Large Shareholder Report - Kongsberg Automotive

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Please accept this notice that on October 20, 2008, Columbia Wanger Asset Management L.P. (Wanger) sold on behalf of advised clients, shares in the above menitoned issuer listed on the oslo Bors, which caused Wanger`s aggregate interest (for advised clients) in KA to fall below 5%. Wanger is a subsidiary of Bank of America Corp. Wanger is registered as an investment adviser with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the `SEC`). Wanger`s services include advising or sub-advising SEC registered mutual fund portfolios, other investment funds and separate accounts for institutional clients. When providing these investment services for clients, Wanger does not invest with intent to control any issuer. Wanger hereby reports: 1. On October 20,2008 at 10.30am CST, Wanger sold 244,000 shares of KA (of which 6,300 were non- voting shares); 2. The disposal brought Wanger`s aggregate position in respect of advised clients down to 3,163,750 commom shares (of which 3,081,400 voting shares); 3. All shares are beneficially owned by holders of interests of accounts advised by Wanger; 4. We understand that KA`s registered share capital is 65,100,000 shares. The October 20,2008 sale decreased Wanger`s aggregate interest for advised clients to 4.86% (4.73% in voting shares) from 5.26% (5.10% in voting shares); and 5. Wanger does not have any ohter intersts or rights to acquire interests in KA other than as set forht herein.
