All bets are on equine skills

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An agreement between the Scottish Equestrian Association (SEA) and Lantra, the Sector Skills Council supporting the equine industry, was signed to cement their commitment to work together and encourage businesses and individuals to invest in skills.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) acknowledges the partnership between these two organisations and outlines an action plan to engage and motivate industry. Through boosting skills and workforce development, both organisations will help equine businesses adapt to the challenges faced today and in the future. Lantra’s Regional Partnership Manager, Mary Mitchell, said: “Lantra’s agreement with SEA commits us both to work together to support businesses through the promotion and delivery of qualifications and high quality learning opportunities. Lantra and SEA will encourage businesses and individuals to ensure they have the necessary skills to be proactive and adapt to the ever-changing environment. A highly-skilled and committed workforce lies at the centre of a sustainable and profitable equine business.” Lantra and SEA’s agreement outlines working jointly to strengthen links with employers and encourage businesses to participate in research consultations, including the current Modern Apprenticeship review. Employer feedback is vital to ensure learning is appropriate and will offer employees technical knowledge and practical skills needed to work effectively and productively. SEA Chief Executive Muriel Colqhuoun added: “We view our close relationship with Lantra as a key to support the broader interests of the equine industry, training and sport in Scotland. The development of this MoU formalises our commitment and marks the first of many steps towards coherent training provision that meets the demands of equine employers across Scotland. ” Mary continued: “The MoU is a ‘milestone’, rather than an end point. The action plan will be reviewed continuously as industry ‘drivers’ such as policy, climate change, regulation and legislation evolve over the coming years.” For more information about Lantra visit, call 01738 553311 or email For information about the Scottish Equestrian Association visit or call 01563 549802. ENDS Issued by: For further information please contact the Lantra Press Office, Anne Haskell, Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator Tel: 01738 553311 Email Lantra website: For information on courses: EDITOR’S NOTES • Lantra, the Sector Skills Council for the environmental and land-based sector, is licensed by the UK Government to drive forward the new skills, training and business development agenda for the sector. • Lantra represents 17 industries and 1.5 million workers and volunteers in agricultural crops, agricultural livestock, animal care, animal technology, aquaculture, environmental conservation, equine, farriery, fencing, fisheries management, floristry, game and wildlife management, land-based engineering, landscape, production horticulture, trees and timber and veterinary nursing. For more information see • The Scottish Equestrian Association was formed in 1998 and is the Governing Body of Equestrian Sports in Scotland and represents the interests of all equestrian associated activities and industry. The Scottish Equestrian Association is recognised by sportscotland and the Scottish Government as being the Governing Body for Equestrian Sports in Scotland and the Umbrella Body for Equestrian Activities and Industry in Scotland.


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