Notice of Annual General Meeting
Kongsberg Automotive ASA will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 10:00AM on June 30th 2020. The Notice with relevant appendices follow attached.
Due to the corona pandemic and meeting restrictions, the shareholders are urged not to attend the meeting in person, but to exercise their shareholders' rights through advance voting or by providing a proxy as further described in the notice. For electronic registration of advance voting, please use the link below. The details for the webcast/conference call will be available on our Investor Relations home page prior to the AGM:
Kongsberg Automotive ASA's ordinære generalforsamling (OGF) vil bli avholdt klokken 10:00 den 30. juni 2020. Se innkalling med relevante bilag vedlagt.
Grunnet koronapandemien og møterestriksjoner oppfordres aksjonærer til å ikke møte fysisk på generalforsamlingen. Aksjonærer oppfordres til å forhåndsstemme eller avgi fullmakt ved stemmeinnstruks. For påmelding og forhåndsstemming bruk lenke under. For detaljer rundt webcast/telefonkonferansen, besøk vår IR-hjemmeside i forkant av OGF:
AGM Registration and advance voting - Påmelding til OGF og forhåndsstemming
Kongsberg Automotive ASA
Jon Munthe
General Counsel
+47 901 14 582
Kongsberg Automotive provides world class products to the global vehicle industry. Our products enhance the driving experience, making it safer, more comfortable and sustainable. With revenues of approx. EUR 1.1 billion and approximately 11.000 employees in 19 countries, Kongsberg Automotive is truly a global supplier. The company has more than 25 production facilities worldwide. The product portfolio includes seat comfort systems, driver and motion control systems, fluid assemblies, and industrial driver interface products developed for global vehicle manufacturers. Find more information at