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With less than one year to go, Lantra Sector Skills Council today (16 June) warned the South East’s foresters not to miss out on getting their hands on part of a staggering £2.1m funding pot.

16 June 2010 PR 1350 Having already helped 8322 farmers, foresters and growers improve their knowledge and skills, LandSkills South East, managed by Lantra on behalf of SEEDA, can still fund a number of training and development activities but only until March 2011. LandSkills South East Programme Manager, Shelley Newton, said: “The great thing about LandSkills is that the programme is extremely flexible so it can be used in a way that is best for you. Since September 2008 LandSkills South East has helped foresters to access a whole range of activities, but as with most funding it doesn’t last forever.” Activities funded through LandSkills South East, which is part of the Rural Development Programme for England, have included chainsaw training and courses in resource efficiency, wood fuel opportunities for charcoal and biomass, sustainable forestry practices, and conservation management, effective marketing, tree and woodland eco-systems and more. Shelley Newton concluded: “Opportunities like this don’t come along too often, so if you have a training need I would encourage you to get in touch now before it’s too late.” Don’t miss out contact LandSkills now on 0845 278 8800, email or visit ENDS Issued by: Lantra Press Office, Vicky Brewin – contact or call 02476 858 417. Editor’s notes LandSkills South East, managed by Lantra Sector Skills Council on behalf of Regional Development Agency SEEDA, is part of the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) which is funded by Defra and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The Rural Development Programme is jointly funded by the EU, through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and the Government. In England, we will also make use of Voluntary Modulation. The RDPE 2007-2013 has a budget of £3.9 billion. This is more than double the budget available for the previous programme which ran from 2000-2006. £3.3 billion of the total budget will be allocated to agri-environment and other land management schemes. This funding will help farmers to manage the land more sustainably and deliver important outcomes on biodiversity, landscape and access, water quality and climate change. Some £600 million will be made available to make agriculture and forestry more competitive and sustainable and to enhance opportunity in rural areas. Lantra, the Sector Skills Council for the environmental and land-based industries, is licensed by the UK government to drive forward the new skills, training and business development agenda for the sector. Lantra represents 17 industries and 1.5 million workers and volunteers in agricultural crops, agricultural livestock, animal care, animal technology, aquaculture, environmental conservation, equine, farriery, fencing, fisheries management, floristry, game and wildlife management, land-based engineering, landscaping, production horticulture, trees and timber and veterinary nursing. For more information see
