     4.88 |        5.00 |
|                   | Co and its         |            |          |             |
|                   | subsidiaries       |            |          |             |
| 20 March, 2007    | Morgan Stanley &   |  3 014 940 |     5.00 |             |
|                   | Co International   |            |          |             |
|                   | Ltd                |            |          |             |
| 21 March, 2007    | Morgan Stanley &   |  2 010 229 |     3.33 |        5.00 |
|                   | Co International   |            |          |             |
|                   | Ltd                |            |          |             |
| 29 March, 2007    | JPMorgan Chase &   |  3 313 163 |     5.50 |        4.88 |
|                   | Co and its         |            |          |             |
|                   | subsidiaries       |            |          |             |
|                   | direct and         |            |          |             |
|                   | indirect           |            |          |             |
|                   | subsidiaries       |            |          |             |
| 26 July, 2007     | Fidelity           |  3 011 708 |     4.96 |        6.89 |
|                   | International      |            |          |             |
|                   | Limited            |            |          |             |
| 10 August, 2007   | Fidelity           |  3 211 878 |     5.29 |        4.96 |
|                   | International      |            |          |             |
|                   | Limited            |            |          |             |
| 19 September,     | JPMorgan Chase &   |  3 020 039 |     4.97 |        5.50 |
| 2007              | Co                 |            |          |             |
| 22 November, 2007 | Fidelity           |  2 970 165 |     4.88 |        5.29 |
|                   | International Ltd  |            |          |             |

Change in reporting method 2008                                                 

In 2007, Konecranes-branded spare parts were mainly reported in the Service     
Business Area instead of in both Service and Standard Lifting, as was previously
the case. In 2008, a similar reporting change will be made concerning the       
remaining spare parts business in Standard and Heavy Lifting. This will result  
in a somewhat higher margin for Service and lower margins for Standard and Heavy
The reported 2007 quarterly figures will be restated according to the new       
reporting method in the first quarter interim report.                           

Long-term targets                                                               

Konecranes Group operating margin target of ten percent over the cycle was set  
in February 2007. It is based on Business Area margin targets of 12 percent in  
Service and Standard Lifting, and 10 percent in Heavy Lifting. As the reporting 
change described above will alter the Business Area margins, the margin targets 
will be reviewed and communicated in conjunction with the 2008 first quarter    
interim review. Konecranes does not plan to change the Group over the cycle     
operating margin target of ten percent.                                         

Dividend proposal                                                               

The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that a dividend of EUR 0.80 (0.45)   
per share be paid for the fiscal year 2007. The dividend will be paid to        
shareholders, who are entered in the company's share register maintained by the 
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. on the record date for payments of   
dividends on March 18, 2008. The actual payment of dividend will take place on  
March 28, 2008.                                                                 

Future prospects                                                                

Based on the year-end order book, the order and inquiry activity in January     
2008, and the short-term demand outlook described below, Konecranes targets     
double-digit sales growth in 2008. There continues to be potential for a further
improvement in operating margin in 2008. We target sales growth for all three   
Business Areas in 2008.                                                         

Due to the increased uncertainty in the global economy, forecasting demand for  
lifting equipment is more difficult now than it has been in recent years. The   
uncertainty mainly concerns equipment, since demand for service is expected to  
continue increasing. In the long term, demand for lifting equipment is expected 
to increase strongly in many key customer segments including harbors, power,    
petrochemical, mining, metals, transport, shipping and refuse handling. Also the
shorter-term outlook for many of these industries is favorable, particularly in 
the rapidly expanding economies. In order to take advantage of these            
opportunities we continue to extend our geographical coverage.                  
In 2008, demand for lifting equipment is anticipated to increase in the         
Asia-Pacific region in all key customer segments. In Western Europe, demand in  
general manufacturing is expected to stabilize at a high level. However, demand 
in Russia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, as well as demand in many of the 
growth industries mentioned above, is expected to continue improving. In North  
America, port investment is expected to ease from the good levels of 2006 and   
2007. Regarding other customer segments in North America, there are no clear    
signs of a major change in demand, but taking the weakened outlook of the U.S.  
economy into consideration, demand is anticipated to stabilize at a high level. 

The year-end order book in Standard Lifting represents approximately four months
of sales, which forms a strong base for sales growth in 2008. Heavy Lifting     
started 2008 with a 16 percent higher order book than in the previous year.     
Based on scheduled deliveries, Heavy Lifting's 2008 net sales are targeted to   
achieve solid growth. Service sales and order intake are anticipated to continue
growing at a rate in excess of ten percent.                                     

Helsinki February 8, 2008                                                       
Konecranes Plc                                                                  
Board of Directors                                                              


Certain statements in this report, which are not historical fact, including,    
without limitation those regarding expectations for market growth and           
developments, expectations for growth and profitability and statements preceded 
by "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "foresees" or similar expressions, are 
forward-looking statements. Therefore, they involve risks and uncertainties,    
which may cause actual results to materially differ from the results expressed  
in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include but are not limited to 
the company's own operating factors, industry conditions and general economic   

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME -   |        |          |          |        |
| IFRS                                 |        |          |          |        |
| EUR million       |  9-12/ |   9-12/ | Change |    1-12/ |    1-12/ | Change |
|                   |   2007 |    2006 |      % |     2007 |     2006 |      % |
| Sales             |  522.8 |   460.1 |   13.6 |  1 749.7 |  1 482.5 |   18.0 |
| Other operating   |    0.8 |     0.5 |        |     20.3 |      2.0 |        |
| income            |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| Depreciation and  |  (6.9) |   (6.9) |        |   (24.6) |   (22.5) |        |
| impairments       |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| Other operating   | (456.3 | (414.3) |        |       (1 |       (1 |        |
| expenses          |      ) |         |        |   553.1) |   356.5) |        |
| Operating profit  |   60.4 |    39.3 |   53.6 |    192.3 |    105.5 |   82.3 |
| Share of result   |    0.1 |     0.3 |        |      0.7 |      0.7 |        |
| of associates and |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| joint ventures    |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| Financial income  |  (3.6) |   (3.0) |        |   (14.3) |   (11.1) |        |
| and expenses      |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| Profit before     |   56.9 |    36.6 |   55.3 |    178.8 |     95.1 |   88.0 |
| taxes             |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| Taxes             | (14.3) |   (9.0) |        |   (49.6) |   (26.5) |        |
| Net profit for    |   42.6 |    27.6 |   54.0 |    129.2 |     68.6 |   88.3 |
| the period        |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| Net profit for    |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| the period        |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| attributable to : |        |         |        |          |          |        |
|  Shareholders of  |   42.6 |    27.6 |        |    129.2 |     68.6 |        |
| the parent        |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| company           |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| Minority interest |    0.0 |     0.0 |        |      0.0 |      0.0 |        |
| Earnings per      |   0.71 |    0.48 |   50.3 |     2.17 |     1.17 |   84.5 |
| share, basic      |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| (EUR)             |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| Earnings per      |   0.70 |    0.46 |   51.5 |     2.13 |     1.15 |   85.9 |
| share, diluted    |        |         |        |          |          |        |
| (EUR)             |        |         |        |          |          |        |

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET - IFRS                             |              |
| EUR million                                     |             |              |
| ASSETS                                          |  31.12.2007 |   31.12.2006 |
| Non-current assets                              |             |              |
| Goodwill                                        |        56.8 |         54.0 |
| Other intangible assets                         |        59.4 |         55.0 |
| Property, plant and equipment                   |        61.9 |         67.5 |
| Advance payments and construction in progress   |         4.7 |          9.6 |
| Investments accounted for using the equity      |         6.3 |          6.3 |
| method                                          |             |              |
| Available-for-sale investments                  |         2.4 |          2.1 |
| Long-term loans receivable                      |         1.7 |          0.5 |
| Deferred tax assets                             |        24.9 |         24.6 |
| Total non-current assets                        |       218.0 |        219.6 |
| Current assets                                  |             |              |
| Inventories                                     |             |              |
|    Raw material and semi-manufactured goods     |       105.3 |         92.7 |
|    Work in progress                             |       129.9 |        103.5 |
|    Advance payments                             |        16.0 |         30.4 |
| Total inventories                               |       251.2 |        226.6 |
| Account receivables                             |       328.0 |        324.2 |
| Loans receivable                                |         0.2 |          0.2 |
| Other receivables                               |        18.9 |         27.0 |
| Deferred assets                                 |        84.6 |         76.9 |
| Cash and cash equivalents                       |        56.0 |         44.4 |
| Total current assets                            |       738.9 |        699.4 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                                    |       956.9 |        919.0 |

| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                          |  31.12.2007 |   31.12.2006 |
| Capital and reserves attributable to the        |             |              |
| shareholders of the parent                      |             |              |
| Share capital                                   |        30.1 |         30.0 |
| Share premium account                           |        39.3 |         39.0 |
| Fair value reserves                             |         3.3 |          3.7 |
| Translation difference                          |      (12.9) |        (5.8) |
| Paid in capital                                 |         4.7 |          0.5 |
| Retained earnings                               |        87.0 |         87.7 |
| Net profit for the period                       |       129.2 |         68.6 |
| Total Shareholders' equity                      |       280.7 |        223.7 |
| Minority interest                               |         0.1 |          0.1 |
| Total equity                                    |       280.8 |        223.7 |
| Liabilities                                     |             |              |
| Non-current liabilities                         |             |              |
| Interest-bearing liabilities                    |        45.7 |        120.9 |
| Other long-term liabilities                     |        57.3 |         58.7 |
| Deferred tax liabilities                        |        15.8 |         20.0 |
| Total non-current liabilities                   |       118.8 |        199.6 |
| Provisions                                      |        37.2 |         28.2 |
| Current liabilities                             |             |              |
| Interest-bearing liabilities                    |        31.8 |         52.4 |
| Advance payments received                       |       179.1 |        128.9 |
| Progress billings                               |         2.7 |          7.0 |
| Accounts payable                                |       120.4 |        113.6 |
| Other short-term liabilities (non-interest      |        22.8 |         23.0 |
| bearing)                                        |             |              |
| Accruals                                        |       163.3 |        142.5 |
| Total current liabilities                       |       520.1 |        467.4 |
| Total liabilities                               |       676.1 |        695.2 |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                    |       956.9 |        919.0 |

| EUR million         |  Share |  Share  |     Share |      Fair | Translation |
|                     | capita | premium |    issues |     value |  Difference |
|                     |      l | account |           |  Reserves |             |
| Balance at          |   29.0 |    26.5 |       0.0 |      -4.9 |        -1.2 |
| 1 January, 2006     |        |         |           |           |             |
| Option exercised    |    1.1 |    12.4 |           |           |             |
| Share issue         |        |         |           |           |             |
| Dividend            |        |         |           |           |             |
| distribution        |        |         |           |           |             |
| Cash flow hedge     |        |         |           |       8.6 |             |
| Translation         |        |         |           |           |       (4.6) |
| difference          |        |         |           |           |             |
| Share based         |        |         |           |           |             |
| payments recognized |        |         |           |           |             |
| against equity      |        |         |           |           |             |
| Purchase of         |        |         |           |           |             |
| treasury shares     |        |         |           |           |             |
| Minority interest   |        |         |           |           |             |
| Net profit for the  |        |         |           |           |             |
| period              |        |         |           |           |             |
| Balance at          |   30.0 |    39.0 |       0.0 |       3.7 |        -5.8 |
| 31 December, 2006   |        |         |           |           |             |
| Balance at          |   30.0 |    39.0 |       0.0 |       3.7 |        -5.8 |
| 1 January, 2007     |        |         |           |           |             |
| Option exercised    |    0.0 |     0.3 |           |           |             |
| Dividend            |        |         |           |           |             |
| distribution        |        |         |           |           |             |
| Cash flow hedge     |        |         |           |     (0.3) |             |
| Translation         |        |         |           |           |       (7.1) |
| difference          |        |         |           |           |             |
| Share based         |        |         |           |           |             |
| payments recognized |        |         |           |           |             |
| against equity      |        |         |           |           |             |
| Purchase of         |        |         |           |           |             |
| treasury shares     |        |         |           |           |             |
| Minority interest   |        |         |           |           |             |
| Net profit for the  |        |         |           |           |             |
| period              |        |         |           |           |             |
| Balance at          |   30.1 |    39.3 |       0.0 |       3.3 |       -12.9 |
| 31 December, 2007   |        |         |           |           |             |
| EUR million         |        | Paid in |  Retained |  Minority |       Total |
|                     |        | Capital |  Earnings |  interest |      Equity |
| Balance at          |        |     0.0 |     102.7 |       0.1 |       152.1 |
| 1 January, 2006     |        |         |           |           |             |
| Option exercised    |        |         |           |           |        13.5 |
| Share issue         |        |     0.5 |           |           |         0.5 |
| Dividend            |        |         |    (15.8) |           |      (15.8) |
| distribution        |        |         |           |           |             |
| Cash flow hedge     |        |         |           |           |         8.6 |
| Translation         |        |         |           |           |       (4.6) |
| difference          |        |         |           |           |             |
| Share based         |        |         |       0.8 |           |         0.8 |
| payments recognized |        |         |           |           |             |
| against equity      |        |         |           |           |             |
| Purchase of         |        |         |           |           |         0.0 |
| treasury shares     |        |         |           |           |             |
| Minority interest   |        |         |           |           |         0.0 |
| Net profit for the  |        |         |      68.6 |           |        68.6 |
| period              |        |         |           |           |             |
| Balance at          |        |     0.5 |     156.3 |       0.1 |       223.7 |
| 31 December, 2006   |        |         |           |           |             |
| Balance at          |        |     0.5 |     156.3 |       0.1 |       223.7 |
| 1 January, 2007     |        |         |           |           |             |
| Option exercised    |        |     6.4 |           |           |         6.7 |
| Dividend            |        |         |    (26.7) |           |      (26.7) |
| distribution        |        |         |           |           |             |
| Cash flow hedge     |        |         |           |           |       (0.3) |
| Translation         |        |         |           |           |       (7.1) |
| difference          |        |         |           |           |             |
| Share based         |        |         |       1.3 |           |         1.3 |
| payments recognized |        |         |           |           |             |
| against equity      |        |         |           |           |             |
| Purchase of         |        |   (2.2) |    (43.8) |           |      (46.0) |
| treasury shares     |        |         |           |           |             |
| Minority interest   |        |         |           |       0.0 |        0.0  |
| Net profit for the  |        |         |     129.2 |           |      129.2  |
| period              |        |         |           |           |             |
| Balance at          |        |     4.7 |     216.2 |       0.1 |       280.8 |
| 31 December, 2007   |        |         |           |           |             |

| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT - IFRS         |             |              |
| EUR million                                     |   1-12/2007 |    1-12/2006 |
| Cash flow from operating activities             |             |              |
| Operating income                                |       192.3 |        105.5 |
| Adjustments to operating profit                 |             |              |
|    Depreciation and impairments                 |        24.6 |         22.5 |
|    Profits and losses on sale of fixed assets   |      (18.0) |        (0.3) |
|    Other non-cash items                         |       (0.2) |         2.0  |
| Operating income before chg in net working      |       198.7 |        129.7 |
| capital                                         |             |              |
| Change in interest-free short-term receivables  |      (14.9) |       (69.1) |
| Change in inventories                           |      (28.3) |       (48.2) |
| Change in interest-free short-term liabilities  |        77.6 |        101.9 |
| Change in net working capital                   |        34.4 |       (15.4) |
| Cash flow from operations before financing      |       233.2 |        114.2 |
| items and taxes                                 |             |              |
| Interest received                               |         2.2 |          2.1 |
| Interest paid                                   |      (10.8) |       (11.5) |
| Other financial income and expenses             |       (0.4) |        (1.4) |
| Income taxes paid                               |      (40.7) |       (22.1) |
| Financing items and taxes                       |      (49.7) |       (32.8) |
| Net cash from operating activities              |       183.5 |         81.4 |
| Cash flow from investing activities                           |              |
| Acquisition of Group companies, net of cash     |      (13.8) |       (48.3) |
| Acquisition of shares in associated company     |         0.0 |        (0.2) |
| Investments in other shares                     |       (0.5) |        (0.6) |
| Capital expenditures                            |      (22.5) |       (17.1) |
| Proceeds from sale of fixed assets              |       32.3  |         1.2  |
| Dividends received                              |         0.2 |          0.1 |
| Net cash used in investing activities           |       (4.4) |       (64.8) |
| Cash flow before financing activities           |       179.1 |         16.6 |
| Cash flow from financing activities                           |              |
| Proceeds from options exercised and share       |         6.7 |         14.1 |
| issues                                          |             |              |
| Purchase of treasury shares                     |      (46.0) |          0.0 |
| Proceeds from long-term borrowings              |      100.1  |       191.0  |
| Repayments of long-term borrowings              |     (177.8) |      (102.5) |
| Proceeds from short-term borrowings             |    1 721.1  |     1 588.9  |
| Repayments of short-term borrowings             |   (1 741.9) |    (1 690.7) |
| Change in long-term receivables                 |       (1.3) |          0.0 |
| Change in short-term receivables                |       (0.0) |        (0.2) |
| Dividends paid                                  |      (26.7) |       (15.8) |
| Net cash used in financing activities           |     (165.8) |       (15.2) |
| Translation differences in cash                 |       (1.7) |        (1.0) |
| Change of cash and cash equivalents             |        11.6 |          0.3 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of       |        44.4 |         44.0 |
| period                                          |             |              |
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period      |        56.0 |         44.4 |
| Change of cash and cash equivalents             |        11.6 |          0.3 |

The effect of changes in exchange rates has been eliminated by converting the   
beginning balance at the rates current on the last day of the year.             

| SEGMENT INFORMATION        |            |           |             |          |
| 1. BUSINESS SEGMENTS       |            |           |             |          |
| EUR million                |            |           |             |          |
| Order Intakes by Business  |  1-12/2007 |      % of |   1-12/2006 |     % of |
| Area                       |            |     total |             |    total |
| Service 1)                 |      563.0 |        28 |       448.5 |       29 |
| Standard Lifting           |      793.8 |        40 |       592.7 |       38 |
| Heavy Lifting              |      633.9 |        32 |       519.2 |       33 |
| ./. Internal               |    (118.7) |           |      (87.7) |          |
| Total                      |    1 872.0 |       100 |     1 472.8 |      100 |
| 1) Excl. Service Contract  |            |           |             |          |
| Base                       |            |           |             |          |
| Order Book total 2)        | 31.12.2007 |           |  31.12.2006 |          |
| Total                      |      757.9 |           |       571.6 |          |
| 2) Percentage of           |            |           |             |          |
| completion deducted        |            |           |             |          |
| Sales by Business Area     | 1-12/2007  |      % of |   1-12/2006 |     % of |
|                            |            |     total |             |    total |
| Service                    |      628.6 |        34 |       526.6 |       33 |
| Standard Lifting           |      692.6 |        37 |       558.4 |       35 |
| Heavy Lifting              |      549.0 |        29 |       490.8 |       31 |
| ./. Internal               |    (120.3) |           |      (93.3) |          |
| Total                      |    1 749.7 |       100 |     1 482.5 |      100 |
| Operating Profit (EBIT) by |  1-12/2007 |    Ebit % |   1-12/2006 |   Ebit % |
| Business Area without gain |       MEUR |           |        MEUR |          |
| on the sale of real estate |            |           |             |          |
| Service                    |       78.7 |      12.5 |        53.0 |     10.1 |
| Standard Lifting           |      101.2 |      14.6 |        51.5 |      9.2 |
| Heavy Lifting              |       34.0 |       6.2 |        33.6 |      6.8 |
| Group costs                |     (36.8) |           |      (31.6) |          |
| Consolidation items        |      (2.3) |           |       (0.9) |          |
| Total                      |      174.7 |      10.0 |       105.5 |      7.1 |
| Total Operating Profit     |  1-12/2007 |           |   1-12/2006 |          |
| (EBIT) by Business Area    |            |           |             |          |
|                            |       MEUR |    Ebit % |        MEUR |   Ebit % |
| Service                    |       79.5 |      12.6 |        53.0 |     10.1 |
| Standard Lifting           |      110.1 |      15.9 |        51.5 |      9.2 |
| Heavy Lifting              |       41.9 |       7.6 |        33.6 |      6.8 |
| Group costs                |     (36.8) |           |      (31.6) |          |
| Consolidation items        |      (2.3) |           |       (0.9) |          |
| Total                      |      192.3 |      11.0 |       105.5 |      7.1 |
| Personnel by Business Area | 31.12.2007 |      % of |  31.12.2006 |     % of |
| (at the End of the Period) |            |     total |             |    total |
| Service                    |      4 436 |        53 |       3 923 |       52 |
| Standard Lifting           |      2 479 |        29 |       2 333 |       31 |
| Heavy Lifting              |      1 272 |        15 |       1 131 |       15 |
| Group staff                |        217 |         3 |         162 |        2 |
| Total                      |      8 404 |       100 |       7 549 |      100 |
| 2. GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS                |           |             |          |
| EUR million                |            |           |             |          |
| Sales by Market            |  1-12/2007 |      % of |   1-12/2006 |     % of |
|                            |            |     total |             |    total |
| Europe-Middle East-Africa  |      951.4 |        54 |       781.0 |       53 |
| (EMEA)                     |            |           |             |          |
| Americas (AME)             |      589.7 |        34 |       512.3 |       35 |
| Asia-Pacific (APAC)        |      208.6 |        12 |       189.1 |       13 |
| Total                      |    1 749.7 |       100 |     1 482.5 |      100 |

| NOTES:                              |             |             |            |
| KEY FIGURES                         |   1-12/2007 |   1-12/2006 |   Change % |
| Earnings per share, basic (EUR)     |        2.17 |        1.17 |     84.5 % |
| Earnings per share, diluted (EUR)   |        2.13 |        1.15 |     85.9 % |
| Gearing %                           |         7.0 |        57.3 |   (87.8) % |
| Solidity %                          |        36.1 |        28.3 |     27.6 % |
| Return on capital employed, %       |        50.4 |        29.5 |     70.8 % |
| Return on equity, %                 |        51.2 |        36.5 |     40.3 % |
| Equity/share, EUR                   |        4.80 |        3.77 |     27.3 % |
| Current ratio                       |         1.3 |         1.4 |    (7.1) % |
| Investments total                   |        25.2 |        16.3 |     54.5 % |
| (excl.Acquisitions), EUR million    |             |             |            |
| Interest-bearing net debt, EUR      |        19.7 |       128.2 |   (84.6) % |
| million                             |             |             |            |
| Net working capital, EUR million    |       166.4 |       216.2 |   (23.1) % |
| Average number of personnel during  |       8 005 |       6 859 |     16.7 % |
| the period                          |             |             |            |
| Average number of shares            |  59 608 990 |  58 383 534 |      2.1 % |
| outstanding, basic                  |             |             |            |
| Average number of shares            |  60 507 038 |  59 736 235 |      1.3 % |
| outstanding, diluted                |             |             |            |
| Number of shares outstanding, at    |  58 505 780 |  59 285 120 |    (1.3) % |
| end of the period                   |             |             |            |

| The period end exchange   |     31.12.2007 |      31.12.2006 |      Change % |
| rates:                    |                |                 |               |
| USD                       |         1.4721 |          1.3170 |      (10.5) % |
| CAD                       |         1.4449 |          1.5281 |         5.8 % |
| GBP                       |         0.7334 |          0.6715 |       (8.4) % |
| CNY                       |        10.7524 |         10.2793 |       (4.4) % |
| SGD                       |         2.1163 |          2.0202 |       (4.5) % |
| SEK                       |         9.4415 |          9.0404 |       (4.2) % |
| NOK                       |         7.9580 |          8.2380 |         3.5 % |
| AUD                       |         1.6757 |          1.6691 |       (0.4) % |

| The period average        |     31.12.2007 |      31.12.2006 |      Change % |
| exchange rates:           |                |                 |               |
| USD                       |         1.3699 |          1.2554 |       (8.4) % |
| CAD                       |         1.4679 |          1.4234 |       (3.0) % |
| GBP                       |         0.6840 |          0.6817 |       (0.3) % |
| CNY                       |        10.4160 |         10.0080 |       (3.9) % |
| SGD                       |         2.0633 |          1.9938 |       (3.4) % |
| SEK                       |         9.2489 |          9.2548 |         0.1 % |
| NOK                       |         8.0159 |          8.0487 |         0.4 % |
| AUD                       |         1.6346 |          1.6666 |         2.0 % |

| CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND PLEDGED ASSETS     |              |               |
| EUR million                                   |   31.12.2007 |    31.12.2006 |
| Contingent liabilities                        |              |               |
| For own debts                                 |              |               |
|   Mortgages on land and buildings             |          0.0 |           0.7 |
| For own commercial obligations                |              |               |
|   Pledged assets                              |          0.3 |           1.1 |
|   Guarantees                                  |        255.3 |         136.3 |
| Other contingent liabilities and financial    |              |               |
| liabilities                                   |              |               |
| Contingent liabilities                        |              |               |
|   Next year                                   |         24.1 |          11.1 |
|   Later on                                    |         63.7 |          26.0 |
| Other                                         |          0.0 |           1.0 |
| Total                                         |        343.5 |         176.2 |
| Leasing contracts follow the normal practices |              |               |
| in corresponding countries.                   |              |               |
| Total by category                             |              |               |
| Mortgages on land and buildings               |          0.0 |           0.7 |
| Pledged assets                                |          0.3 |           1.1 |
| Guarantees                                    |        255.3 |         136.3 |
| Other liabilities                             |         87.9 |          38.1 |
| Total                                         |        343.5 |         176.2 |

Contingent liabilities relating to litigations                                  

Various legal actions, claims and other proceedings are pending against the     
Group in various countries. These actions, claims and other proceedings are     
typical for this industry and consistent with a global business offering that   
encompasses a wide range of products and services. These matters involve        
contractual disputes, warranty claims, product liability (including design      
defects, manufacturing defects, failure to warn and asbestos legacy),           
employment, auto liability and other matters involving claims of general        

While the final outcome of these matters cannot be predicted with certainty     
Konecranes is of the opinion, based on the information available to date and    
considering the grounds presented for such claims, available insurance coverage 
and the reserves made, that the outcome of such actions, claims and other       
proceedings, if unfavorable, would not have a material adverse impact on the    
financial condition of the Group.                                               

| INSTRUMENTS                                          |           |           |
| EUR million                  |   12/2007 |   12/2007 |   12/2006 |   12/2006 |
|                              |   Nominal |     Fair  |   Nominal |     Fair  |
|                              |     value |     value |     value |     value |
| Foreign exchange forward     |     168.8 |       5.4 |     279.7 |       3.0 |
| contracts                    |           |           |           |           |
| Electricity derivatives      |       0.9 |       0.3 |       1.1 |       0.1 |
| Total                        |     169.7 |       5.7 |     280.8 |       3.1 |

Derivatives are used for hedging currency and interest rate risks, as well as   
the risk of electricity price fluctuations. The Company applies hedge accounting
on the derivatives used to hedge cash flows in Heavy Lifting projects.          


During the first half of 2007, Konecranes made a few smaller business           
acquisitions. The most important of these was the acquisition of Straddle       
carrier manufacturer in Germany, Consens Transport Systeme. Additionally in     
January, Konecranes signed an agreement to acquire the maintenance service      
business of a small Swedish-based company El&Travers. In March, Konecranes made 
an asset purchase agreement with the Spanish company Sistemas de Elevación,     
operating in the field of port service.                                         

During the third quarter, Konecranes made four acquisitions. On 31 July,        
Konecranes acquired the Finnish container handling software specialist Savcor   
One Oy. The company, which was part of the Savcor Group, is based in Vantaa,    
Finland, and provides its products and services to more than 20 leading         
container ports all over the world. In July 2007, Konecranes strengthened its   
position in the machine tool service (MTS) business by acquiring two MTS        
companies in Scandinavia, Reftele Maskinservice AB in Sweden and Kongsberg      
Automation A/S in Norway. On 31 July, Konecranes signed an agreement to acquire 
the port service business of Technical Services S.r.l. in Italy.                

If the combinations had taken place at the beginning of the year, the net sales 
for the Group would have been EUR 1,767.3 million and operating profit EUR 190.8

Since the dates of acquisitions, the acquired units have contributed about EUR  
12.2 million to the net sales and EUR -1.4 million to the operating profit of   
the Group.                                                                      

The preliminary fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the   
acquired businesses at the date of acquisitions are summarized below.           

| EUR million                              |           12/2007 |       12/2007 |
|                                          |     Recognized on |     Carrying  |
|                                          |       acquisition |         value |
| Intangible assets                        |              11.2 |           0.6 |
| Tangible assets                          |               0.6 |           0.6 |
| Deferred tax assets                      |               0.0 |           0.3 |
| Inventories                              |               4.8 |           4.7 |
| Receivables and other assets             |               1.9 |           1.9 |
| Cash and bank                            |               1.5 |           1.5 |
| Total assets                             |              20.0 |           9.6 |
| Liabilities                              |               5.5 |           3.1 |
| Net assets                               |              14.5 |           6.5 |
| Acquisition costs                        |              17.4 |               |
| Goodwill                                 |               2.9 |               |
| Cash outflow on acquisition              |                   |               |
| Acquisition costs                        |              17.4 |               |
| Liabilities assumed                      |             (2.0) |               |
| Acquisition costs paid in cash           |              15.4 |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents of acquired    |             (1.5) |               |
| companies                                |                   |               |
| Net cash flow arising on acquisition     |              13.8 |               |

| QUARTERLY FIGURES:            |           |          |            |          |
| EUR million                   |   Q4/2007 |  Q3/2007 |    Q2/2007 |  Q1/2007 |
| Sales                         |     522.8 |    424.4 |      422.0 |    380.5 |
| Other operating income        |       0.8 |      0.5 |       18.3 |      0.7 |
| Depreciation and impairments  |     (6.9) |    (5.7) |      (5.9) |    (6.2) |
| Other operating expenses      |   (456.3) |  (373.7) |    (378.8) |  (344.3) |
| Operating profit              |      60.4 |     45.5 |       55.6 |     30.8 |
| Share of result of associates |       0.1 |      0.3 |        0.5 |    (0.2) |
| and joint ventures            |           |          |            |          |
| Financial income and expenses |     (3.6) |    (4.3) |      (3.1) |    (3.2) |
| Profit before taxes           |      56.9 |     41.5 |       53.0 |     27.4 |
| Taxes                         |    (14.3) |   (12.0) |     (15.4) |    (8.0) |
| Net profit for the period     |      42.6 |     29.5 |       37.6 |     19.5 |

| EUR million                   |   Q4/2006 |  Q3/2006 |    Q2/2006 |  Q1/2006 |
| Sales                         |     460.1 |    385.8 |      339.9 |    296.7 |
| Other operating income        |       0.5 |      0.6 |        0.1 |      0.8 |
| Depreciation and impairments  |     (6.9) |    (5.6) |      (5.2) |    (4.7) |
| Other operating expenses      |   (414.3) |  (349.6) |    (313.8) |  (278.8) |
| Operating profit              |      39.3 |     31.2 |       21.0 |     14.0 |
| Share of result of associates |       0.3 |      0.1 |        0.4 |    (0.1) |
| and joint ventures            |           |          |            |          |
| Financial income and expenses |     (3.0) |    (2.4) |      (3.8) |    (2.0) |
| Profit before taxes           |      36.6 |     28.9 |       17.6 |     11.9 |
| Taxes                         |     (9.0) |    (8.7) |      (5.3) |    (3.6) |
| Net profit for the period     |      27.7 |     20.2 |       12.4 |      8.3 |

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET - IFRS                    |            |          |
| EUR million                   |   Q4/2007 |  Q3/2007 |    Q2/2007 |  Q1/2007 |
| ASSETS                        |           |          |            |          |
| Goodwill                      |      56.8 |     58.4 |       55.2 |     54.0 |
| Other intangible assets       |      59.4 |     61.1 |       52.6 |     54.7 |
| Property, plant and equipment |      61.9 |     59.4 |       59.0 |     68.2 |
| Other                         |      40.0 |     43.3 |       43.8 |     45.1 |
| Total Non-current assets      |     218.0 |    222.2 |      210.6 |    221.9 |
| Inventories                   |     251.2 |    268.3 |      257.2 |    251.6 |
| Receivables and other current |     431.7 |    422.2 |      402.3 |    378.6 |
| assets                        |           |          |            |          |
| Cash and cash equivalents     |      56.0 |     57.3 |       62.0 |     62.0 |
| Total Current assets          |     738.9 |    747.8 |      721.6 |    692.3 |
| Total Assets                  |     956.9 |    970.1 |      932.3 |    914.2 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES        |           |          |            |          |
| Total Equity                  |     280.8 |    287.1 |      259.2 |    218.0 |
| Non-current liabilities       |     118.8 |    151.8 |      154.0 |    157.2 |
| Provisions                    |      37.2 |     30.5 |       27.3 |     27.3 |
| Advance payments received     |     179.1 |    158.7 |      134.6 |    109.8 |
| Other current liabilities     |     340.9 |    341.9 |      357.1 |    401.9 |
| Total Liabilities             |     676.1 |    682.9 |      673.0 |    696.2 |
| Total Equity and Liabilities  |     956.9 |    970.1 |      932.2 |    914.2 |

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET - IFRS                    |            |          |
| EUR million                   |   Q4/2006 |  Q3/2006 |    Q2/2006 |  Q1/2006 |
| ASSETS                        |           |          |            |          |
| Goodwill                      |      54.0 |     59.0 |       59.0 |     55.6 |
| Other intangible assets       |      55.0 |     51.4 |       52.6 |     41.7 |
| Property, plant and equipment |      67.5 |     70.2 |       71.2 |     59.6 |
| Other                         |      43.1 |     39.1 |       35.5 |     34.8 |
| Total Non-current assets      |     219.6 |    219.8 |      218.3 |    191.7 |
| Inventories                   |     226.6 |    237.0 |      218.6 |    177.3 |
| Receivables and other current |     428.4 |    383.3 |      354.5 |    313.5 |
| assets                        |           |          |            |          |
| Cash and cash equivalents     |      44.4 |     54.8 |       40.9 |     39.4 |
| Total Current assets          |     699.4 |    675.2 |      614.0 |    530.2 |
| Total Assets                  |     919.0 |    895.0 |      832.3 |    721.9 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES        |           |          |            |          |
| Total Equity                  |     223.7 |    194.0 |      173.3 |    154.7 |
| Non-current liabilities       |     199.6 |    171.6 |      173.5 |    102.2 |
| Provisions                    |      28.2 |     27.6 |       20.8 |     20.4 |
| Advance payments received     |     128.9 |    140.4 |      113.5 |     89.7 |
| Other current liabilities     |     338.5 |    361.4 |      351.2 |    354.8 |
| Total Liabilities             |     695.2 |    701.0 |      659.0 |    567.2 |
| Total Equity and Liabilities  |     919.0 |    895.0 |      832.3 |    721.9 |

| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT - QUARTERLY                                 |
| EUR million                   |   Q4/2007 |  Q3/2007 |    Q2/2007 |  Q1/2007 |
| Cash flow before chg in net   |      67.2 |     51.0 |       43.8 |     36.7 |
| working capital               |           |          |            |          |
| Change in net working capital |     39.2  |    10.5  |     (13.1) |    (2.2) |
| Financing items and taxes     |     (9.5) |    (9.5) |     (18.4) |   (12.2) |
| Net cash from operating       |      96.9 |     52.1 |       12.2 |     22.3 |
| activities                    |           |          |            |          |
| Cash flow from investing      |     (6.4) |   (12.1) |       26.1 |   (12.0) |
| activities                    |           |          |            |          |
| Cash flow before financing    |      90.5 |     40.0 |       38.3 |     10.3 |
| activities                    |           |          |            |          |
| Proceeds from options         |      1.2  |    (0.1) |       3.6  |     2.0  |
| exercised and share issues    |           |          |            |          |
| Purchase of treasury shares   |    (46.0) |      0.0 |        0.0 |      0.0 |
| Change of interest-bearing    |    (46.3) |   (28.7) |     (57.0) |    32.3  |
| debt                          |           |          |            |          |
| Dividends paid                |       0.0 |      0.0 |        0.1 |   (26.8) |
| Net cash used in financing    |    (91.1) |   (28.8) |     (53.3) |      7.5 |
| activities                    |           |          |            |          |
| Translation differences in    |     (0.7) |    (1.0) |       0.1  |    (0.1) |
| cash                          |           |          |            |          |
| Change of cash and cash       |     (1.4) |    10.2  |     (14.9) |    17.7  |
| equivalents                   |           |          |            |          |
| Cash and cash equivalents at  |      57.3 |     47.1 |       62.0 |     44.4 |
| beginning of period           |           |          |            |          |
| Cash and cash equivalents at  |      56.0 |     57.3 |       47.1 |     62.0 |
| end of period                 |           |          |            |          |
| Change of cash and cash       |     (1.4) |    10.2  |     (14.9) |    17.7  |
| equivalents                   |           |          |            |          |

| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT - QUARTERLY                                 |
| EUR million                   |   Q4/2006 |  Q3/2006 |    Q2/2006 |  Q1/2006 |
| Cash flow before chg in net   |      47.8 |     37.1 |       26.0 |     18.9 |
| working capital               |           |          |            |          |
| Change in net working capital |    (10.1) |     1.3  |     (18.9) |    12.3  |
| Financing items and taxes     |    (15.0) |    (5.7) |      (7.5) |    (4.6) |
| Net cash from operating       |      22.6 |     32.7 |      (0.5) |     26.6 |
| activities                    |           |          |            |          |
| Cash flow from investing      |     (7.0) |    (1.1) |     (53.7) |    (3.1) |
| activities                    |           |          |            |          |
| Cash flow before financing    |      15.7 |     31.6 |     (54.2) |     23.5 |
| activities                    |           |          |            |          |
| Proceeds from options         |       2.8 |      0.8 |        3.2 |      7.3 |
| exercised and share issues    |           |          |            |          |
| Purchase of treasury shares   |       0.0 |      0.0 |        0.0 |      0.0 |
| Change of interest-bearing    |    (28.6) |   (18.6) |      53.2  |   (19.5) |
| debt                          |           |          |            |          |
| Dividends paid                |       0.0 |      0.0 |        0.0 |   (15.8) |
| Net cash used in financing    |    (25.8) |   (17.9) |       56.5 |   (28.0) |
| activities                    |           |          |            |          |
| Translation differences in    |     (0.3) |     0.2  |      (0.7) |    (0.2) |
| cash                          |           |          |            |          |
| Change of cash and cash       |    (10.5) |    13.9  |       1.5  |    (4.6) |
| equivalents                   |           |          |            |          |
| Cash and cash equivalents at  |      54.8 |     40.9 |       39.4 |     44.0 |
| beginning of period           |           |          |            |          |
| Cash and cash equivalents at  |      44.4 |     54.8 |       40.9 |     39.4 |
| end of period                 |           |          |            |          |
| Change of cash and cash       |    (10.5) |    13.9  |       1.5  |    (4.6) |
| equivalents                   |           |          |            |          |

| QUARTERLY SEGMENT INFORMATION             |          |            |          |
| EUR million                   |           |          |            |          |
| Sales by Business Area        |   Q4/2007 |  Q3/2007 |    Q2/2007 |  Q1/2007 |
| Service                       |     172.9 |    156.3 |      151.6 |    147.8 |
| Standard Lifting              |     200.7 |    177.6 |      169.5 |    144.7 |
| Heavy Lifting                 |     187.6 |    118.5 |      129.0 |    113.9 |
| ./. Internal                  |    (38.4) |   (28.1) |     (28.1) |   (25.8) |
| Total                         |     522.8 |    424.4 |      422.0 |    380.5 |
| EUR million                   |           |          |            |          |
| Sales by Business Area        |   Q4/2006 |  Q3/2006 |    Q2/2006 |  Q1/2006 |
| Service                       |     161.4 |    136.6 |      122.9 |    105.6 |
| Standard Lifting              |     159.5 |    153.2 |      131.7 |    114.0 |
| Heavy Lifting                 |     162.7 |    125.3 |      104.5 |     98.4 |
| ./. Internal                  |    (23.5) |   (29.2) |     (19.2) |   (21.3) |
| Total                         |     460.1 |    385.8 |      339.9 |    296.7 |
| Operating Profit (EBIT) by    |   Q4/2007 |  Q3/2007 |    Q2/2007 |  Q1/2007 |
| Business Area without gain on |           |          |            |          |
| the sale of real estate       |           |          |            |          |
| Service                       |      24.3 |     21.3 |       18.0 |     15.1 |
| Standard Lifting              |      31.7 |     28.0 |       24.4 |     17.0 |
| Heavy Lifting                 |      15.6 |      4.5 |        6.1 |      7.9 |
| Group costs                   |    (12.2) |    (5.9) |     (10.2) |    (8.5) |
| Consolidation items           |      1.0  |    (2.3) |      (0.3) |    (0.7) |
| Total                         |      60.4 |     45.5 |       38.0 |     30.8 |
| Operating Profit (EBIT) by    |   Q4/2006 |  Q3/2006 |    Q2/2006 |  Q1/2006 |
| Business Area without gain on |           |          |            |          |
| the sale of real estate       |           |          |            |          |
| Service                       |      17.6 |     14.4 |       12.3 |      8.7 |
| Standard Lifting              |      16.2 |     15.3 |       12.0 |      8.0 |
| Heavy Lifting                 |      14.0 |      8.3 |        5.7 |      5.6 |
| Group costs                   |     (9.6) |    (5.8) |      (8.8) |    (7.4) |
| Consolidation items           |      1.0  |    (1.0) |      (0.1) |    (0.8) |
| Total                         |      39.3 |     31.2 |       21.0 |     14.0 |
| Order Intakes by Business     |   Q4/2007 |  Q3/2007 |    Q2/2007 |  Q1/2007 |
| Area                          |           |          |            |          |
| Service 1)                    |     137.8 |    138.7 |      142.6 |    143.9 |
| Standard Lifting              |     196.4 |    201.7 |      199.8 |    196.0 |
| Heavy Lifting                 |     168.6 |    195.4 |      151.7 |    118.3 |
| ./. Internal                  |    (31.8) |   (29.3) |     (28.9) |   (28.7) |
| Total                         |     471.0 |    506.4 |      465.1 |    429.4 |
| 1) Excl. Service Contract     |           |          |            |          |
| Base                          |           |          |            |          |
| Order Intakes by Business     |   Q4/2006 |  Q3/2006 |    Q2/2006 |  Q1/2006 |
| Area                          |           |          |            |          |
| Service 1)                    |     122.5 |    117.9 |      108.3 |     99.8 |
| Standard Lifting              |     137.7 |    157.2 |      155.3 |    142.6 |
| Heavy Lifting                 |     128.8 |    150.9 |      124.3 |    115.1 |
| ./. Internal                  |    (21.4) |   (22.7) |     (18.7) |   (24.9) |
| Total                         |     367.5 |    403.4 |      369.2 |    332.7 |
| 1) Excl. Service Contract     |           |          |            |          |
| Base                          |           |          |            |          |
| Order book by Business Area   |   Q4/2007 |  Q3/2007 |    Q2/2007 |  Q1/2007 |
| Service                       |     109.3 |    122.8 |      124.5 |    112.9 |
| Standard Lifting              |     270.9 |    267.7 |      239.5 |    225.0 |
| Heavy Lifting                 |     406.1 |    434.3 |      360.9 |    356.0 |
| ./. Internal                  |    (28.4) |   (29.9) |     (25.1) |   (57.1) |
| Total                         |     757.9 |    794.8 |      699.8 |    636.8 |
| Order book by Business Area   |   Q4/2006 |  Q3/2006 |    Q2/2006 |  Q1/2006 |
| Service                       |     101.1 |    119.9 |      118.7 |     82.9 |
| Standard Lifting              |     174.6 |    202.7 |      192.3 |    138.8 |
| Heavy Lifting                 |     349.9 |    413.6 |      377.7 |    342.1 |
| ./. Internal                  |    (53.9) |   (54.3) |     (48.0) |   (53.0) |
| Total                         |     571.6 |    681.9 |      640.7 |    510.8 |
| Sales by Market               |   Q4/2007 |  Q3/2007 |    Q2/2007 |  Q1/2007 |
| Europe-Middle East-Africa     |     297.6 |    238.6 |      227.0 |    188.2 |
| (EMEA)                        |           |          |            |          |
| Americas (AME)                |     159.6 |    135.4 |      143.1 |    151.7 |
| Asia-Pacific (APAC)           |      65.6 |     50.4 |       51.9 |     40.7 |
| Total                         |     522.8 |    424.4 |      422.0 |    380.5 |
| Sales by Market               |   Q4/2006 |  Q3/2006 |    Q2/2006 |  Q1/2006 |
| Europe-Middle East-Africa     |     227.8 |    187.9 |      195.3 |    170.1 |
| (EMEA)                        |           |          |            |          |
| Americas (AME)                |     168.5 |    148.0 |      105.8 |     90.1 |
| Asia-Pacific (APAC)           |      63.8 |     50.0 |       38.8 |     36.6 |
| Total                         |     460.1 |    385.8 |      339.9 |    296.7 |

| KONECRANES GROUP 2003 - 2007 |         |         |         |        |        |
|                      |       |    IFRS |    IFRS |    IFRS |   IFRS |    FAS |
| Business development |       |    2007 |    2006 |    2005 |   2004 |   2003 |
| Order intake         | MEUR  | 1,872.0 | 1,472.8 | 1,061.2 |  736.9 |  611.9 |
| Order book           | MEUR  |   757.9 |   571.6 |   432.1 |  298.8 |  211.2 |
| Net sales            | MEUR  | 1,749.7 | 1,482.5 |   970.8 |  728.0 |  664.5 |
|    of which outside  | MEUR  | 1,652.2 | 1,396.0 |   883.7 |  653.5 |  599.4 |
|    Finland           |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Export from Finland  | MEUR  |   481.3 |   519.6 |   334.2 |  273.4 |  258.9 |
| Personnel on average |       |   8,005 |   6,859 |   5,087 |  4,369 |  4,423 |
| Personnel on 31      |       |   8,404 |   7,549 |   5,923 |  4,511 |  4,350 |
| December             |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Capital expenditure  | MEUR  |    25.2 |    16.3 |    16.0 |   11.8 |   12.4 |
| as a percentage of   | %     |    1.4% |    1.1% |    1.6% |   1.6% |   1.9% |
| net                  |       |         |         |         |        |        |
|    sales             |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Research and         | MEUR  |    16.2 |    12.5 |     8.8 |    8.5 |    7.9 |
| development costs    |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| as % of Group net    | %     |    0.9% |    0.8% |    0.9% |   1.2% |   1.2% |
| sales                |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Profitability        |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Net sales            | MEUR  | 1,749.7 | 1,482.5 |   970.8 |  728.0 |  664.5 |
| Operating income     | MEUR  |   192.3 |   105.5 |    49.3 |   31.3 |   21.5 |
| as percentage of net | %     |   11.0% |    7.1% |    5.1% |   4.3% |   3.2% |
|    sales             |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Income before        | MEUR  |   178.8 |    95.1 |    34.1 |   27.7 |   18.9 |
| extraordinary items  |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| as percentage of net | %     |   10.2% |    6.4% |    3.5% |   3.8% |   2.8% |
|    sales             |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Income before taxes  | MEUR  |   178.8 |    95.1 |    34.1 |   27.7 |   10.7 |
| as percentage of net | %     |   10.2% |    6.4% |    3.5% |   3.8% |   1.6% |
|    sales             |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Net income           | MEUR  |   129.2 |    68.6 |    24.1 |   18.4 |    6.7 |
| as percentage of net | %     |    7.4% |    4.6% |    2.5% |   2.5% |   1.0% |
|    sales             |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Key figures and      |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| balance sheet        |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Shareholders' equity | MEUR  |   280.8 |   223.7 |   152.1 |  137.6 |  163.4 |
| Balance Sheet        | MEUR  |   956.9 |   919.0 |   724.0 |  513.9 |  402.2 |
| Return on equity     | %     |    51.2 |    36.5 |    16.6 |   12.5 |    7.5 |
| Return on capital    | %     |    50.4 |    29.5 |    17.2 |   13.7 |   10.8 |
| employed             |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Current ratio        |       |     1.3 |     1.4 |     1.1 |    1.1 |    1.5 |
| Solidity             | %     |    36.1 |    28.3 |    23.7 |   29.1 |   42.6 |
| Gearing              | %     |     7.0 |    57.3 |    88.1 |   80.2 |   27.8 |
| Shares in figures    |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Earnings per share,  | EUR   |    2.17 |    1.17 |    0.43 |   0.33 |   0.22 |
| basic                |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Earnings per share,  | EUR   |    2.13 |    1.15 |    0.42 |   0.32 |   0.22 |
| diluted              |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Equity per share     | EUR   |    4.80 |    3.77 |    2.66 |   2.44 |   2.81 |
| Cash flow per share  | EUR   |    3.08 |    1.39 |    0.86 |   0.14 |   0.43 |
| Dividend per share   | EUR   |   0.80* |    0.45 |    0.28 |   0.26 |   0.50 |
| Dividend / earnings  | %     |    36.9 |    38.5 |    64.3 |   80.2 |  227.3 |
| Effective dividend   | %     |     3.4 |     2.0 |     2.6 |    3.2 |    7.2 |
| yield                |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Price / earnings     | EUR   |    10.9 |    19.1 |    24.3 |   24.8 |   31.4 |
| Trading low / high   | EUR   | 20.68 / | 10.23 / |  7.45 / | 6.80 / | 4.30 / |
|                      |       |   34.90 |   22.33 |   10.49 |   8.88 |   7.35 |
| Average share price  | EUR   |   27.41 |   15.04 |    8.94 |   7.70 |   5.62 |
| Share price on 31    |       |   23.58 |   22.30 |   10.41 |   8.13 |   6.90 |
| December             |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Year-end market      | MEUR  |  1437.9 | 1 322.0 |   594.1 |  458.4 |  387.6 |
| capitalization       |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| Number traded        | (1000 | 128 266 | 114 023 |  73 164 | 63 700 | 50 648 |
|                      | )     |         |         |         |        |        |
| Stock turnover       | %     |   219.2 |   192.3 |   128.1 |  112.9 |   90.2 |
| * The Board's        |       |         |         |         |        |        |
| proposal to the AGM  |       |         |         |         |        |        |

CALCULATION OF KEY FIGURES                                                      

Return on equity (%) = (Income before extraordinary items - taxes) x 100 : Total
equity (average during the period)                                              

Return on capital employed = (Income before taxes + interest paid + other       
financing cost) x 100 : (Total amount of equity and liabilities - non-interest  
bearing debts (average during the period))                                      

Current ratio = Current assets : Current liabilities                            

Solidity (%)= Shareholders' equity x 100 : (Total amount of equity and          
liabilities - advance payment received)                                         

Gearing (%) = (Interest-bearing liabilities - liquid assets - loans receivable) 
x 100 : Total equity                                                            

Earnings per share = (Net income +/- extraordinary items) : Average number of   
shares outstanding                                                              

Earnings per share, diluted= (Net income +/- extraordinary items) : Average     
fully diluted number of shares outstanding                                      

Equity per share = Shareholders' equity : Number of shares outstanding          

Cash flow per share = Net cash flow from operating activities : Average number  
of shares outstanding                                                           

Effective dividend yield (%) = = Dividend per share x 100 : Share price at the  
end of financial year                                                           

Price per earnings = Share price at the end of financial year : Earnings per    

Year -end market capitalization = Number of shares outstanding multiplied by the
share price at the end of year                                                  

Average number of personnel = Calculated as average of number of personnel in   

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

The presented financial information is construed according to the recognition   
and measurement principles of International Financial Reporting Standards       

Konecranes applies the same accounting policies as we applied in the 2006 annual
financial statements, except for the change in Segment reporting.               

As January 1, 2007, Konecranes branded spare parts are reported in the Service  
Business Area, while they were earlier partly included in Standard Lifting. The 
geographical Segment reporting structure has also been changed. The new         
geographical segments are Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA), Americas (AME) and
Asia-Pacific (APAC). The earlier structure was Nordic and Eastern Europe, EU    
(excl.Nordic), Americas and Asia-Pacific.                                       
The figures presented in the tables above have been rounded to one decimal,     
which should be taken into account when reading the sum figures.                

The year-end report has been subject to audit.                                  

Events on February 8, 2008                                                      

Analyst and press briefing                                                      

A luncheon presentation for media and analysts will be held at Konecranes office
in Helsinki at 12.00 noon Finnish Time (address: Eteläesplanadi 22 B).          

Live webcast                                                                    

A live webcast of the presentation for analysts and media will begin at 12.00   
noon Finnish Time and can be followed at www.konecranes.com.                    


This report and presentation material is available on the Company's investor    
site at www.konecranes.com/investor immediately after publication. A recording  
of the webcast will be available on the Internet later on the same day.         

Dividend proposal                                                               

The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that a dividend of EUR 0.80 per share
will be paid for the fiscal year 2007. The dividend will be paid to             
shareholders, who are entered in the company's share register maintained by the 
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. on the record date for payments of   
dividends on March 18, 2008. The actual payment of dividend will take place on  
March 28, 2008.                                                                 

Annual General Meeting                                                          

The Annual General Meeting 2008 will be held on Thursday, Febuary 13, 2008 at   
11.00 a.m. at the Company's auditorium (address: Koneenkatu 8, 05830 Hyvinkää). 
A press release on the decisions made at the AGM will be published upon         
conclusion of the meeting.                                                      

The proposals for the AGM 2008 will be published on February 8, 2008.           

Next report                                                                     

Konecranes Interim Report January-March 2008 will be published on April 29, 2008
at 10.00 a.m.                                                                   

KONECRANES PLC                                                                  

Paul Lönnfors                                                                   
IR Manager                                                                      

FURTHER INFORMATION                                                             
Mr Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO, tel. +358-20 427 2000                     
Mr Teo Ottola, Chief Financial Officer, tel. +358-20 427 2040,                  
Mr Paul Lönnfors, IR Manager, tel. +358-20 427 2050                             

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    