GOfers Logistics offer free detailed review of your Chinese Logistics
GOfers Logistics Worldwide is offering a detailed review of customers’ Chinese logistic processes. This free service will entail reviewing all current channels of distribution, providing detailed cost and performance data both existing and comparative. GOfers Logistics, based in Cambridge UK, pride themselves on being experts in all things China. Your expert for this area of business providing bespoke solutions, improving supply chains and creating delivery solutions that work. Door to Door - Port to Port. GOfers assure their customers of freedom from day to day freight problems, allowing them to focus on their core business and realise the full benefits of doing business in China. Richard Marriott, MD of GOfers Logistics Worldwide stated, ‘in our experience, particularly when customers’ start to do business in China, they don’t always get the best service or most competitive rates. In conducting a detailed review we can identify areas of improvements and often considerable cost savings.’ GOfers Logistics are full members of the World Cargo Alliance. A Global Partnership that enables logistics power across 170 countries. Their legalised customs agent status allows them to deal directly with the airlines, negotiating, buying and clearing goods in one process. To take advantage of this limited review offer contact GOfers Logistics on +44 (0) 333 600 1000 or email info@goferslogistics.com. www.goferslogistics.com