Economic Tendency Survey, July 2011

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The Economic Tendency Indicator fell just over 5 points in July and has fallen nearly 10 points since its peak in February. However, it remains somewhat above the average. The decline over the past few months indicates that growth in the Swedish economy has slowed.

Business: Subdued order growth for industry

The confidence indicator for the business sector fell nine points in the second quarter this year and has thus fallen 15 points from its peak in the fourth quarter of 2010. However, it remains considerably above the historic average. The indicators for all sectors of the economy fell in the second quarter.

Consumer: Consumer confidence in Swedish economy increasingly pessimistic

Household optimism slowed sharply in July, but remains stronger than normal. The Consumer Confidence Indicator (CCI), which measures confidence in personal finances and the Swedish economy, fell to 12.0. Since January it has fallen every month except one and is currently nearly 12 points below the January level. The Macro Index fell 11.4 points and the Micro Index rose 0.2 points in July.

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For further information contact:

Roger Knudsen, Head of Economic Tendency Survey, +46-8 453 59 06 or +46-70-491 36 04

Torbjörn Lindquist, Assignments, methods and samples, +46-8 453 59 52

Sarah Hegardt Grant, Head fo Communications, +46-8 453 59 11 or +46-70-267 80 41



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