Quality Care Connect Launches New Website for Elderly Care Sector

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Quality Care Connect is a new national business based in Cambridge, launched by Tom Knell, an entrepreneur with many years experience in the care industry. “I founded Quality Care Connect because I wanted to offer care seekers trusted options when looking for care. With people living longer than ever before, caring for the elderly is something we will all have to consider at some point in our lives. Dealing with this difficult issue at the same time as trying to understand the complexities of the care system, can be stressful. Quality Care Connect offer help and guidance to families during their time of need”.

Whether you are looking for care homes in Cambridgeshire or looking for a home carer you can trust, Quality Care Connect can help individuals and their families. By offering straight forward step by step advice the processes of needs assessment and funding become easy to understand. The needs of the individual guide the type of care needed and QCC offer explanations on the choice of care available.

Quality Care Connect can help you understand the different levels of care on offer. Residential care homes are suitable for those who don’t need nursing care but may need support with dressing and washing. Whereas, nursing homes that have a higher proportion of qualified nursing staff, offer a greater level of specialist care.

Quality Care Connect also advises on the difficult area of funding. Giving explanations of funding for residential care and care at home in a language that’s easy to understand, allows families and individuals get to grips with the help available to them. Their strength is in offering quality information in bite size chunks along with quality vetted care providers. In doing so, Quality Care Connect put the control back in the hands of the individuals and their families.

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