LGP Allgon Interim Report Jan-Mar 2004
Interim Report January-March 2004 LGP Allgon Holding AB SUMMARY JANUARY-MARCH ·Net sales amounted to MSEK 621.3 (317.2), which is an in crease by 96 percent. It is an increase of 14 percent compared to the first quarter 2003 on a pro forma basis. ·The operating result before items affecting comparability amounted to MSEK 33.7 (6.8). ·The operating result amounted to MSEK 27.0 (-75.2). ·The net profit/loss amounted to MSEK 16.5 (-79.4). ·Cash flow after capital expenditures was positive for the ninth consecutive quarter: MSEK 12.6 (2.9). ·Earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.33 (-2.35). For further information, contact: Bengt Broman, CEO Telephone: +46-8-540 822 31 Mobile: +46-705-70 10 30 E-mail: bengt.broman@lgpallgon.com Claes Silfverstolpe, CFO Telephone: +46-8-540 822 32 Mobile: +46-708-98 83 45 E-mail: claes.silfverstolpe@lgpallgon.com ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/04/26/20040426BIT00030/wkr0001.doc The full report http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/04/26/20040426BIT00030/wkr0002.pdf The full report