Annual General Meeting in Lagercrantz Group AB 24 August 2005

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At the Annual General Meeting in Lagercrantz Group AB held 24 August 2005 resolutions passed included the following: Dividend A dividend of SEK 0.75 per share was declared. Discharge from liability for the directors and the President & CEO The Meeting granted discharge from liability to the directors and the President & CEO for their management during 2004/2005. Amendment of the Articles of Association The Meeting resolved to amend the limits for share capital to a minimum of MSEK 25 and a maximum of MSEK 100. Board of Directors The Meeting passed a resolution in accordance with the proposal of the Nomination Committee. The following directors were re-elected: Pirkko Alitalo Anders Börjesson Tom Hedelius Per Ikov Lennart Sjölund At the ensuing statutory Board of Directors Meeting, Anders Börjesson was re-elected to serve as Chairman and Tom Hedelius was re-elected to serve as Vice Chairman. Auditors The Meeting passed a resolution in accordance with the proposal of the Nomination Committee and elected the registered auditing firm of KPMG Bohlins AB to serve as the Company’s auditors for the period ending upon adjournment of the regularly scheduled 2009 Annual General Meeting. Election Committee The Meeting passed a resolution in accordance with the proposal of the Nomination Committee on establishing an Election Committee. The Meeting resolved to give the Chairman of the Board of Directors the assignment of contacting the largest shareholders by voting power, not later than 31 December 2005, asking them to appoint members, who together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors would constitute an Election Committee. Cancellation of shares held in treasury The Meeting resolved to reduce the Company’s share capital through cancellation without repayment of 1,500,000 class B shares held by the Company. After registration of the cancellation, the number of shares outstanding will be 24,414,232, of which Lagercrantz Group holds 336,423 class B shares in treasury. Repurchase and transfer of own shares In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, the Meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to acquire and sell shares in the Company, on one or more occasions, such authorisation to remain valid for the period ending on the day of the next following regularly scheduled Annual General Meeting. Purchases shall be made via Stockholmsbörsen (the Stockholm Stock Exchange) at the market price prevailing at the time of purchase. Acquisition of own shares shall be limited so that the Company’s total holding of own shares at no time exceeds 10 percent of the total number of shares in the Company. Shares held in treasury by the Company may be sold with or without invoking preferential rights for the shareholders, but not via Stockholmsbörsen. Sales may be made to finance acquisition of companies or businesses. Next report The interim report for the period 1 April – 30 September 2005 (six months) will be published 8 November 2005. Stockholm, 24 August 2005 Lagercrantz Group AB (publ) Board of Directors For further information, contact: Per Ikov, President & CEO, Lagercrantz Group AB, telephone +46 8 700 66 70. Niklas Enmark, CFO, Lagercrantz Group AB, telephone +46 8 700 66 70.


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