All you need to know about work experience

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Fancy passing on your wisdom to the next generation through work experience placements but don’t know where to start? To help, Lantra Sector Skills Council is offering a free ‘all you need to know guide’ from today (23 June), giving you the practical advice you need to make that move.

The guide, titled 'Guidance for employers: Getting involved in work experience and work-related learning', gives clear advice on issues from health and safety considerations, to liability and disclosure checks. “We created this guide because we understand the fundamental role work experience plays,” explains Liz Pridgeon, Qualifications and Curriculum Development Manager at Lantra. “It is more important than ever that learners gain the skills, qualifications and experience they need to meet the demands of the future workforce. Employer involvement plays a key role in helping learners meet these demands. “Getting involved with work experience not only benefits the learners but it’s also beneficial for businesses and organisations too. They can help sustain an organisation by being an invaluable source of additional cost-effective labour, and can bring fresh ideas. In addition, it can be a great way of recruiting future employees. I strongly recommend employers download their free copy and start using it today.” Download this helpful document for free by visiting: If you have any queries relating to this guidance document, please email ENDS ISSUED BY: Paula Smyth, Lantra Press Office – or call 028 7963 1304 NOTES TO EDITOR: • Lantra, the Sector Skills Council for the environmental and land-based sector, is licensed by the UK government to drive forward the new skills, training and business development agenda for the sector. • Lantra represents 17 industries and 1.5 million workers and volunteers in agricultural crops, agricultural livestock, animal care, animal technology, aquaculture, environmental conservation, equine, farriery, fencing, fisheries management, floristry, game and wildlife management, land-based engineering, landscape, production horticulture, trees and timber and veterinary nursing. For more information see

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