Interim report April 1 – December 31, 2004 (9 months)

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• Net revenues for the period April 1– December 31, 2004 (9 months) amounted to MSEK 1,157 (1,160). For the period October 1– December 31 (3 months) net revenues amounted to MSEK 387 (403). • Operating income during April – December amounted to MSEK 6 (23). During the third quarter operating income amounted to MSEK 2 (9). • The result after taxes for the period April – December amounted to MSEK –1 (11). • Earnings per share were SEK –0.04 (0.44) for the period April – December. • Subsidiaries Uniweb AB and Delphi Oy in business area Software and Consulting were sold after the end of the period. The sale resulted in a tax-free capital gain of approximately MSEK 30 on a consolidated basis. The gain will be recognized during the fourth quarter. • After the end of the period costs of approximately MSEK 35 have been announced relating to measures taken to restore profitability in division Electronics. These costs will be recognized during the fourth quarter. For further information, please contact; Per Ikov, CEO, phone +46 (8) 700 66 70 Niklas Enmark, CFO, phone +46 (8) 700 66 70


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