LDG The Soup Kitchen Diary: Helping the Homeless and Marginally Homeless in Central London

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Providing free meals for 70 vulnerable people a day at present- an increase of 30% last year.

Please donate here: http://www.justgiving.com/whitefield-soupkitchen/Donate/   to help cover our costs!

Greeted by Maria.

Team LDG start their commitment to this worthwhile charity on 23.01.14.

Lina and Laurence were commissioned by head chef to attack the huge bag of bread to be buttered.

9am: The menu today: Sausages, Scrambled eggs, beans on toast and for dessert Flapjack with banana custard

Marion arrives in the kitchen and hits the can of beans for lunch, puts the sausages to bake and Lina starts working on the Banana Custard to serve with the flapjacks.

10am: Meanwhile in the cabin canteen Laurence and Tom are servicing teas, coffees and biscuits before the vegetable soup arrives. On this cold grey morning, the soup goes down a treat so much so that we need to replenish it twice. (Even Laurence had 2 cups)

11:15 am:  The Team starts- serving the main meal delivered to customers.  While Maria was plating the beans, Marion was toasting the bread, Tom was plating the food and Lina was serving the customers and handing over the amazing dessert.


Onwards. Laurence is maintaining the balance by providing teas and coffees to people whilst they scoff their yummy lunch. The visitors are amazingly grateful and polite and we have many interesting chats with various characters about body building, fitness, football and why there is no hot chocolate!!!

11:30am: The cleaning starts ! Heavy duty pans, plates, cutlery, anything dirty goes to wash. While Lina was doing the washing up, Marion was drying and placing it in the cupboards (tomorrow is another day ! ). Nobody complains, the volunteers and staff are pleased to achieve another successful service day in the kitchen, helping the disadvantaged.

It is rewarding see all these people coming back to you and saying thank you.

12:00 am:  The kitchen closes, bread is delivered by courtesy of ARUP and will be ready for spreading by tomorrow.

Day done! Another completed and incredible day, We must say we  were  impressed with the customers, their politeness, always smiling, grateful…well... with one exception but he won’t be coming back evidently.

We will return next month with a new team of volunteers and interesting experiences.

 As part of the community LDG Estate Agents will always be helping the most needed and we will be contributing as long as we can.

We would like to encourage everyone to contribute to the charity as it is only able to continue because of donations.



