The architecture of warehouse construction is becoming more visual

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Lehto Group Plc
Press release
14 January 2021

Lehto Group will construct a new self-service storage facility for Pelican Self Storage in Varisto, Vantaa. Nowadays, storage facilities must be located about five minutes away from customers At the same time, the architecture of these facilities is becoming more
important due to their integration into the cityscape.

Photo: L Arkkitehdit Oy.

By the end of next year, Lehto Group will construct a new self-service storage facility unit for Pelican Self Storage in Varisto, Vantaa. In addition to a traditional self-service storage facility, the plot will include drive-up storage facilities. The combined area of the buildings is about 6,600 m2. The facilities will be suitable for use both by private individuals and as corporate storage locations. Construction work is ongoing and the project will be completed by the end of 2021.

Today, people want to get their self-service warehouse as close to their apartment as possible. Traditionally, the warehouses have been built on the outskirts of agglomerations, but today a warehouse must be found about a five minute drive from the customer’s home. For this reason, the approach taken in the construction of storage facilities is also changing: they are being integrated into the cityscape with visually appealing architectural solutions.

“The self-service storage facility that will be completed in Varisto, Vantaa by the end of 2021 is a good example of the evolution of storage facility construction. The project is being built in a good location alongside Ring Road 3, close to residential areas. Efforts have been made to ensure that its architecture is visually appealing – the facility will stand out to its advantage in a central location. Its good, highly visible location, combined with its impressive architecture, will support the dynamic brand of the company,” says Jukka Pekonen, Sales Director at Lehto Group.

“Similar changes in this business are evident in the other Nordic countries as well, where we have designed Pelican Self Storage facilities. The most spectacular aspect of the façade of the Varisto facility is a glass corner that opens up in the direction of the ring road. We seek to give the building a striking architectural look using simple means. We’ll utilise a similar style at Pelican Self Storage facilities in other countries, too,” says Niklas Sucksdorff, Architect SAFA at L Architects.

”Pelican Self Storage’s growth strategy is to buy or build new facilities like this one in three capital cities of the Nordics: Helsinki, Copenhagen and Stockholm. Our future self storage facility in Varisto has an attractive new design and will be very visible from Ring Road 3. It is going to serve the residential customers north and south of Ring 3, as well as smaller companies that need a flexible storage solutions with good logistics close to the highway.”, says Rune Petersen, Chief Investment Officer at Pelican Self Storage.

Further information:

  • Jukka Pekonen, Sales Director, Lehto Group, Business Premises, tel. +358 (0)40 706 6121
  • Rune Petersen, Chief Investment Officer, Pelican Self Storage, +45 51 85 85 82
  • Niklas Sucksdorff, Architect SAFA, Chair of the Board of Directors, L Architects, +358 (0)40 902 2617

Company information:

Pelican Self Storage is a leading Nordic brand within private and business self storage. We have locations in Denmark, Sweden and Finland, which are all centrally located and easily accessible by car.

Lehto Group PLC:

Lehto is an innovator in the construction sector. We build housing, business premises, care homes and schools. In addition, we carry out pipeline renovations in apartment buildings. Our goal is to transform our industry – to build faster, at a more affordable price and with higher quality. Lehto’s approach to construction is in line with the megatrends in the sector: industrial prefabrication, digitalisation and ecology.


