Länsförsäkringar Hypotek: Interim report January – June 2005

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Summary: • Operating income amounted to SEK 16.4 M (16.4). • Lending to the public amounted to SEK 27.2 billion (20.5), up 33% since June 2004. • The market share in terms of lending for private homes and tenant-owned apartments rose to 2.7% (2.4). • Capital adequacy was 12.33% (10.07) and the Tier 1 ratio 9.98% (8.15). • A capital contribution of SEK 315 M was received in the form of an unconditional shareholders’ contribution. • Loan losses remain at a low level. Recovered amounts exceeded losses by SEK 1.7 M (0.5). • The number of home mortgage customers increased by 24% to 77,000 (62,000). Figures in parentheses pertain to January – June 2004. For further information, contact: Anders Borgcrantz, CEO Länsförsäkringar Hypotek + 46 8 588 412 51 + 46 73 964 12 51 anders.borgcrantz@lansforsakringar.se Christer Baldhagen, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications +46 8 588 415 01 +46 70 579 70 66 christer.baldhagen@lansforsakringar.se


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