Cancellation of Extraordinary General Meeting

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The Board of Directors of Kongsberg Automotive ASA has today received a letter from shareholders Makuria Investment Management (UK) LLP, / Lorenz Manthey, Teleios, Capital Partners LLC /Firas Abi-Nassif and Constructive Capital AS / Lars Odin Mellemseter, which states they have withdrawn their request for an extraordinary general meeting to elect a new board.

The Board of Directors will duly comply with the shareholder group’s request and hereby cancels the previously convened extraordinary general meeting on December 21.

The board of directors looks forward to the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting in March 2016, and is pleased that the Nomination Committee will have time to conduct its work in accordance with good corporate governance.

In Norwegian:

Ekstraordinær Generalforsamling avlyses

Styret i Kongsberg Automotive ASA har i dag mottatt brev fra aksjonærene Makuria Investment Management (UK) LLP, v/ Lorenz Manthey, Teleios, Capital Partners LLC /v Firas Abi-Nassif og Constructive Capital AS v/ Lars Odin Mellemseter hvor de trekker sin begjæring om ekstraordinær generalforsamling til valg av nytt styre. 

Styret avlyser herved den tidligere innkalte ekstraordinære generalforsamlingen 21 desember.   

Styret ser frem til avholdelse av ordinær generalforsamling i mars 2016 og er glad for at valgkomiteen får ro til å arbeide i tråd med god corporate governance.

Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist

Chairwoman of the Board of Directors

Mobile: +46 70-345 61 16


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