Isn’t it about time your website was found on the web?

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SEO Fixed Monthly Price – no Upfront Costs

New Year, new resolutions. A time to consider where you are and where you really want to be?

Many businesses at this time of year review their marketing strategies, agonise over how they should promote themselves to best advantage. What will work?

You have a website, it looks good but it never generates any enquiries. Why doesn’t it work when it is plainly there....? The reality is that the majority of SME sites are not optimised for the product and service keywords that your business provides. If a potential customer does not know you what words will they put into Google? ‘Solicitor Cambridge’ or ‘Burglar Alarms?’ The lists are literally endless.

Google however is a very competitive place, it is not easy to get found on the web and with the advent of algorthim changes including Panda and Penguin, it has got a lot harder. You need an expert, DIY is just not going to cut it.

Successful SEO requires both on and off page optimisation. Firstly understanding the keywords and applying those keywords to individual pages on your site. This often requires the site to be re-structured and re-written.

After that you need regular off page optimisation including link building, directory registration and social media activity.

Times are hard however and at Lilac we recognise that companies struggle to find the upfront on page optimisation costs. To counteract this we have devised fixed monthly SEO packages that include full on page optimisation, ongoing off page work, monthly SEO activity and quarterly progress checks.

Fixed monthly packages start at £200 per month with no upfront costs:

So what is included?

  • Full KWR and online strategy recommendation
  • Full on page optimisation including optimised copy, meta data, URLS and links
  • ½ day quality link building per month including niche directories, article marketing, and guest posting and blog responses.
  • Monthly social media activity to generate keyword and brand awareness.
  • Monthly ranking and back link reports
  • Quarterly KWR, Google analytics report and project review

Recommendations and testimonials can be found on our linked in profile or our website

You will also find us on page 1 of Google for ‘SEO Cambridge!’, 'SEO Bedford' & 'SEO Peterborough'

If you would like a FREE SEO Health Check on your website contact a member of our friendly team today. Outside of that – have a great year!

Karen James

T: 01480 219355


