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The volumes to the commercial vehicle market in Europe continue to be higher than planned. Lack of production capacity gives KA significant extra costs. The costs in the 2nd quarter are substantially higher than what was reported for the 1st quarter. This is among others caused by higher purchase cost to cover the volumes we are not able to produce in-house. As previously announced new production capacity will not be in place before end of the year. The start of 2008 will therefore to some extent be influence by start-up costs. In relation to introduction of new models, we experience temporary and not planned volume decreases at some of our customers in the passenger car market. In relation to these issues, the result for the 2nd quarter will be lower than expected. The company will give further information at the presentation of the 2nd quarter result on the 18th of July. Kongsberg Automotive Holding ASA The Board of Directors 22. June 2007
