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Local businessman, David Linton, has been appointed to represent the agricultural crops industry, and unite with other prominent industry leaders, on Lantra’s new and influential National Council for England.

David, a Director of potato growing and processing business Fylde Fresh and Fabulous in Weeton, Preston, will work with the Council to meet the challenges facing the environmental and land-based sector and shape the future work of Lantra in helping to influence policy and skills development. David Linton, said: “Food production will become increasingly important in the next 20 years. In order to deal with this, the industry needs professionally trained and skilled people, to deliver the country’s food requirements, but in a way that’s sympathetic to the environment. Being part of the National Council for England means I can work with like minded people to make a difference on behalf of industry and ensure it is equipped with the skills needed to meet these future challenges.” Top of the agenda for the group to work on are issues affecting all industries, including continuous professional development, recruitment, retention, career progression and ensuring the sector attracts adequate funding for training and development. Council Chair and Yorkshire farmer Richard Longthorp, added: “The Council will work together to prioritise the needs of the environmental and land-based sector and identify key areas for action. Members like David, bring a wealth of experience and knowledge from their various fields so it won’t be long before the Council starts to make a real difference that helps the sector thrive.” ENDS NOTES TO EDITOR: Issued by: Lantra Press Office, Vicky Brewin – contact england.media@lantra.co.uk or call 02476 858 417. Photo and biography available on request. About Fylde Fresh and Fabulous • Fylde Fresh and Fabulous was established in August 2005. The company was founded by Directors Colin Bradley and David Linton. • The company grows 1000 acres of potatoes and produces peeled potatoes, which go to a number of ready meal manufacturers, who produce own label ready meals for Sainsbury, Tesco, Morrison, Asda, M&S, Heinz and Booths. Another 30% of trade is freshly prepared chips, distributed throughout chip shops in the UK. About Lantra • With its UK-wide remit, Lantra has developed four National Councils in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, which will take responsibility for devising, approving and monitoring its operational plans which contribute to the delivery of the Sector Skills Council’s UK objectives. • In conjunction with Lantra’s National Councils, 17 industry groups will continue to play an important part in Lantra’s work. They will help to develop, implement and monitor industry specific work. • Lantra, the Sector Skills Council for environmental and land-based industries, represents the interests of approximately 166,200 businesses in England which employ around 858,330 employees. Across the whole of the UK, there are 217.000 businesses in the sector which employ 1.1 million people (3.7% of the UK’s workforce). • Lantra is an employer-led organisation, which is licensed by the UK Government to drive forward the skills, training and business development agenda for the 17 industries in the sector. The industries represented are: agricultural crops; agricultural livestock; animal care; animal technology; aquaculture; environmental conservation; equine; farriery; fencing; fisheries management; floristry; game and wildlife management; horticulture, landscaping and sports turf; land-based engineering; production horticulture; trees and timber; and veterinary nursing.
