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KCI KONECRANES PLC  STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE  15 February, 2006 10.30 a.m.  1(5)

This document is an unofficial English translation of the original Swedish


The shareholders of KCI Konecranes Plc are invited to the Annual General Meeting
of Shareholders to be held on Wednesday, 8 March 2006 at 11.00 a.m., at the
Company's headquarters, Koneenkatu 8, 05830 Hyvinkää.


1. Matters to be Decided upon under Article 12 of the Articles of Association

2. Proposal of the Board for Partial Amendment of the Articles of Association

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
that the Company will abolish the nominal value of shares. The Board of Directors
proposes that Article 4 of the Articles of Association be amended as follows:

4 § Number of shares

The company shall have a minimum of forty million (40,000,000) and a maximum of
one hundred sixty million (160,000,000) shares.

3. Proposal of the Board for Increase of the Number of Shares (Share Split)

The Board of Directors proposes that, in order to improve the Company's share
liquidity, the number of the shares be increased in proportion to the holdings of
the shareholders by quadrupling the number of shares from 14,601,030 to
58,404,120 shares without increasing the share capital. The Board of Directors
has proposed to this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders a transfer from the
nominal value of shares to an accounting par value instead, which is two (2)
euro. As a result of the share split, each share with an accounting par value of
2.00 euro will be split into four (4) shares with an accounting par value of 0.50
euro each.

The share split shall be realised in the book-entry system and does not require
any actions from shareholders.

When calculating the amount of shares, 115,000 shares that have been subscribed
for with KCI Konecranes 2003 A-series option rights until now. The increase of
the share capital will be registered on or about 21 February 2006.

4. Change regarding the 1997 Stock Option Plan

In the event that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approves the Board's
proposal for a share split, the number of shares that can be subscribed for with
KCI Konecranes 1997 option rights is increased in proportion to the share split.
The total accounting par value of shares to be subscribed for and the total
subscription price remain unchanged as required by the terms of the stock option
plan. As a result, one 1997 option right will entitle to subscription of four (4)
shares to a total price of 26.07 euro corresponding to 6.5175 euro per share.

5. Change regarding the 1999 Stock Option Plan

In the event that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders' approves the
Board's proposal for a share split, the number of shares that can be subscribed
for with KCI Konecranes 1999 option rights is increased in proportion to the
share split. The total accounting par value of shares to be subscribed for and
the total subscription price remain unchanged as required by the terms of the
          2 (5)

stock option plan. As a result, one 1999 B-series option right will entitle to
subscription of four hundred (400) shares to a total price of 3,300 euro
corresponding to 8.25 euro per share.

6. Change regarding the 2001 Stock Option Plan

In the event that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders' approves the
Board's proposal for a share split, the number of shares that can be subscribed
for with KCI Konecranes 2001 option rights is increased in proportion to the
share split. The total accounting par value of shares to be subscribed for and
the total subscription price remain unchanged as required by the terms of the
stock option plan. As a result, one 2001 A or B-series option right will entitle
to subscription for four hundred (400) shares to a total price of 3,400 euro
corresponding to 8.50 euro per share.

7. Change regarding the 2003 Stock Option Plan

In the event that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders' approves the
Board's proposal for share split, the number of shares that can be subscribed for
with KCI Konecranes 2003 option rights is increased in proportion to the share
split. The total accounting par value of shares to be subscribed for and the
total subscription price remain unchanged as required by the terms of the stock
option plan. As a result, one 2003 A-series option right will entitle to
subscription of four (4) shares to a total price of 19.56 euro corresponding to
4.89 euro per share; one 2003 B-series option right will entitle to subscription
of four (4) shares to a total price of 21.62 euro corresponding to 5.405 euro per
share; and one 2003 C-series option right will entitle to subscription of four
(4) shares to a total price of 25.00 euro corresponding to 6.25 euro per share.

8. Authorisation of the Board of Directors to Repurchase the Company's Own Shares

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
would authorise the Board of Directors to resolve to repurchase the Company's own
shares by using funds available for distribution of profit as follows:

The Company's own shares may be repurchased to be used by the Company to
implement incentive programs for the Company's key personnel or to pay
remuneration for services rendered, to be used as consideration in possible
acquisitions and other arrangements, to develop the capital structure of the
Company, to be otherwise disposed of or to be cancelled.

Altogether no more than 5,840,412 shares may be repurchased, however no more than
the amount of shares, which together with shares held by the Company or its
subsidiaries corresponds to 10 per cent of the share capital of the Company and
of the voting rights attached to all the shares. When calculating the amount of
shares, 115,000 shares that have been subscribed for until now on the basis of
KCI Konecranes 2003 A-series option rights have been taken into account. The
increase of the share capital will be registered on or about 21 February 2006.
The above mentioned maximum amount of shares corresponds to the situation after
the share split. In case the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders would not
approve the Board's proposal for a share split, altogether no more than 1,460,103
shares may be repurchased.

The repurchase of shares will be executed by purchasing shares through public
trading on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The repurchase price must be based on the
market price of the Company's share in public trading. When repurchasing own
shares customary derivative, share lending or other arrangements may be used
within the limits set out by law and other regulations. The repurchase price

          3 (5)

will be paid to the sellers of shares within the time period specified in the
Rules of Helsinki Stock Exchange and the Rules of Finnish Central Securities
Depository Ltd.

The shares will not be repurchased in proportion to the holdings of the
shareholders as the shares are repurchased through public trading.

Repurchases will reduce the Company's distributable retained earnings.

As the maximum number of the shares to be repurchased does not exceed 10 per cent
of the share capital of the Company and does not exceed 10 per cent of the voting
rights attached to all the shares, the repurchase will have no significant effect
on the relative holdings of the shareholders of the Company or the voting powers
among them.

This authorisation shall replace the authorisation given at the Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders of 2005 to repurchase own shares, which authorisation is
in force until 9 March 2006. This authorisation shall be effective until the next
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, however no longer than until 7 March

9. Authorisation of the Board of Directors to Dispose of Own Shares Repurchased
by the Company

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
would authorise the Board of Directors to resolve to dispose of shares
repurchased by the Company as follows:

The authorisation is limited to a maximum of 5,840,412 shares. The number of
shares covered by the authorisation corresponds to a maximum of 10 per cent of
the share capital of the Company and of the voting rights attached to all the
shares. The shares may be disposed of in one or several lots of shares. When
calculating the amount of shares, 115,000 shares that have been subscribed for
until now on the basis of KCI Konecranes 2003 A-series option rights have been
taken into account. The increase of share capital will be registered on or about
21 February 2006. The above mentioned maximum amount of shares corresponds to the
situation after the share split. In case the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders would not approve the Board's proposal for a share split, then
altogether no more than 1,460,103 shares may be repurchased.

The Board of Directors is authorised to resolve to whom, in which order, under
which terms and conditions, how many and in which manner the repurchased shares
will be disposed of. The shares may be disposed of as consideration in possible
acquisitions and other arrangements or for granting incentives to key personnel
or to pay remuneration for services rendered. When disposing of own shares
customary derivative, share lending or other arrangements may be used within the
limits set out by law and other regulations. The shares may also be disposed of
by selling them through public trading.

The Board of Directors is authorised to resolve to dispose of the shares in
another proportion than that of the shareholders' pre-emptive rights to acquire
the Company's shares, provided that weighty financial grounds exist from the
Company's perspective. Financing or implementation of acquisitions or other
arrangements or granting incentives to key personnel or paying remuneration for
services rendered may be regarded as weighty financial grounds from the Company's

The Board of Directors is authorised to resolve on the transfer price, on the
grounds for determining the transfer price and on the disposal of shares against
other than pecuniary consideration.

The authorization is not proposed to include disposal of shares for the benefit
of persons belonging to the inner circle of the Company referred to in Chapter 1,
Section 4, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act.
          4 (5)

This authorisation shall replace the authorisation given at the Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders of 2005 to dispose of own shares, which authorisation is
in force until 9 March 2006. This authorisation shall be effective until the next
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, however no longer than until 7 March


The documents relating to the Closing of Accounts and the above-mentioned
proposals of the Board of Directors may be inspected in their entirety at the
Company's headquarters during a period of one week prior to the Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders. The proposals of the Board of Directors are also
available in their entirety on the internet at
The Annual Report for 2005 is available in English on the Internet at as of 24 February 2006 at 10.00 a.m. The
Annual Report will be sent to the shareholders immediately after 28 February


The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
that a dividend of EUR 1.10 be paid on each of the shares (before share split).
Dividend will be paid to a shareholder who is registered on the record date as a
shareholder in the Company's shareholders' register maintained by the Finnish
Central Securities Depository Ltd. The Board of Directors proposes that the
record date for the dividend payment is 13 March 2006. The dividend will be paid
on 20 March 2006.


According to the Articles of Association, the term of office of Board members
expires at the closing of the next Annual General Meeting following his/her
election. The Board of Directors shall have a minimum of five (5) and maximum of
eight (8) members. The term of office of all members expires annually.

The Nomination and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors proposes to
the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders that seven (7) members of the Board of
Directors be elected. The Nomination and Compensation Committee proposes that the
current Board of Directors be re-elected, i.e. Mr. Svante Adde, Mr. Stig
Gustavson, Mr. Matti Kavetvuo, Ms. Malin Persson, Mr. Timo Poranen, Mr. Björn
Savén and Mr. Stig Stendahl be re-elected as members of the Board of Directors.
All the candidates have been presented in the press release of 15 February 2006
and on the Company's internet site All the candidates have
given their consent to the election.


According to the Articles of Association, the auditors are elected to office
until further notice. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has handled
the election of auditors and proposes based on a bidding process that Ernst &
Young Oy be elected as the Company's external auditors as of the financial year
2006.  Ernst & Young Oy has given their consent to the election.


Only a shareholder who on 24 February 2006 has been registered as a shareholder
in the shareholders' register of the Company maintained by Finnish Central
Securities Depository Ltd has the right to participate in the Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders. Holders of nominee registered shares intending to
participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders should notify their
custodian well in advance of their intention and comply with the instructions
provided by the custodian. The registration must be in place on 24 February 2006.

          5 (5)

A shareholder who wishes to participate in the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders must notify the headquarters of the Company of the intention to
participate not later than on 3 March 2006 before 4.45 p.m. to Ms. Maija Jokinen
by e-mail:, by telefax: +358 20 427 2099 (from abroad) 020 427
2099 (in Finland), by mail: P.O. Box 661, FIN-05801 HYVINKÄÄ, or by phone: + 358
20 427 2001 (from abroad) 020 427 2001 (in Finland), or through the Internet: Shareholders are requested to inform the
Company of any proxies for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in
connection with the registration. A model for a proxy is available on the
Internet address mentioned above.

In Hyvinkää, on 15 February 2006
KCI Konecranes Plc
The Board of Directors


Franciska Janzon
IR Manager

Ms Sirpa Poitsalo, Director, General Counsel, tel. +358-20 427 2011

Helsinki Stock Exchange

