Economic Tendency Survey, August 2010

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The Economic Tendency Indicator was unchanged in August on the previous month. It is still at a level signalling that business and consumer sentiment is considerably stronger than normal.

Business: Employment plans less optimistic than previously

The confidence indicator for the business sector fell three points in August, but remains considerably above the historic average. The August decline is mainly due to the fall in the indicators for the retail trade and the private service sector.

Consumer: Households increasingly positive to saving

Household optimism regarding the economy continued to increase in August. The Consumer Confi dence Indicator (CCI), which measures confidence in personal fi nances and the Swedish economy, rose 1.9 points to 25.2 in August. This means that attitudes to the economic situation are considerably more positive than normal. Both the Macro Index and the Micro Index increased in August, the former rising 1.3 points to 38.9 and the latter 1.6 points to 9.8. 

For more information contact:

Roger Knudsen, Director of Economic Tendency Survey, phone: +46-8 453 59 06 or +4670-491 36 04

Maria Andersson, Director of Consumer Tendency Survey, phone: +46-8 453 59 52


Sarah Hegardt Grant, Head of Communications, phone: +46-8-453 59 11

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