Economic Tendency, November 2010

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The Economic Tendency Indicator rose nearly four points between October and November this year and is consequently again on a par with the record highs in autumn 2000 and spring 2007.

Business: Continued strong growth in business sector

The confidence indicator for the business sector rose eight points between October and November and is considerably above the previous record high in May 2007. This increase is mainly due to the substantial rise in the indicators for the construction industry and the private service sector. (The time series for the business sector confidence indicator only covers the period 2003-2010.)

Consumer: Households slightly less optimistic

Last month the Consumer Confidence Indicator (CCI) fell sharply, after having risen for ten consecutive months. In November the CCI continued to fall, albeit to a lesser extent, from 23.4 to 22.6. The Macro Index fell 1.5 points to 33.7, while the Micro Index remained unchanged on October. All three measures, the CCI, the Macro Index and the Micro Index, are considerably above the historic average.

For more information, contact:

Roger Knudsen, Director of Economic Tendency Survey, phone: +46-8 453 59 06 or +46-70-491 36 04

Maria Andersson, Director of Consumer Tendency Survey, phone: +46-8 453 59 52


Sarah Hegardt Grant, Head of Communications, phone: 46-8-453 59 11

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