Change in number of shares and votes in Lagercrantz Group AB
The total number of shares and votes in Lagercrantz Group AB, reg. no. 556282-45556 (“Lagercrantz”) has changed in October 2020 consequent upon the Annual General Meeting in Lagercrantz held on 25 August 2020 resolving on a share split (3:1).
Class A shares
Before split Increased by New no. Total no. of votes
3,263,802 6,527,604 9,791,406 97,914,060
Class B shares
66,256,125 132,512,250 198,768,375 198,768,375
In total
69,519,927 139,039,854 208,559,781 296,682,435
Lagercrantz share capital of SEK 48,895,618 remains unchanged and the par value of the share has changed from approximately SEK 0.70 to approximately SEK 0.23.As a result of the share split, the shares in Lagercrantz have changed ISIN codes. The new ISIN code for the A share is SE0014990958 and the new ISIN code for the B share is SE0014990966.
Stockholm, 30 October 2020
Lagercrantz Group AB (publ)
For additional information, contact:
Jörgen Wigh, President & CEO, Lagercrantz Group AB, tel +46 8 700 66 70,
Kristina Elfström Mackintosh, Chief Financial Officer, Lagercrantz Group, tel +46 8 700 66 70,
or the company website at:
This information was made public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980) and was submitted for publication on 30 October 2020 at 09:00 am CET.
Lagercrantz Group is a technology group that offers world-leading, value-creating technology, using either proprietary products or products from leading suppliers. The Group is comprised of almost 60 companies, each with a focus on a specific sub-market – a niche. High value-creation is common to all the companies, including a high degree of customisation, support, service and other services. Lagercrantz Group is active in nine countries in Northern Europe, in China, India and in the USA. The Group has approximately 1,500 employees and annual revenue of approx.. MSEK 4,000. The Company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2001.