Economic Tendency Survey, June 2010

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The Economic Tendency Indicator rose two points between May and June this year and has risen just over 40 points from its lowest level in April 2009. It is currently at a level signalling considerably stronger business and consumer sentiment than normal.

Business: Expansionary employment plans in business sector

The confidence indicator for the business sector fell one point in June, but remains considerably above the historic average. The decline in June is due to falls in both the retail trade and the private service sector indicators.

Consumer: Consumer confidence in Swedish economy strengthening

The Consumer Confidence Indicator (CCI), which measures confidence in personal finances and the Swedish economy, rose 3.2 points to 22.0 in June. This means that confidence in the economic situation is considerably more positive than normal. Consumer opinion on the Swedish economy was considerably more positive in June than in May and the Macro Index rose a full 9.3 points to 36.8. Confidence in personal finances is somewhat more pessimistic than the previous month, but the Micro Index remains above average.

For further information contact:

Roger Knudsen, Director of Economic Tendency Survey phone: +46-8 453 59 06 or +4670-491 36 04

Maria Andersson, Director of Consumer Tendency Survey phone: +46-8 453 59 52





Sarah Hegardt Grant Head of Communications National Institute of Economic Research Sweden Phone: +46-8-453 59 11 E-mail:

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