Länsförsäkringar to commence issuance of covered bonds

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Länsförsäkringar Hypotek will commence the issuance of covered bonds on June 18, 2007. Holders of bonds issued under the Parent Company Länsförsäkringar Bank’s long-term borrowing programs will therefore be offered the opportunity to exchange their holdings to covered bonds issued by Länsförsäkringar Hypotek.

Holdings that can be exchanged are holdings issued under the banks program for issuance of benchmark bonds, MTN-program and EMTN-program. The exchange offer does not include securities issued under Länsförsäkringar Bank’s commercial paper programs.

The offer is valid under the condition that Länsförsäkringar Hypotek receives a triple A rating for it’s secured borrowing.

Exchange offer documentation for the Swedish debt issuance programs will be sent out during week 23 and the final date for acceptance of the offer is June 15, 2007. The corresponding exchange offer for the EMTN program will take place in close connection to this date.

Prospectus can be found under “Finansiellt/För investerare” at www.lansforsakringar.se/info

For further information, please contact:

Anders Borgcrantz, +46 8-588 412 51
President, +46 73-96 412 51
Länsförsäkringar Hypotek AB

Göran Laurén, +46 8-588 410 73
Executive Vice President, +46 73-96 410 73
Länsförsäkringar Hypotek AB

Dag Rosander, +468-588 414 99
Press Officer, +46 73-96 414 99
Länsförsäkringar AB
