Länsförsäkringar Alliance: Interim report, January – September 2005

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“There is every indication of a record year for the 24 regional insurance companies, which combined form the Länsförskringar Alliance. The earnings trend is very strong within non-life insurance, life assurance and banking, and market positions are being strengthened. We received confirmation in September that the local concept, with proximity to customers, which for many years has formed the foundation for success in insurance, is just as applicable in banking when the SKI (Swedish Quality Index) survey showed for the second consecutive year that we have Sweden’s most satisfied bank customers in the private market”, says Tommy Persson, Managing Director Länsförsäkringar AB, the Group’s jointly-owned company.

Summary • Substantial earnings improvement within non-life insurance operations. The technical result amounted to SEK 2 055 M (1 592) and operating income before tax was SEK 5 672 M (2 034). The combined ratio improved to 89 (92). • Premium income from the life assurance operations rose by 6% to SEK 6,670 M (6,281). The total return was 9.9% (3.1). • Operating income from bank operations improved to SEK 106 M (90) after loan losses. Net interest income rose by 8% to SEK 650 M (604). • For the second consecutive year, Länsförsäkringar Alliance has Sweden’s most satisfied bank customers in the private market, according to SKI (Swedish Quality Index). The Länsförsäkringar Alliance is neither a legal entity nor, in the legal sense of the term, a Group; it is an alliance between 24 independent regional insurance companies that jointly own Länsförsäkringar AB. Länsförsäkringar’s earnings from non-life insurance consist of the sum total of the earnings of the 24 regional insurance companies and of the jointly-owned Länsförsäkringar AB, excluding life assurance and banking. Figures in parentheses refer to the period January – September 2004. The full report is found at: www.lansforsakringar.se/info/In_english For further information, contact: Tommy Persson Managing Director Länsförsäkringar AB +46 8 588 400 00 Christer Baldhagen, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications Länsförsäkringar AB +46 8 588 415 01 +46 70 579 70 66 christer.baldhagen@lansforsakringar.se
